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Shadow's 16G Disaster. Fumigation Poisoned the Tank and Crashed It.


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I love the more aggressive fish you chose :D


Sorry about the car and the hobbling :(


Thanks Tam. The damsel tried to pick on my YCG the first time around, but the lil' yellow fella stood up to him, and they're now best buds. :P


I'll probably get the Clown Blenny, but put it in my 12G instead of the 30G. :)


And no worries - the kid's father called my dad just now and promised to bank in some money. Even though it's a tiny amount, my car will be in the shop for 1 week and that's what sucks. No more free trips to the LFS for the next one week for me. :(

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My new Elegance coral! :)





My Goni has bounced back to recovery and is doing exceptionally well too! :)






FTS on 15/12/2013




And yup. Today is the 15/12/2013 = my Birthday! :) The Elegance was a special gift from my mom, and cost me $120. :)


Thanks for watching! :)

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:) The Elegance was a special gift from my mom, and cost me $120. :)


Nice b'day pressie :) Haven't figured out how it cost you money if your mom got it you though lol.

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Happy Birthday! That elegance is nice!! Sorry to hear about the car. :(


Thanks Sunar! And yeah, it sucks about the car, but nothing much could be done. I'm not sure those kids even had a license to drive. :\


Happy bday and nice elegance!


I wish someone would hit my car... I hate that thing.


Thanks Chew! And you always make me laugh lol. :P


Nice b'day pressie :) Haven't figured out how it cost you money if your mom got it you though lol.


Thanks Dana, and it's amazing. The Elegance certainly adds a lot of color to the tank. And technically we split the cost about 70/30, so it did cost me money...a bit. :P




That it most certainly is, 1.0. :P


Best wishes to you today and every day. :flower:


Thanks! :)


Looking awesome, happy bday!


Thank you so much, Tam! :D


Happy birthday! :)


Thanks Angel! :)

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Okay, I feel edgy. It's been three days since I've all but parted with my tank (I'm up north, spending Christmas with my grandmother and relatives) and although I have a timer and autofeeder in place, I'm worried a thunderstorm might take the power out and nuke the tank. What are the odds of the whole system going bust in the event of a pump/filter failure? I'm asking because I have easily 2K worth of livestock and equipment in the tank.


This blows.



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Just wanted to swing by and wish everyone a Blessed Christmas! :D


The moment of truth regarding my tanks will come around in approximately six to eight hours time, when we drive back south and reach home. Sincerely hope that everything is doing fine. :)

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Just wanted to swing by and wish everyone a Blessed Christmas! :D


The moment of truth regarding my tanks will come around in approximately six to eight hours time, when we drive back south and reach home. Sincerely hope that everything is doing fine. :)


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I think you'll be fine. The odds of something failing are pretty slim, the odds of something failing while you're not there are even more slim.

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I think you'll be fine. The odds of something failing are pretty slim, the odds of something failing while you're not there are even more slim.


Thanks Chew, for those comforting words. My parents kept assuring me that they'll be okay. Honestly, the best Christmas gift right now would be returning home to a tank teeming with life (and preferably no deaths). :)


Have a blessed day ahead as well.

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I'm sure it'll be fine also! Have a merry Christmas yourself, Shadow! Though yours is mostly over! :)


Haha, thank you Sunar! Have a blessed Christmas as well! :)


How's the tank shadow?


I'll be honest - it looked like a train wreck and nearly gave me a heart attack.


I expected diatoms and maybe a teeny bit of algae, but I came back home to discover that my ATO wasn't working, so I had only an inch of water left in the sump tank below. Salinity was 1.030, and the casualty was a Saron Shrimp and possibly a Dwarf Hermit. Corals were severely pissed off, and I doubt my leather and smallest goni made it, but only time will tell. I did a minor water change and topped off the water in the sump with pure, decholorinated DI.


I also spotted early signs of Cyano on the sandbed, and siphoned as much of it out as possible, and stirred the bed gently with my baster tip. Turns out my autofeeder wasn't regulating pellets properly, and instead of periodically releasing a small pinch of pellets every 24 hours, it released a giant mound of food. That's half a packet of Hikari Marine S, so that could be the primary cause of the Cyano. I siphoned the sandbed as much as I could, and scrubbed the glass as much as I could as well.


Mercifully everything else appears to be intact. Only thing my Elegance and Octofrogspawn doesn't look too happy either. :(


I'm getting a new ATO sometime tomorrow. Thankfully the system didn't crash on me. All my fish and inverts are fine (except for that one shrimp), so I'm considering it as the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten. Phew.

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Haha, thank you Sunar! Have a blessed Christmas as well! :)




I'll be honest - it looked like a train wreck and nearly gave me a heart attack.


I expected diatoms and maybe a teeny bit of algae, but I came back home to discover that my ATO wasn't working, so I had only an inch of water left in the sump tank below. Salinity was 1.030, and the casualty was a Saron Shrimp and possibly a Dwarf Hermit. Corals were severely pissed off, and I doubt my leather and smallest goni made it, but only time will tell. I did a minor water change and topped off the water in the sump with pure, decholorinated DI.


I also spotted early signs of Cyano on the sandbed, and siphoned as much of it out as possible, and stirred the bed gently with my baster tip. Turns out my autofeeder wasn't regulating pellets properly, and instead of periodically releasing a small pinch of pellets every 24 hours, it released a giant mound of food. That's half a packet of Hikari Marine S, so that could be the primary cause of the Cyano. I siphoned the sandbed as much as I could, and scrubbed the glass as much as I could as well.


Mercifully everything else appears to be intact. Only thing my Elegance and Octofrogspawn doesn't look too happy either. :(


I'm getting a new ATO sometime tomorrow. Thankfully the system didn't crash on me. All my fish and inverts are fine (except for that one shrimp), so I'm considering it as the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten. Phew.

not bad. Sorry about the shrimp tho :/

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not bad. Sorry about the shrimp tho :/


Ouch, that stinks! :( Thankfully the losses seem to be minimal.


Yeah, my dad was a little upset over it. He called it the ninja shrimp since it was lightning fast. Right now I'm hoping my Goni, Elegance and Toadstool will make it. It might take a week or two, but I hope they bounce back. Looks like I'll be siphoning more Cyano out of the tank later though. Hmm.

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Hopefully everything else will recover soon with your good husbandry.


Thank you, 1stimereefer. I'm happy to say that I re-discovered my Saron shrimp today morning!!! Turns out what I pulled out was a eerily similar molt, and he's still lingering around my Palys/LR pieces. One of the crabs however, did die, because I couldn't find him even after scoping out the tank with a flashlight. :(


I'll keep my mouth shut next time. :( Looks like my luck rubbed off on you. Sorry.


No, no, Chew! It wasn't your fault! The shrimp survived!!! It was a molt that I spotted (and later pulled out), but one of the crabs really did die. Couldn't find a body, but I did find his shell. :(


Nevertheless, both my Gonis are slowly recovering and extending their polyps, my shrooms are finally expanding, and the leather has made a full comeback. Right now, it's my Elegance and Octofrogspawn that worries me the most. *le gasp*


I've decided that the next time I'm going for a prolonged holiday - one that extends a week or more - I'll temporarily store all my corals alone at my LFS. Like a sort of coral hotel (with rent payment), and then reclaim the corals when I'm back. I'll only leave the fish in the DT, and keep the lights fully off. That way I needn't worry at all if something goes terribly wrong (and I won't risk losing over 1K of livestock either). I'll check with my LFS first and see if they agree. Otherwise I'll try to get a friend to hold the corals for me while I'm on an extended vacation.

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