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Coral Vue Hydros

1stimereefer's 1st tank- RETIRED


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I love Slim's garden!!!!


So it was Zoa Thursday today for you too. :lol:


I said I wasn't but I can't help it. Not knowing if I'd still have an issue with pods I didn't want to get more aquascapers and risk losing a lot more money. Besides, that little mushroom was originally $5 and I got 39% off. It soon will look like this.....nice compliment to the other. It does feel like an addiction though I've never had one. I felt at ease once I paid for it. I was restless otherwise. Hmm. :unsure:



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I said I wasn't but I can't help it. Not knowing if I'd still have an issue with pods I didn't want to get more aquascapers and risk losing a lot more money. Besides, that little mushroom was originally $5 and I got 39% off. It soon will look like this.....nice compliment to the other. It does feel like an addiction though I've never had one. I felt at ease once I paid for it. I was restless otherwise. Hmm. :unsure:



It's very pretty! They'll compliment each other well. :)


Yes...I think we all have the addiction....coral. It's bizarre. :lol:

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ooooo...love the new additions. was the yellow zoa from saltcritters? i dont remember seeing that one...


Yeah, it was right around the area w/ the other yellow ones w/ the blue rings. I also got the melon/peach colored one. the 2 zoas and the mushroom. I couldn't wait long - I had no willpower but still got 39%. That's the most I've ever had anyway and I'm still very happy w/ my purchase. DId you get more??? You said you were doing add ons?


It's very pretty! They'll compliment each other well. :)


Yes...I think we all have the addiction....coral. It's bizarre. :lol:


Your mushroom gardens inspire me Gena. How are the fry?

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Glad you are able to get those yellow zoas. They look really awesome. And the peach ones were such a good deal. I added 4 more rics to my order. Just green and blue ones. There weren't any orange ones left =(. I waited till the next morning at like 45% off. The order is coming tomorrow morning. Took a day off work just so I can be home for the delivery. My wife thinks I am crazy...haha

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They changed shipping companies so I don't like the fact that I have to sign but I have a neighbor that can be asked but today I just left a note saying when I'd be home and they left it for me and they must have signed an x on the spot or something.

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Meet Slide, my amphipod solution. He's like 1 3/4" , Slim is 2". But check out Slims expression? I could tell Slim was a little nervous. He started swimming around the tank and picking at the rocks and walls. He's watching his home, it'll be fine because it's too small for Slide. We'll see where Slide makes a home, it might be right through the hole to the back.






They're doing just fine, I think Slim is actually enjoying sharing the space with Slide.






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Slim and Slide are doing well together. I think they're best buds now. Gena, thank you for suggesting him.






My mushrooms are growing and they have their crown all around now.



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I am happy that Slim has a friend. He's swimming about a great deal more because Slide's in there. I dipped my newest zoas w/ Coral Rx today so will see if that also helps them. The yellow one wouldn't close it's polyps all the way, I was putting it in front of an output so the pressure would close them, didn't- hopefully they'll still be ok. It said 5-10 mins. I did 7. All my zoas have always opened quickly, I don't know what's up w/ these peachy melon ones. How are your zoas? You got how many?

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I am happy that Slim has a friend. He's swimming about a great deal more because Slide's in there. I dipped my newest zoas w/ Coral Rx today so will see if that also helps them. The yellow one wouldn't close it's polyps all the way, I was putting it in front of an output so the pressure would close them, didn't- hopefully they'll still be ok. It said 5-10 mins. I did 7. All my zoas have always opened quickly, I don't know what's up w/ these peachy melon ones. How are your zoas? You got how many?

Awe....I'm glad he has a friend now too!


Mine are doing fine. I have one frag of rainbow vice that hasn't opened all the way yet. The others have been fully opened and glorious. :lol: I have 3 new zoa frags plus one freebie. I hope your yellow acclimates ok. Seems like I remember that type being more finicky.

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I turn on the Evolve stock light as a precursor to the regular light at 3pm, found out that Slide is sleeping on his side in the back on a rock, he found his bed. Just saw Slide grab a big juicy amphipod, but he didn't get the best grip on it so it popped out and he was ruthless, was NOT going to let that happen, got him again and CHOMP CHOMP, you're dead! I shouldn't be getting so much joy out of that....but I am. I'm surprised his little mouth got him. I show one part of my Geen people Eater that had a little, but NOTHING otherwise on the new zoas was touched!!!! So pleased. I wonder how many he can eat in a day?


I noticed that usually every 3 wks or so the copepods had a population explosion but I haven't seen that recently.

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tailspot ..I got one too. Lovely tank :D

Thanks. It's changing and filling in, and some of it will go into my 20 in several mos. I couldn't wait much longer to get a bigger tank. Is that the white banded possum wrasse in your pic? How's that fish? I don't know much about 'em. except I know it w/o a doubt wrasse like amphipods!!! so it's gotta be good.

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Ya its awesome in a small tank. Kind of shy but nice when you see it unexpectedly. Eats marine pellets too, grazes the rock at night and early morning. Thanks.

Sorry about your husband, this is good therapy. I'm of the older, single persuasion myself and its nice to see another female in my age bracket with the salty passion. Cheers!

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Ya its awesome in a small tank. Kind of shy but nice when you see it unexpectedly. Eats marine pellets too, grazes the rock at night and early morning. Thanks.

Sorry about your husband, this is good therapy. I'm of the older, single persuasion myself and its nice to see another female in my age bracket with the salty passion. Cheers!

I agree it's really beneficial to my mind, helps keep it occupied thinking of the what else could I do to make it prettier, cleaner, etc there's always something. These 2 days have been especially hard for some reason so I needed to get out of the house yesterday and drive an hr away to see an lfs I hadn't seen and get Slide.


Many times though I so wish Don was here to enjoy this with me. Sometimes I look at my tank and cry. Especially when I see a scene like this, it is so pretty.




Or that I can tell the little shroom is growing, and you see more gold specs.




And Slim is now perching, he wasn't doing this until he had a friend in the tank to watch.



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sympathies, I am sure Don is with you all the way. Best.

Thank you Marie. I appreciate your kind words. Don IS in my heart always and on my mind constantly. Two were pics when we were married July 18, 2009. The other was just us driving during a beach vacation. You can tell the way someone loves you by the way you look at each other. These were our favorite 3 pictures.







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Your mushroom gardens inspire me Gena. How are the fry?

:) I think I missed this question! I haven't set up the fish rearing tank yet. I'm going to try to empty out the FW pico this week and get moving on setting it up.



Such beautiful photos. :happy:

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:) I think I missed this question! I haven't set up the fish rearing tank yet. I'm going to try to empty out the FW pico this week and get moving on setting it up.



Such beautiful photos. :happy:


You're having babies all over the place so didn't know where the process was.


I bought a Jebao W25 last night. And a Chemipure Elite 11 oz. I also have 30 lbs of aragonite, 20 of it being Aarag Alive and then another 20 of Hawaiian Black, still not sure which way I'm going with my sandbed. Would I even use the Chemipure Elite while cycling? or best not to waste it and use it later when I'm in the diatom part of my cycle? Or even after that? When everything is pure zero?


Oh hey, totally diff topic but when I came home I made peppermint mini choc chip ice cream. How's your boys spaces where his teeth used to be?

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I've been watching your mushroom garden grow over the past weeks which has provided me with tons of inspiration. The colours are fantastic - and I love the amphipod hunting crew :) Slim's down-to-business expression is awesome. Can't wait to follow along with your 20L build.

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Thank you Marie. I appreciate your kind words. Don IS in my heart always and on my mind constantly. Two were pics when we were married July 18, 2009. The other was just us driving during a beach vacation. You can tell the way someone loves you by the way you look at each other. These were our favorite 3 pictures.







lovely, he was a young man. so sorry

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