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A Maiden's Voyage- town house pics, getting more organized


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Triple thank you to you guys. What's bad is I have to confess I haven't done a waterchange in 3 wks, I have to clean the glass too. My mother has been in upper Indiana for a month now helping my younger sister with twins she had and every other day I've been going to my father's house after work to cook dinner and I've been worn out. This Saturday I will definitely do it. It's not might like me to not do it but I've been exhaused, he lives in the town over and has bad macular degeneration so he can reheat something in the microwave but not really cook as much, and if someone calls he can't see who is calling.

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A couple days ago my Jebao W-25 went out. I turned it off 2 hrs before lights out and fed total nutrition powder and I forgot to turn it on in the morning. Got home from work and it was off. Plugged it in, nothing. Dead. Not very much coralline algae but I decided anyway to soak in mostly vinegar when I got back from work. I'm still going to take a toothbrush to it but I had just plugged it in and it worked so we're good. Oh, and also found a tiny snail in there so I think he was more so the culprit. It's back on now.

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Just came across your pics - beautiful tank! :)


Thanks Tigerlilly! I've been loving this journey I've been taking in this tank. And very happy to now have vids too. Glad you're enjoying. I've never had a hobby where I continue to want to learn more.

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Few pics of the tank I don't show too much.


Acans- Bowerbanki get an eye on the left side.






Look where the little cute nem went! to be buddies with the others.




And you can see the inside of this little light blue and yellow one- it's almost there, waiting for that full smile.




This one I'm calling Raspberry Beret is now my favorite.




My chalice has another green eye, it faces to the back of the tank.




My duncans- has about 8 heads.




My green plate, made a comeback after getting too much light.




Clowns are doing great, Karat on a growing monti, starting that spiral thing




Mushroom and baby facing the back of the tank




Various Zoas




Favia recuperating, getting more color & losing brown after falling into acans




Long shot from top









More pics, oh and my green crab shed.


Weird, 3 wks it hasn't bloomed and yest and today it finally does. The red one still not except for a a few flowers. That one I'm more worried about as it's getting thinner. I'll have to start doing some phyto and oyster feast again.
















That was my favorite pic of the night. The purple gorgonian looks thinner and isn't opened today, it may be shedding soon.


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Thank You everybody. My red gorgonian though is shrinking, the stems are getting thinner and only a flower or two. It was the first one of the two non-photosynthetic that was doing incredibly, remember I was really worried about the yellow? All I can try to do is feed some more and continue water changes. Part of me says move it to the mantis tank where it's darker and see if it heals. I've been known to move corals to other tanks and heal them.

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Well - you know one at least one is a male


Exactly, that's why I'm thinking I should move the rock downstairs, there's a mama, daddy and one other nem on it whose sex hasn't been determined because it's too small. Only thing is I'd have to detach the the yellow gorgonian & that's why I have hesitancies moving it because it's doing well. I feel the non-photosynthetic gorg should still be in this tank because it's more established.

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Awesome! And apparently tasty :wacko::lol:.


Yeah, you can tell when I tap on the glass, get outta there!!!


Whooohoo! Gorgeous tank and cool vid :)


Thank you. i just wish it came out as clear as my first video on this tank.

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Yeah, you can tell when I tap on the glass, get outta there!!!


I wondered about that :). I wasn't sure if he left on his own or not.
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Congrats on having sexy time in the tank! Now if only the RFA in your other tank would do the same!


And I didn't even have to play any Barry White?!

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And I didn't even have to play any Barry White?!


So.. incredible luck seeing it when it happened I'm guessing? It seems that it could happen almost any time (day or night)


This reminded me that this is the time of year a massive coral spawning happen in the Texas Flower Gardens Marine Sanctuary. They predict them by moon phases and time of year.. Interesting stuff



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Your tank! :wub::bowdown:


Thank You, tank you.


The landscape on the left changed slightly but I really think I still kept up what it was doing. I moved 2 rocks down to the 60 that had 3 nems a piece and moved 2 empty ones from the 60 up. I attached the gorg and today it was already opening up. So, I don't think it looks that different which is good. I didn't want to change up the scape. And luckily, I found my St Thomas and he has a lovely spot now, a nook for himself where he won't get blown around.


Left 2 rocks.








And here's the St Thomas. I'm very happy he's over here now. May have a chance now at living. Nems were crawling too much around. So I have 5 nems still left on the furthermost right rock. I have yet to pry off the rainbow and I believe I'm also going to transfer 2 others, the orangish/gold and red.





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