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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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I think I'm just as happy as everyone else to see you stick thru the crash and not give up Ninja !!! Glad to hear everything is getting somewhat back on track man. Have any picture updates to show ?

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I think I'm just as happy as everyone else to see you stick thru the crash and not give up Ninja !!! Glad to hear everything is getting somewhat back on track man. Have any picture updates to show ?


ya lets see the pics!


Things are looking better and better everyday, but i just spent an hour rearranging and gluing things. Hope I dont stir things up too bad. Will try to get pics this weekend. I notice that some things are coming back even BRIGHTER than before while some are still a little dull and not fully opened. Also, I may have found the source of the crash. When I was moving things around, I notice a big pile of dead red gracilaria (translucent, whitish) behind / under the right side rock. So I bet there's a ton of detritus built up there. I used a tweezer to take out as much as I can without disturbing the sand. I plan to vacuum the sand more in the next water change and throw out all the red gracilaria. I turkey baster the front and top of the rocks daily but I never get the back. Lesson learned....

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Nano sapiens

Quite possible since Red Gracilaria does have toxins which have made people and sea life sick. One example:




Every couple months I remove a base LR to get at the detritus. You'll be amazed at how much gunk builds up.

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Things are looking better and better everyday, but i just spent an hour rearranging and gluing things. Hope I dont stir things up too bad. Will try to get pics this weekend. I notice that some things are coming back even BRIGHTER than before while some are still a little dull and not fully opened. Also, I may have found the source of the crash. When I was moving things around, I notice a big pile of dead red gracilaria (translucent, whitish) behind / under the right side rock. So I bet there's a ton of detritus built up there. I used a tweezer to take out as much as I can without disturbing the sand. I plan to vacuum the sand more in the next water change and throw out all the red gracilaria. I turkey baster the front and top of the rocks daily but I never get the back. Lesson learned....

A lesson for us all. I would never have suspected that gracilaria would be toxic!
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That's awesome man. I'm glad you think you may have found the source of all the bs. I hope this thing bounces back and looks 110% better. Honestly,I know if I was in your situation I would have just given up and sold everything. But,in glad you stuck it out.


I can't wait to see a picture dump of this thing !!!

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Dude...such great news, and major score on the bambams!


The obvious explanation was a single-time introduction of something toxic in the tanks, probably on your hands or in the air. Carbon, time, and major water changes saw you though it.


I am sorry that you had significant casualties, but super glad you are past it.

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Busy busy day. Glued a bunch of zoa survivors to the branch and picked up a gold torch at the LFS. Will try to get a picture of the zoa branch later but here are the zoas before they got glued. Also a picture of the nano plate that did not recede at all during the crash. And a picture of my fav ricordea. More pictures to come later!



Yellow Cluster by jackyhchau, on Flickr



Spiderman by jackyhchau, on Flickr



Fire and Ice by jackyhchau, on Flickr



Nano Helmet Plate by jackyhchau, on Flickr



Ricordea Survivor by jackyhchau, on Flickr

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It's so nice seeing your pics but moreover, you enjoying the hobby again.



So glad to see and hear that things are still kicking man '. That first picture of Zoa's are so nice.


I would never want my tank to crash but the recent losses kind of rejuvenated my passion for the hobby. The despair and anger of seeing things die was slowly replaced by hope and motivation as the corals recover. The biggest motivator was my very first frogspawn. It bounced back so quickly and its color is better than ever. I had this frogspawn since the beginning and watched it grew from 1 head to 3. The tank also looks so much better now without all the sticks. I did manage to save one birdsnest that was STNing. And how ironic that I been struggling for months to get SPS color back and after most of them died off, this birdnest is looking greener every week. Zoa colors are still not what they used to be but I am just glad 80% of them are opened now. RIP to a few favorites (punk rockers, orange clownface, candy apple).


Took a few more pics tonight of the newly scaped zoa branch along with new torch coral and my fav frogspawn.


Zoa branch with old and new



Crazy frogspawn color. Nanobox rocks.



Gold torch. 2 heads for $40. SCORE!



Rainbow, HUGE polyp



New orange bams bams. Crazy color! I hope it stays this bright.



Yellow clusters



Lawnman Sunny Ds. Color not as good as before but looking better!


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Damn,your Zoa's came back with a vengeance man !!! That group shot and those Sunny D's look outrageous,kudos on the bounce back.

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Wow, you wouldn't know you had anything happen, they all look sooo good. I'm not just saying that.


Things really turned around the past few days. Not sure what happened. Just did my regular water changes and siphoned off more gravel near the back of the tank. I had a cyano outbreak just last week that has mostly disappeared. Crossing my fingers that things will stabilize going forward. My wife and I are going to the Turks and Caicos for 4 days in May so my dad's gonna come over and top off the Spec V and feed the fish. Then in end of June, we will be gone for TWO weeks straight roadtripping from Chicago to Atlanta to Charlotte to DC to Chicago. A little worried about all these trips. Will have to do research soon on how to manage two weeks without water change...

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Hmmm,that could be a hard one to manage.. But if your dad is coming over to top off the tanks,why don't you just have him maybe just change out a few gallons in your picO tank ? Just premix some water before you leave.

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If levels are fine and there's no overfeeding, skipping 1 water change shouldn't cause damage. I've also heard it suggested to have the food already portioned off and the rest away so there's no thought to feeding more.

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If levels are fine and there's no overfeeding, skipping 1 water change shouldn't cause damage. I've also heard it suggested to have the food already portioned off and the rest away so there's no thought to feeding more.

I agree. Even if he didn't have the water changed out,it wouldn't be a problem. But I'd think because of the recent crash ( although things are bouncing back ),I'd chance it. Even if it's only 2-3 gallon water change that'd be better than nothing. Especially if you premix the water in gallon jugs,just to make it easier on pops lol.

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Gold torch coral looks AWESOME today. Double the size it was at the LFS. I was afraid the flow may be too much for it but so far so good!

That gold torch is incredible! Everything is looking fantastic :happydance:.
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You're tank post-crash still looks way better than any of my tanks!


thanks! things have rebound really nicely. besides some zoas and GSP still closed up, everything is doing well. i did loose my red fire shrimp but that's probably because he was so shy and didn't get much to eat. Will try to get a FTS shot soon once the GSP on the backwall topens more and turns green again. The parts that are open now are brown...

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Your photos are starting to show a resemblance to daletu's photos. :)

That reminds me, whatever happened to him and his thread?? Just went silent...

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Your photos are starting to show a resemblance to daletu's photos. :)

That reminds me, whatever happened to him and his thread?? Just went silent...

I agree,his photography skills are on point. I'm still waiting for more pictures :)


DT's thread did die so fast it was crazy. You ( illuiix ) and him would blow my feed up worse than NanoFreak does...

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