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1stimereefer's 1st tank- RETIRED


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The pink with lavendar tips sps is gorgeous!!!!

I think I will get some garlic enhancer though, would be a good idea for me to get some.


Who makes it? Or is there one that most of you prefer?

I've just been using fresh garlic. I soak my fish food in selcon anyways...now it soaks in selcon and garlic. No clue if it's making a bit of difference though....but my fish look healthy. :)
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Big news! Even though I bought the 20L a couple mos back for Jan, then it was to be ushered in for Nov, now it's a "sold as a set" Marineland 34 gallon tank with stand with glass top with a hidden led strip. My sister got me a great deal. $ 136. 30 x18 x 16 so it's nice and wide.


So, instead of ....




It will be this....




Here's the issue now though. The stand does not accommodate the 20L underneath for a sump/refugium as the cabinet is like 1.5 inches shorter in length than the top on the cabinet and a small door opens in front through the middle so you can't add one anyway. And I don't think I can trust the previous stand above to hold 34 gallons and a 20g sump underneath. Too flimsy.


So now I have a 20long and a 34 and neither stand is conducive to having the 34 on top and having the 20 on the bottom. So, what do you do? Do you sell both stands and hit up used furniture places or Lowes for a vanity and take the doors off? I'm not a DIYer to be able to make a stand.


The only other option is putting the 10gallon underneath and having a that as a sump only. Then I'm still left with a 20long that I love. Argh.

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I'm jealous of that 34 gallon tank....I kept seeing that in petsmart walking by it and thinking man, those dimensions are awesome. Really sharp looking tank. As for the sump, what are you planning on having in the sump? If you are just going to use it for skimmer/return pump/heater you could definitely get away with using a 10 gallon. Maybe a 20high or a 15 would fit? Would just have to check dimensions to see how much room you had.


Be careful using old furniture (or even new furniture) because this tank will weigh a considerable amount more than your little evolve. Plan on about 10 pounds per gallon once it's full of water, rock, and sand. So that's about 350 lbs that you have to support. Not that it can't be done by reinforcing but you said you weren't big on DIY. I guess the biggest thing will just be figuring out how you want to setup your sump. But that 34 gallon will be great! A nice upgrade in size...you'll have tons of room for as many frags as you want haha. Might have to start buying some whole colonies!

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Maybe I need to put the Evo 8 in the kitchen, then put the 20 long on my walnut chest and have it be a low bioload tank and use the AC70 on it w/ your basic floss and chemipure elite and use the Hidden LED light that came w/ the 34 on the 20 instead. It has a daylight and nightlight


Then the 34 would have the 10gallon below it for a sump w/ the Aquaticlife 115 and the JebaoW25. I don't want to get rid of anything. While I have the 20long in hand it disgusts me to think of getting rid of it. Maybe it's not a predicament anymore.


I just wonder am I taking on too much? I might just end up using the Evolve as a holding tank? It has the glue mark of course and a light scratch across the front and side when a little piece of sand got wedged in the magnet cleaner. Maybe use it if a coral starts to look bad or something, put it in that tank for some tlc or something? I don't know. Of course I'll still have to get another 10 gallon at least for a quarantine tank.

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Maybe I need to put the Evo 8 in the kitchen, then put the 20 long on my walnut chest and have it be a low bioload tank and use the AC70 on it w/ your basic floss and chemipure elite and use the Hidden LED light that came w/ the 34 on the 20 instead. It has a daylight and nightlight


Then the 34 would have the 10gallon below it for a sump w/ the Aquaticlife 115 and the JebaoW25. I don't want to get rid of anything. While I have the 20long in hand it disgusts me to think of getting rid of it. Maybe it's not a predicament anymore.


I just wonder am I taking on too much? I might just end up using the Evolve as a holding tank? It has the glue mark of course and a light scratch across the front and side when a little piece of sand got wedged in the magnet cleaner. Maybe use it if a coral starts to look bad or something, put it in that tank for some tlc or something? I don't know. Of course I'll still have to get another 10 gallon at least for a quarantine tank.


What about a 15 gallon or a 20 high for a sump? Not the most ideal but MOAR is better :)


BTW I just set up an evolve 8 on my desk at work. Any tips? Seems like you had success with yours!

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What about a 15 gallon or a 20 high for a sump? Not the most ideal but MOAR is better :)


BTW I just set up an evolve 8 on my desk at work. Any tips? Seems like you had success with yours!


The opening only lets me get a 10 in there so I'll have to stick w/ that. The cabinet is 7 inches then you have a 13 inch opening covered in dark glass, then 7 inches of cabinet again. The only difference w/ the back is that it omits the glass.




What about a 15 gallon or a 20 high for a sump? Not the most ideal but MOAR is better :)


BTW I just set up an evolve 8 on my desk at work. Any tips? Seems like you had success with yours!


Definitely need good flow and mod the filter area. I've still never yet been able to get nitrates lower than a 5.

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Mr. Microscope

Nice upgrade! Great dimensions there. For the stand, I'd try to build something that can accommodate the sump you want. There are some decent designs on here and I think you can build them quite cheap. All you need is a bunch of 2x4s and some decking screws.

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The opening only lets me get a 10 in there so I'll have to stick w/ that. The cabinet is 7 inches then you have a 13 inch opening covered in dark glass, then 7 inches of cabinet again. The only difference w/ the back is that it omits the glass.





Definitely need good flow and mod the filter area. I've still never yet been able to get nitrates lower than a 5.



Mine's got an mp-10 so I think I'm good with flow. What kinda mods to the filter area? Sorry if I'm cloggin up your thread.

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I cut an entire hole in the bottom of the first section and closed off the slit dividing it w/ the 2nd chamber, there was so little flow there anyway so this way the detritus is forced down the first chamber through floss and chemipure elite- if you leave it as the L shape it is there is so much detritus hiding back there that's difficult to get to. I made a basket using the white lighting grate. I made a pic of it somewhere in my post. At cleaning time I start w/ siphoning the water out in the back first. I also plugged up the little hole in the left side w/ some superglue, that way water wouldn't keep coming in to the area I'm trying to siphon.

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I love the dimensions on the 34g!!!! Nice predicament to be in. ;)


Here's what I suggest. Go to your LFS and find out if they know of someone that can build you a tank stand. Most LFS have a guy that builds them for their store. Least that's been my experience in the past. I think a 10g sump will work, but you will wish you had a bigger one...trust me. :)


If money wasn't an issue, that's what I would do.

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Yeah, I would've wanted the 34 w/ the 20long sump/refugium. I checked online and Lowes has a cabinet w/ no top,


36-in W x 24-in D Unfinished Door and Drawer Base Cabinet $139 then I'd still have to stain it and get a top.



I wouldn't be drilling so I'd just have to have a pump pushing the water back up to the top of the 34. But of course I just paid $136. I'm sure if someone custom made it the cost would be triple. Then I guess I'd sell the stand it came with and sell my older basic 20/29 stand. I'd sell those afterwards to make up the money for the purchase. Or I just go with putting the 20 on the walnut chest and do the 34/10 idea with the stand it came in and get a small RO/DI and put it in the unused bathroom in the basement. And still sell the stand for the 20/29. I know if Don was here he would have already had it drawn up in his head before I didn't even have to ask.

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I just found 36-in W x 24-in D Unfinished Sink base cabinet for $105. looks same as above. That's a possibility maybe? I think it could work. After all people put granite tops on of an inch and a quarter and that's heavy. Would that work? I wish I was more DIY so I'd know. Tank is 30W x18 so I'd have an extra 6 inches border around.

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My only fear with those is that they are MDF fiberboard and not real wood (typically) so you would have to make sure you stained it with a water seal type stain. Otherwise that material will expand horribly and deteriorate quickly. And to support the weight you may still want to reinforce it. Seems like it could be a good option though. I wonder if they list weight limits on them...


For that matter I'm sure you could find someone somewhere that just ripped out their kitchen and take one of the cabinets. Look around craigslist maybe? Might be able to get one for free including a chunk of countertop. If you're going to have to stain/paint it anyway. Just thinking outloud here, don't mind me

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Yeah, I would've wanted the 34 w/ the 20long sump/refugium. I checked online and Lowes has a cabinet w/ no top,


36-in W x 24-in D Unfinished Door and Drawer Base Cabinet $139 then I'd still have to stain it and get a top.



I wouldn't be drilling so I'd just have to have a pump pushing the water back up to the top of the 34. But of course I just paid $136. I'm sure if someone custom made it the cost would be triple. Then I guess I'd sell the stand it came with and sell my older basic 20/29 stand. I'd sell those afterwards to make up the money for the purchase. Or I just go with putting the 20 on the walnut chest and do the 34/10 idea with the stand it came in and get a small RO/DI and put it in the unused bathroom in the basement. And still sell the stand for the 20/29. I know if Don was here he would have already had it drawn up in his head before I didn't even have to ask.

if you wanna replace the stand with a base cabinet like that one, I'd say return the 34gal tank setup (cause the stand and glass hood are useless) and go buy a 40 breeder (36x18x16) during the $1/gal sale at Petco or Petsmart....

36" wide tank will give you much better light fixture options IMO (I'm a T5 old schooler myself)

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True, didn't think of that- it could be the fiberboard or particle board and not much better.


I'm leaning at this moment now to just do the 10gal underneath for equipment, put some macro in the big tank, afterall, my sister drove 12 hrs from Indiana with it, it's already done and can support the 34 and I wouldn't have to think about it. The fact that she thought about it for me and had to pull some strings. A closing out sale for that Marineland tank w/ stand that isn't supposed to happen til this weekend and she also still got 15% off.


And I'll use extra money I don't have on a small RO/DI unit. I can easily start picking up some overtime at work though. I'll have to sleep on it but I think that is the best option for me right now. Unless I have dreams of tanks dropping and spilling water all over the place. I'll get the Maxspect for the 34 and use the hidden led strip it came with instead for the 20L. I'm still looking at financially the fact that I'll be taking care of 2 larger saltwater tanks and the Evo 8.


I'm definitely having a garage sale in the spring. Help offset some costs here. Just have accumulated some things.


Hey, so when are you moving?

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I'm not trying to volunteer Randi's expertise...but...she and her husband made an awesome stand for her tank. I bet she could give you some pointers on reinforcing whatever you choose to use. :D

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Purrdy! Purple and green?


Anymore thoughts on the stand? I just have to say, your sister rocks! How sweet of her to bring that to you. :)


No, I'm at a stand still in my thoughts! How's that for an answer?


I was just watching a cute little white brittle star move about and SLURP!! I forgot that 6lines like them too. :o:huh: but I still love Slide. I haven't had any more noticeable chompings of my zoas. One of the Green People Eater zoas closed up though. There's only 1 polyp open right now. The other 4 are still trying to mend from what hap'd previously.


Did squammy make it?

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No, I'm at a stand still in my thoughts! How's that for an answer?


I was just watching a cute little white brittle star move about and SLURP!! I forgot that 6lines like them too. :o:huh: but I still love Slide. I haven't had any more noticeable chompings of my zoas. One of the Green People Eater zoas closed up though. There's only 1 polyp open right now. The other 4 are still trying to mend from what hap'd previously.


Did squammy make it?

Yep....she's perfectly fine.


You know what?????? I've been seeing pods on my zoanthids from Aquascapers. I wonder what it is about those vice that is so attractive to them???? NO other zoas/palys in my tank are bothered by the pods, except those vice zoas. :angry:

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Yep....she's perfectly fine.


You know what?????? I've been seeing pods on my zoanthids from Aquascapers. I wonder what it is about those vice that is so attractive to them???? NO other zoas/palys in my tank are bothered by the pods, except those vice zoas. :angry:


Hmm. how crazy is that? what do they feed those things that they find them so enjoyable? I never had the issue before and now you have it too!!!


It's a conspiracy.

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Hmm. how crazy is that? what do they feed those things that they find them so enjoyable? I never had the issue before and now you have it too!!!


It's a conspiracy.

No kidding! Weird!!!!!
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