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The godfather of Pico, El Fab, defined pico as less than 5g.


PicoAquariums might be a good fit...think they are cranking out awesome low iron glass shallow 5g...as well as a wealth of AIO and nekkid tank.


Chris is a cool and talented guy as well.

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The godfather of Pico, El Fab, defined pico as less than 5g.


PicoAquariums might be a good fit...think they are cranking out awesome low iron glass shallow 5g...as well as a wealth of AIO and nekkid tank.


Chris is a cool and talented guy as well.

Awe...bummer. I like being in the pico forum :(. Well, I want to go bigger than 5g because I don't think 2 extra gallons would be worth the effort of the transfer. PicoAquariums sounds expensive. I'm hoping to keep this $50 or under if at all possible!!!!! Nothing fancy about the aquarium, no low iron, it will have a rim, etc. I'll see what I can find out today.

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You could move the big RFAs out and keep the little one for babies, if you can remove them.

That's definitely an option, but most likely I won't keep the picotope running.

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In that case, buy a 20B and post it in the pico forum...don't leave us!


Keep pico as frag tank then sell me stuff. Need purp monticap, capt muricas, and nuke greens!

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Hard to tell about the baby you had. Mine is partly in a little hole, has a fat tube, but yours seemed to have this height to it and had much fuller tentacles. I remember the more everyone looked at it everyone was saying aptasia later. You never saw it again? I didn't know you had multiple births. Who's to say it's still not in there, somewhere? Possible, right?

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In that case, buy a 20B and post it in the pico forum...don't leave us!


Keep pico as frag tank then sell me stuff. Need purp monticap, capt muricas, and nuke greens!

I'll keep this thread going if I do the transfer. It will just be 8g instead of 3g :D. I won't leave :flower:

Hard to tell about the baby you had. Mine is partly in a little hole, has a fat tube, but yours seemed to have this height to it and had much fuller tentacles. I remember the more everyone looked at it everyone was saying aptasia later. You never saw it again? I didn't know you had multiple births. Who's to say it's still not in there, somewhere? Possible, right?

When mine was flat, it looked very similar to yours. This is what I can remember of it. It definitely had me fooled. It just disappeared. No idea where it went. I only ever found the one, not multiples. It could still be in there. Maybe when I transfer things I'll find it. If I transfer :).
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I'll keep this thread going if I do the transfer. It will just be 8g instead of 3g :D. I won't leave :flower:

When mine was flat, it looked very similar to yours. This is what I can remember of it. It definitely had me fooled. It just disappeared. No idea where it went. I only ever found the one, not multiples. It could still be in there. Maybe when I transfer things I'll find it. If I transfer :).


I would love it if you had babies!!

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Don't leave me here in pico land :tears:


I kid - I think a slightly larger tank would be great - it would give your livestock a bit more breathing room. I think technically under 8 is what some people consider a pico. I'm of the 5.5 and under kind of mindset.


You could make this little pico a QT for coral or something?

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heh....suuuuuuuuuure =P

No....really!!!! :blush:

Don't leave me here in pico land :tears:


I kid - I think a slightly larger tank would be great - it would give your livestock a bit more breathing room. I think technically under 8 is what some people consider a pico. I'm of the 5.5 and under kind of mindset.


You could make this little pico a QT for coral or something?

If I do this, not sure if I'll do anything with the picotope. It will probably go back into storage. I won't get rid of it, I like it too much for that. But would set it up in the future, I'm sure :).


Looks like it will definitely be under $50 to get this made. I'll know on Mon or Tues. I upped the dimensions a bit to 15 x 14 x 10H. I want to be able to use that HOB surface skimmer which is unusable right now. That would make it 9 gallons. Maybe I should have done 14x14x10....it would be a cube :). I can always change it. I haven't ordered anything yet. I think that would be back to 8 gallons.

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Cool! Acrylic or glass?

Glass. They'll even include a screen top which is nice not to have to make myself. I'm still sad about doing an upgrade though. It's going to be so much bigger and I really love this little pico. But those poor flowers need more space :(.


Maybe I should rethink my dimensions....ugh.

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I like the size you're chosen, more room on the bottom.

Yeah...more space is definitely needed. I may or may not add one more piece of live rock. I have to wait and see how it looks with the rock I already have. More sandbed will be nice.


Don't be me and overthink. Do what's best for your livestock. If you can get the tank for 50 do it.

You're right...I shouldn't overthink this. I'll just go with what I thought initially. Thanks, T :).

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i dont think there can be any cons to a bigger tank......but you should still keep this one! it's doing so well. maybe turn it to be a ric garden??????

I could. I do love ricordea and having a dedicated tank would be cool.


I'm still thinking about altering the dimensions of the new tank for the rock flowers. It would be 14x13x10 or 13x13x10 OR 14x14x10. Those are the choices. For the space it's going in, I'm concerned 15" would be overwhelming LOL. It's a small space ;).


edit: leaning toward 14x14x10. That would be 8.48 gallons and a cube :). Close enough to keep it in the pico forum ;).

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Wow,wow and wow!! I've have just found both of your threads and read them from start to finish! You go girl :) you have achieved some amazing looking coral and your tanks are amazing! I'm in the uk and just wanted to ask you a teeny tiny question, I would love to invest in a razor but at them moment I can't afford one, I have set up a little fluval spec v, and I want to get a new light as I have learnt from your threads that I'm using one but it's not strong enough to grow my coral, I know you have used the par30 or 38, sorry I can't remember :) I was just wondering what you think of these LEDs as I want to change mine so I can have good coral growth, I think I might of researched a bit to much into the led lights because I'm soo confused now, you know how it goes when you research too much then when you think one thing another will pop up and change your mind completely! Thanks soooo much

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Hah...thanks so much!!!! :D


I'm using the Par30. It's a fantastic light. I've only grown softies with it so I don't know how it'd be with something like SPS. But from all I've read, it will grow everything. I have nothing bad to say about the light. I love my Razor too. No complaints at all.


I wish I could be more helpful with LEDs, but lighting is still such a mystery to me technologically speaking. Every light I've ever tried (I've had them all at some point) has been great. LEDs are my favorite though. Then MH, then T5, then PC :).


Thanks for visiting and posting in my thread!!!!

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