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Nanofreak's Z'z & P'z Paradise....


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I almost bought a piece of sps from legendary, but then came to and spent it on weeds. Lmao. My strawberry short cake died awhile ago...it will be missed.

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I almost bought a piece of sps from legendary, but then came to and spent it on weeds. Lmao. My strawberry short cake died awhile ago...it will be missed.


I almost did to, but when I buy a yellow sps I like it to actually be yellow.... it was still a nice looking piece just ended up not being what I wanted.


I lose my SSC when the old tank blew, so I need to get ahold of my friend one of these days and see if he still has his.

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Check out CC and PEA for sps CC is pricey but such gorgeous pieces and PEA has super nice frags for cheap . Just everything is shot under day bulb s or in the greenhouse so they don't have amazing colors.


Too bad I cant house sps yet, id just buy a bunch of frags and ship them to you (with your monies of course ;) )

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Check out CC and PEA for sps CC is pricey but such gorgeous pieces and PEA has super nice frags for cheap . Just everything is shot under day bulb s or in the greenhouse so they don't have amazing colors. Too bad I cant house sps yet, id just buy a bunch of frags and ship them to you (with your monies of course ;) )
I love when other people spend my money. I think I've seen there outdoor thing before, maybe in a thread? Not sure. Most of the few pieces I have came from fellow reefers.


I almost did to, but when I buy a yellow sps I like it to actually be yellow.... it was still a nice looking piece just ended up not being what I wanted. I lose my SSC when the old tank blew, so I need to get ahold of my friend one of these days and see if he still has his.
I want drab browned out pieces.....I guess everyone has a standard.
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Hahahaha, the lfs I went to yesterday.... wow their sps frag system was KILLER !!!! I drooled over it for about 30 minutes lol

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Check out CC and PEA for sps CC is pricey but such gorgeous pieces and PEA has super nice frags for cheap . Just everything is shot under day bulb s or in the greenhouse so they don't have amazing colors. Too bad I cant house sps yet, id just buy a bunch of frags and ship them to you (with your monies of course ;) )


Yeah I been half considering just driving down to CC and picking up some shit, save on shipping that way atleast right lol.... PEA seems to have alot of the same shit over and over..... nice but not quite what I am looking for whenever I look.




I am pretty picky when it comes to sps tho..... :wacko:


All my LFS suck. The only decent one wants you to take it in the pooper for decent sps.


Yeah I won't step foot in my LFS, ####in douche! I don't mind paying a nice amount for healthy sweet sps, but my asshole is off limits. lol

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Legendary Corals

14196982089_252ffef55c.jpg20140609-112838-2 by -Nanofreak79-


I'm also getting my clementines, luscious pinks, darth mauls x nightmare and cat eyes. Hopefully you can visualize those until I get them. The pic should hold you over. W

Sorry that took so long bro! Hopefully I'll get an updated pic with the new replacements soon.

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I don't. I need some too. It's amazing that tcmas members won't give it up for free. Trust me they have some. I've had trouble even posting a buy thread for it. If you find any LMK. All I need is a small piece......it grows, lol.


I still have your number. I'll be going to SWE soon. Of you don't have I by then I'll buy the fisflul and share it with you. We will have to meet at the bowling alley. Lmao

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They were called splattered melons. I got them from coralgardensaquaculture. They basically were a morph, that's now changing back to whammin watermelons. To bad I paid more than what I should have for a $3 per polyp zoa. Oh well. You win some lose some.


$1 :)


Give them more light.


Here's a frag that came from the same colony yours did. Pic was snapped about 10 minutes ago :). The plug below has today's date on it, although not clearly. Sorry, sharpies don't work particularly well on rough surfaces.







If you can find this morph for $3 pp I'd suggest you buy every single one you can. Last I checked, the going rate for these was around $50 pp. I'm pretty sure you paid considerably less than that ;). Any zoa (or coral in general) can, and will morph from one tank to the next. You know that as well as I do. Rather than insinuating that you "over paid" and essentially saying that you were ripped off (passive aggressively) maybe you should have contacted me and asked what conditions I keep my splattered melons in to keep the coloration :). No?


As passive aggressive as your post may have been, it's really not fair. I know you have personal issues with me although I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I did absolutely nothing wrong. If you have a legitimate complaint with me or my products then fire away. However, as minuscule as this may be, it's a far stretch and an unwarranted cheap shot. Smh... is enough not enough?

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I don't. I need some too. It's amazing that tcmas members won't give it up for free. Trust me they have some. I've had trouble even posting a buy thread for it. If you find any LMK. All I need is a small piece......it grows, lol.


I still have your number. I'll be going to SWE soon. Of you don't have I by then I'll buy the fisflul and share it with you. We will have to meet at the bowling alley. Lmao



Ya that would be sweet, I think petland (next to the bowling alley) has some but its sketchy in there. SWE is pricey for it $15 iirc, for something that grows and gets tossed. If you pick some up I will happily give "buy" half of it off you. I had a thread on TCMAS and no bites... wtf ?

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Give them more light. Here's a frag that came from the same colony yours did. Pic was snapped about 10 minutes ago :). The plug below has today's date on it, although not clearly. Sorry, sharpies don't work particularly well on rough surfaces. https://flic.kr/p/nV5yP8'>14384157245_b74e6b3428_z.jpghttps://flic.kr/p/nCB3Pa'>14197724367_14bc3be3e1_z.jpg If you can find this morph for $3 pp I'd suggest you buy every single one you can. Last I checked, the going rate for these was around $50 pp. I'm pretty sure you paid considerably less than that ;). Any zoa (or coral in general) can, and will morph from one tank to the next. You know that as well as I do. Rather than insinuating that you "over paid" and essentially saying that you were ripped off (passive aggressively) maybe you should have contacted me and asked what conditions I keep my splattered melons in to keep the coloration :). No? As passive aggressive as your post may have been, it's really not fair. I know you have personal issues with me although I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I did absolutely nothing wrong. If you have a legitimate complaint with me or my products then fire away. However, as minuscule as this may be, it's a far stretch and an unwarranted cheap shot. Smh... is enough not enough?
I'm done with you and lawnman. Please refrain from stirring the pot. I stay out of your guys threads and don't stoop to causing more trouble. You guys need help. I'm here to have fun and report on my tanks. If you don't like my posts I'm sorry. I disagree with you and think your reading to much into this. I've moved on and so should you. I don't need drama in my thread. Thank you. Oh, and there whammin watermelons just to be clear.


Ya that would be sweet, I think petland (next to the bowling alley) has some but its sketchy in there. SWE is pricey for it $15 iirc, for something that grows and gets tossed. If you pick some up I will happily give "buy" half of it off you. I had a thread on TCMAS and no bites... wtf ?
Tcmas has always been weird. You know someone has some, and it grows like a weed. I'll hit you up if I go and pick some up. :)
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I'm done with you and lawnman. Please refrain from stirring the pot. I stay out of your guys threads and don't stoop to causing more trouble. You guys need help. I'm here to have fun and report on my tanks. If you don't like my posts I'm sorry. I disagree with you and think your reading to much into this. I've moved on and so should you. I don't need drama in my thread. Thank you. Oh, and there whammin watermelons just to be clear.


Tcmas has always been weird. You know someone has some, and it grows like a weed. I'll hit you up if I go and pick some up. :)



Honestly I am not a big fan of TCMAS other than the classifieds, I find more knowledge on (inter)national boards. The fact they require participation is a bit of a turn off.

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I didn't renew my membership. I don't even go on there anymore. Like you I find more info and fun elsewhere.

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I'm done with you and lawnman. Please refrain from stirring the pot. I stay out of your guys threads and don't stoop to causing more trouble. You guys need help. I'm here to have fun and report on my tanks. If you don't like my posts I'm sorry. I disagree with you and think your reading to much into this. I've moved on and so should you. I don't need drama in my thread. Thank you. Oh, and there whammin watermelons just to be clear.


I'm not here to stir any pots man, just defending myself. Had you not taken that cheap shot I would not have posted anything at all. As previously stated, if you have a legitimate complaint then I welcome the criticism. That's only fair. It's quite ironic that I've never heard anything of this "issue" prior to the post you made. What's even more intriguing is the fact that up until about a week ago you had a pending $300+/- order with me. You remember, the one you had me hold for just shy of a month only to back out on the day before payment was to be made (with no forewarning, I'd like to add). If you felt that you were taken advantage of then why place the order in the first place?


It's funny how you try to make me out to be this psychotic person that has it out for you. I've bent over backwards for you and given you beyond fair deals on everything you've ever got from me, have I not? I really don't appreciate the public slander that is again, unwarranted. I'll refrain from posting any further details of our "disagreement". On that, you really should take a good look within yourself before you start diagnosing those that "need help".


Anyway man, as I stated in PM, there really was no conspiracy against you. I made the details perfectly clear. Whether or not you choose to accept them is up to you. However, I really can't understand why you're so upset with me. I even told you that it wasn't a big deal and that I wasn't upset about it. You on the other hand, well, I really just don't get it...Whatever man, you can be done with me, that's cool. I just ask that you keep things in perspective and reread my PM's...I mean, actually read them, without prejudice.. Maybe hindsight will make things clear. I assure you, there was no ill will involved. I honestly don't operate like that (and although I can really only speak for myself, I'm confident that Lawn doesn't either :)) Good luck with everything man, I'll see ya around :).

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Go away dude. Your a chop shop plain and simple. I refuse to do this back and forth. Why even come in here and be a dick? You obviously are butt hurt.


The cheap shot being what? That I got whammin watermelons?

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Go away dude. Your a chop shop plain and simple. I refuse to do this back and forth. Why even come in here and be a dick? You obviously are butt hurt.


The cheap shot being what? That I got whammin watermelons?


Cool. I'm a chop shop that you've ordered from multiple times. One that you had a large pending order with up until very recently. One that you even went to the extent of having my business advertised in your sig...for months...


Seriously man, what's the problem? I'm not at all being a dick...about anything. If anyone has a reason to be upset by all of this it's me. And as you stated in PM, "it's just coral". I agree with that statement 100%. It really isn't a big deal bro, why all of the hate? There are much bigger things in life than our little boxes of sw. Honestly, I consider a lot of the members here friends (including you), and I suppose that's why this whole thing bothers me so much.


For the record, I came here because it was brought to my attention (by more than one person) that you were subtly slamming me and my name. It's also been brought to my attention that it's not only going on in this thread, but I have yet to look into that.


It's a watermelon, you win. Can this whole thing be done now? Please?

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Have fun on your witch hunt bro. I've said nothing about you. I said something about the whammin watermelons. I'm sorry that bothers you. Please just go away and quit causing more trouble. Thanks! I don't know what operatives your getting your info from but they need a new hobby. Anyway, I'll be ignoring your ignorant rants from here forth, so speak on.

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Neutral 3rd party, here....



I don't care what was said, or how it happened.



But... That green zoa, morph or not, is NOT a "Whammin' Watermelon" aka "Eagle Eye".

There's just NO way.


They are EVERYWHERE in Nor-Cal.

I've seen them in hundreds of tanks.

Never seen anything close to that morph.


I've said nothing about you. I said something about the whammin watermelons. I'm sorry that bothers you.

C'mon man.... You know damn well what you insinuated. ;)

Man up on that sh*t.


You called Glenn out... Thats why he's here.

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