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Rock Flower Anemone Information and Appreciation Thread


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So finally some cool RFA's showed up in the UK. Haven't seen them for a while here so ended up picking up 6. I read about placing them in PVC end caps which i've tried but there looking a bit lost in there. I mainly did it for ease of moving them as i'm getting a new tank in a week or so. Now i'm wondering how hard they will be to remove from the caps. Anyway pics of additions taken through an orange filter as i read in this thread - pics are very true to actual colours.











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If they've connected to it then yeah, you'll have to remove them. I'd stick them on the sand, if they connect it's easy sliding a credit card or driver's license under them, waiting for a little give and they come up.

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Nice nems!


If you can slide your finger into the cap you can slowly tease the foot off the PVC by rubbing the edge of the foot. This is easier to do when their foot is on something smooth like the PVC than on rock. Alternatively you can also hold the PVC fitting upsidedown outside of water for 5-15 minutes. The nems will often let go with their foot when this is done.

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Can these things sense where other ones are located? In the past I had some move and they went right to other adult ones and no where else along the way. Couple days ago I had two of med size ones move same day. Guess where they went? Right next to the adult ones. These guys haven't moved in months and find odd they moved same day. Don't know if breeding time coming again or something.

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I have always felt they sensed each other. And it seems so purposeful when they move. I believe they're very social, forming small groups. Read that even babies will gravitate towards each other. I'm really looking forward to having mine all together again in the 40g when I set it up. I hate they're split in the 20g and 34g. I love the natural look of Gertie's tank. I just want them all together.

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My new tank comes tomorrow so over the next week i will be moving stock over - this will be my attempt at breeding rock flower anemones. Tank is 24" wide by 20" long and only 8 inches high. Planning on having crushed coral substrate, no skimmer just growing chaeto in back chamber for nutrient control.Thanks for the tip about leaving them upsidedown out of water, that's something else i can consider doing. Looking forward to getting my nem collection all together, i have 15 now!

Nice nems!


If you can slide your finger into the cap you can slowly tease the foot off the PVC by rubbing the edge of the foot. This is easier to do when their foot is on something smooth like the PVC than on rock. Alternatively you can also hold the PVC fitting upsidedown outside of water for 5-15 minutes. The nems will often let go with their foot when this is done.

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Ooooh, I love the yellow one w/ red around it. Really stands out.


This was one of the first i bought, been with me about 2 years or so. My latest one is the greeny one next to the pink in the picture, its green/blue and almost transparent - not seen any like it before. So want them to breed, would love to see what different morphs i could get.

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My nems have been acting real strange again lately and guessing might have some more on way.


What have they been doing? Be nice to know what i should be looking out for lol

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I recently added a pair of peppermint shrimp to my tank, and that may have been a huge mistake. Today I checked on the tank, and found one of my rock flowers missing from it's usual spot at the bottom of a rock, which it had never before moved from. At that moment a peppermint shrimp popped out and then back into a burrow under the rock right where the RFA used to be. Any idea what could have happened? I have since found on google where peppermint shrimp can bug RFAs, but if they are afraid of big aiptasia, I don't see how they would eat an RFA, even a quarter-sized one such as the ones I have.


In any case, I have decided that the peppermints must go. Since there are no fish in the tank, I have moved my pseudocorynactis over from my mushroom tank. Let them try to mess with IT! :haha:


If that doesn't work, I'll try the old food-in-a-fish-net trick, but I fear I may have to tear down the rock to get them out, to say nothing of finding my RFA :(

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Frootbat, my guess is that the shrimp pissed it off enough to move somewhere else. If you take apart the rocks to get the shrimp out, check on the underside of the rocks for your anemone.


I doubt that it was actually eaten. However, I refuse to keep peppermint shrimp in my tanks. If you want to keep a cleaner shrimp in your tank, I recommend a blood red fire shrimp.

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Yeah, my friend had her peppermints eating rfas. Yeah, I'd remove.



Frootbat, my guess is that the shrimp pissed it off enough to move somewhere else. If you take apart the rocks to get the shrimp out, check on the underside of the rocks for your anemone.


I doubt that it was actually eaten. However, I refuse to keep peppermint shrimp in my tanks. If you want to keep a cleaner shrimp in your tank, I recommend a blood red fire shrimp.


If it did move under a rock somewhere, I may have to leave him there, it might be too hard to get him out from the rock safely.


I built a couple of traps like this one:



hopefully it works. If they haven't been caught by this weekend I'll just pull all the rocks in the tank out and catch them, but if I have to resort to that, they may end up in my mushroom tank. Hard lesson learned about these little buggers. Frankly I think I'd rather deal with the occasional aiptasia polyp.

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My (former) peppermint shrimp was eating my RFA. It was almost dead before I figured it out. Now that the shrimp is out of the tank, the RFA is recovering nicely.

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Oh, and I'm totally using this as a rationalization for ordering more rock flowers from Morgan. I think I may as well just resign myself to the fact that my tank will be all zoas and RFAs.

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