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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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Closing took forever cuz the seller's lawyer is an idiot. Kept making changes to the HUD last minute. We got through it in about 4 hours. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic but here's one of the house at night with roof LEDs all around.



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What a week! Finally got everything moved, even the tanks. Been going back and forth every night between the condo and the new house. A bit of advice to anyone moving...have the movers move EVERYTHING. We left random stuff behind thinking we will move it ourselves and it has been a pain.


Look what came in yesterday...



Will be a while till it gets wet since we still have so much unpacking and furniture building to do. Plus it will probably take me days to make 70+ gallons of water.

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Thanks cindy! glad you are back. I been reading your thread, just been too busy to leave comments lately =P.


you better leave one soon tho. i'm keeping track! :lol:

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Spent all Sunday putting the tank and stand together. Red Sea quality is top notch. Here's a quick pic of the tank. Please excuse the mess that is my living room.


What do you guys think of the scape so far? I still have like 20 lbs of rock I did not use yet. I like the arch but not feeling the left island. Needs to be taller? Wider at the base?







I should really start a new thread for this tank =P.

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Spent all Sunday putting the tank and stand together. Red Sea quality is top notch. Here's a quick pic of the tank. Please excuse the mess that is my living room.


What do you guys think of the scape so far? I still have like 20 lbs of rock I did not use yet. I like the arch but not feeling the left island. Needs to be taller? Wider at the base?







I should really start a new thread for this tank =P.


I like the idea of an arch and an island, but think they both need a bit more visual weight. The arch looks too slender and "bucket handle-y" to me...

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I like the island,but I feel like over the scape is way too low for the tank,idk it may just be me..?!

I completely agree. Maybe not both, but at least one of the 2 structures needs to be taller. I'm leaning towards the arch. See if you can use maybe 3 rocks underneath the arch to raise it up a good deal. The arch can be the top of the structure. Stagger the 3 rocks under it so that each provide caves in between each rock for fish to hide in.


Here's a little inspiration. I took this picture of a newly set up scape in a new Red Sea reefer 250(I think) at one of my LFS's. I am just in love with the way this scape turned out and was planning on using it as inspiration when/if I do a rescape on my tank any time soon, but maybe you can benefit too!

22303576695_8a170fb4d7_b.jpgLrMobile1910-2015-092230759189267168 by cchsoracle, on Flickr

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