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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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Just got back from Aquapros and Reefwise today. Scored some major goodies. Reefwise has great LPS frags for $21 a head for regular colors, $31 a head for Aussies, up to $51 for bigger ones. Their zoas are expensive though. Aquapros has pretty cheap zoas. Gold mauls are $5 per polyp. But most of my stuff are from online vendors. MyReefToYours.com, Saltcritters.com, and PacificEastAquaculture.com. I also heard good things about Hook in Mundelein.

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TOTM...just sayin' ;). You KNOW it's gonna happen :D.


Looks good ninja! I say give it a year to grow out and totm without a doubt. I see frag plugs ;)

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Looks good ninja! I say give it a year to grow out and totm without a doubt. I see frag plugs ;)


Thanks! I definitely made some mistakes with my tank (stocking tooo fast!), but I also learned alot. Bought more stuff on Black Friday, but will definitely slow things down now =). I started taking things off plugs and spacing them out on the rocks for them to grow.

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Took out my macro lens this weekend to capture some of the new goodies. Also fixed the white balance issue I had before with too much blue / purple.






Meteor Shower



Monti cap



Orange frogspawn with pink tips






Regular frogspawn that's still splitting or something



And of course rics


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The first 2 are most likely Zoas, maybe palys for the first.


some zoa, i have to ask the LFS the official name.



Wow, beautiful shots. Are you shooting with a tripod or freehand?


thanks! tripod, pumps off.

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3 of my rics melted and it looks to be spreading =(. Two of my other rics just split recently and one of the new halves has brown jelly I think. argh...my rics....=(

I looked this up in some of my books and other info in my brain... Info I have on brown jelly is intended for LPS and is usually cause by the skeleton puncturing the flesh of the coral (often during shipping) causing an infection. The treatment for LPS is as follows:

any LPS showing symptoms of brown jelly (looks like brown jelly and smells unpleasant) should be dipped in a bucket of 1-2 gallons of tank water mixed with 1ml of lugol's iodine, TMPCC, or Coral Rx. If possible the infected area should be removed. Shake the colony vigorously and leave for 5 minutes. then place it in an area of moderate flow. Use a PVC ring (about 2-3" tall to lift the coral off the bottom of the tank.


Brown Jelly is often more of an LPS problem


Wild Ricordia yumas and Ricordia floridas (ricordia yumas have tentacles on their oral discs, ricordia floridas do not) need to be acclimated to high light aquariums very slowly. It is best to put them in a completely shaded area of the aquarium for minimum of 7 days and then slowly introduce them to captive lighting over 30 days. All yumas need to be slowly acclimated to captive lighting.


Healthy Yumas can be hard to find. Avoid yumas with gaping mouths, as it is a sign of high stress and they will probably die in 1-2 weeks. Captive raised yumas fair much better than wild ones.

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hmmm....that's interesting because i feed with coral frenzy and ova nutramar and they dont have much response. I will try bigger stuff. I am puzzled by why some of my rics are melting and some are splitting. I would assume splitting is a good thing.

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3 of my rics melted and it looks to be spreading =(. Two of my other rics just split recently and one of the new halves has brown jelly I think. argh...my rics....=(


Sorry to hear about this. Any abnormally high/low parameter readings?

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How strong are you running that nano box? LEDs are quite strong, especially if it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than your old lighting system.



I looked this up in some of my books and other info in my brain... Info I have on brown jelly is intended for LPS and is usually cause by the skeleton puncturing the flesh of the coral (often during shipping) causing an infection. The treatment for LPS is as follows:

any LPS showing symptoms of brown jelly (looks like brown jelly and smells unpleasant) should be dipped in a bucket of 1-2 gallons of tank water mixed with 1ml of lugol's iodine, TMPCC, or Coral Rx. If possible the infected area should be removed. Shake the colony vigorously and leave for 5 minutes. then place it in an area of moderate flow. Use a PVC ring (about 2-3" tall to lift the coral off the bottom of the tank.


Brown Jelly is often more of an LPS problem


Wild Ricordia yumas and Ricordia floridas (ricordia yumas have tentacles on their oral discs, ricordia floridas do not) need to be acclimated to high light aquariums very slowly. It is best to put them in a completely shaded area of the aquarium for minimum of 7 days and then slowly introduce them to captive lighting over 30 days. All yumas need to be slowly acclimated to captive lighting.


Healthy Yumas can be hard to find. Avoid yumas with gaping mouths, as it is a sign of high stress and they will probably die in 1-2 weeks. Captive raised yumas fair much better than wild ones.



^+1. For Ricordeas, if I see a gaping mouth or an extreme loss of tentacles (as if they're naked), I avoid it all cost.


Healthy yumas are sooo hard to find and cost an arm and a leg if you find a healthy piece.

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