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Yep, dying to get more coral and fish in this tank. We have three cars *Mine, Wife and oldest Son* and all three were dead as of last week. :( We got two of them up and running thankfully but finances are crushed right now. Ugh!

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I do believe this weekend i'm going to pick up a pair of black mollies and acclimate them to salt. I figure they may nibble at algae a little and since they normally breed like crazy there will be free fish and coral food! :lol:

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New corals coming in tomorrow! My parents demanded they give me money for my birthday even though I said no need to. My Mom wanted me to buy some corals to fill up the tank. She's always loved my SW tanks. :)


Nothing extravagant just some frags i'll grow out but i'm happy! Weeeeeee!!


What I have coming in tomorrow:

Acan Lord

2 Pallys


Monti cap

Rhodactus shroom



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I do believe this weekend i'm going to pick up a pair of black mollies and acclimate them to salt. I figure they may nibble at algae a little and since they normally breed like crazy there will be free fish and coral food! :lol:


HAHAHA I'd seriously been thinking about the same thing :) I can feed the sarlacc pit all he can devour lol


New corals coming in tomorrow! My parents demanded they give me money for my birthday even though I said no need to. My Mom wanted me to buy some corals to fill up the tank. She's always loved my SW tanks. :)


Nothing extravagant just some frags i'll grow out but i'm happy! Weeeeeee!!


What I have coming in tomorrow:


Acan Lord

2 Pallys


Monti cap

Rhodactus shroom



so lets see the pictures?????!!!!!! :)

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FTS with blues very low. Yay for algae! <_< You can see the stupid Nerite train up in the top left next to the overflow being useless. My camera skill suck so pardon the bad pics. Rest of pics are mostly whites with some blues.Pictures do none of them justice. If you know the specifics of any of the corals besides what I have below let me know!




Clowns and Hammers





Acan Lord



Some type of Monti Cap. Looks mostly whiteish with some green under certain lighting with purple polyps.



Some kind of Favia and Zoas?



Zoas...think Eagle Eyes on the left? and no idea about the others.






Blue and Red Rhodactus...weird shape...Superman maybe?



And lastly the only pic I could get with the new Molly in it. She was zooming all over.


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Anyone have any idea on ID's of any of the new corals? Probably no good with my pictures. LOL I should put up the sellers pics.


Ugh! I don't know where I want to put my Monti Cap! I am thinking top of middle pillar and letting it grow up and around the middle. I can put zoas and rics and the like below it so the shade won't bother them.

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Ok, my black molly is a ninja! :ninja: She blends in perfectly with my black background. LOL

She looks so cool in there! Did you get two?


Your rhodactis looks like a superman :) Nice buy.

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Ok! Seller pics since I suck at them! ID away if you know! Thanks!


Think these are Gold Maul Palys?



Outside ones I think are Eagle Eye Zoas not sure about others.



Zoas of some sort?



Superman Rhodactus maybe?



Monti Cap...ideas?



Acan Lord but any idea on specific if one?


She looks so cool in there! Did you get two?


Your rhodactis looks like a superman :) Nice buy.


Nope...they had no males! LOL So only her for now.


Thanks! I think it is one too. It's all weird shaped so hope it does well and gets bigger and splits and such. It was cheap at least? LOL

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Under my lighting she is a bit more white and the polyps look very purple! :) Think i'm going to put her at top of my center column to grow massively up the center.

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Just picked up 2 peppermint shrimp and some hermits. I asked for 4 micro-hermits and I got 6-7 of various sizes. LOL He likes to 'hook me up' i'm just not sure how happy i'll be with them. I may have to whittle them down eventually.

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I talked to a friend who has done it many times and he said they are fine going right in so I floated 15 mins then put her in. She didn't even bat an eye just swam right around.

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Ok one of my peppermint shrimp is on crack. She was chasing my molly around this morning possibly trying to clean her but she was having nothing to do with him. lol I've seen him crawling up rocks and then jumping off and when I fed the tank he ran up the back wall. Definitely entertaining! The other one I just see once in awhile peeking about.

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The molly seems to have bonded with the clowns. She swims around with them all the time. :lol:


On the flip side my pink yuma is a goner I believe. I've tried different locations in the tank and it just never looked to be doing too well. One of the peps was picking at it today probably cleaning up. :(

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Sorry about the Yuma...that's a bummer :(


Oh that skimmate looks sooooo good. Just 2 minutes in the microwave and an nice chocolate chip cookie and you're all set lol. Seriously though...that's a nice collection. Imagine that still being in your tank, +1 for skimmers :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The wife is going to keel me....damn Saltycritters Black Friday sale! :(


In other news though....corals and a rock nem! omgomgomg


Nothing much been going on with the tank lately except that Molly has a chunk missing from her tail. I'm not sure if she somehow backed into the wavemaker or if she upset one of the clowns. Doh!

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