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Coral Vue Hydros

t8raff's 20L AIO... RAP orlando!


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Well if your light works out, tank is mature, and you keep up on water stability a long with water changes when mine splits if it ever does I can sell it to ya.

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I was going to make a similar comment. I was going to suggest GFO. I'd also take a gravel vac and suck the mass of that algae out. Chemiclean will work but manually removing it helps so much. Maybe it was the bulbs. My tank suffered cyano for months with old t5's then when I switched to LEDs it cleared up great. Also where is your PO4 at?

I also would say, try to keep the sand stirring to a minimum, this is just going to cause so many issues, especially on a system like this.

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I was going to make a similar comment. I was going to suggest GFO. I'd also take a gravel vac and suck the mass of that algae out. Chemiclean will work but manually removing it helps so much. Maybe it was the bulbs. My tank suffered cyano for months with old t5's then when I switched to LEDs it cleared up great. Also where is your PO4 at?


I also would say, try to keep the sand stirring to a minimum, this is just going to cause so many issues, especially on a system like this.


yeah i usually siphon it all up durring wc's. im not going to use chemiclean. i just dont trust chemicals. i do beleive it was from the t5's. they were cheap bulbs and i noticed the cyano would only grow when i had the white bulb on. if it was just the blue it wouldnt grow. hopefully the led will fix that. doing my water change tomorrow so will all be nice and clean again. also im using a crappy api test kit for phosphates but it reads 0 to just barely noticeable.

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Okay guys i need some help deciding what corals to add next. Something that i dont have yet. I love things with movement and color. The only things on my list right now is a nice acan and for fish a tail spot blenny. Lets hear some suggestions.

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Go for some dendro which is orange and duncan which are lavender, blue, green. Both grow more heads. Feed 'em some mysis, cool when they grab the mysis. You just take the cube, put it in a shot glass w/ some tank water and use a syringe . Here are my 2 guys. The picture of the dendro was early so he hadn't opened up fully yet.

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id love to have a dendro! they look awesome. do they like to throw hissy fits like duncans? mine decided to close up and has been that way for over a week now. dont know why.


did my water change today and sucked up all that crap on the sand. also took some pics and a short video


view from my bed








the purple one is more teal now with the leds












video.. cant seem to get it to play without the link



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Duh, forgot you already had duncan. Well, I hear the dendro typically eats at night but I I have my lights on from 3-11 pm and he's been open all day, just the degree to which he's open. They are not photosynthetic but I think they obviously sense light- I feed mine when the lights are on so that may be why he stays open then too. Unfortunately I've only had the dendro for about a month but every day it does open, and my duncan opens every day too. Sometimes less, sometimes more and I'm concerned the flow is too much, i do rotate him like once a week so he's not always swaying in one direction.


Oh, and your rics look nice, I find that when I have just a blue light or turn off the lights it spreads out more on the plug and when the full specturm is on he like bounces back and tightens up but still looks happy.

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i dont know if its the light or flow or what but my duncan wont open for anything. it is either closed up all the way or just open enough to see its mouth. just weird how one day it was opened nice and the next its all pissed off. i put it in a low flow/light area and still not opening. gonna try to feed it some mysis today. last feeding it didnt take anything.

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Mine use to do that. I'd definitely suggest stop moving it (if you are) they don't required much light or flow. I can guarantee the amount of light on your sand bed is plenty for it.

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so idk what else to do with this duncan. moved it to a low flow/light area. tried force feeding it mysis so it will eat but its still staying closed up. i took some pictures. does anyone see any signs of why its closed? just seems weird to me how it was nice and open and all of a sudden all pissed off. been closed for two weeks now.





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Check salinity, KH, Calcium, temperature. They will adapt to higher flow, higher light and lower flow lower light, but it might take weeks before they open up after a move. Any other corals in the tank showing stress?

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Okay guys i need some help deciding what corals to add next. Something that i dont have yet. I love things with movement and color. The only things on my list right now is a nice acan and for fish a tail spot blenny. Lets hear some suggestions.

Torch coral are pretty nice to have in a tank. They look nice moving in the flow. Just be aware they are aggressive corals.

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Torch coral are pretty nice to have in a tank. They look nice moving in the flow. Just be aware they are aggressive corals.


a torch would be awesome. the lfs i go to has aussie gold torches for decent price too. my only thing is placement. especially with the frogspawn in there too.

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Green bubble algae I think. I found one day before yest on the bottom of my dendro frag, took the frag out, poured peroxide a couple of times in about 30 sec, put back in tank without rinsing and it turned brown overnight and today it's nonexistent.

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a torch would be awesome. the lfs i go to has aussie gold torches for decent price too. my only thing is placement. especially with the frogspawn in there too.

Yea becareful where you place them. I have mine sitting in the sandbed on the corner. Love the way it flows in the tank

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Green bubble algae I think. I found one day before yest on the bottom of my dendro frag, took the frag out, poured peroxide a couple of times in about 30 sec, put back in tank without rinsing and it turned brown overnight and today it's nonexistent.


yeah it was definatly bubble algea. this one came off fairly easy without popping thankfully. im gonna have to keep my eye out for more showing up.



Yea becareful where you place them. I have mine sitting in the sandbed on the corner. Love the way it flows in the tank


yeah if he has a good deal on his torches next time im in there im gonna get one. probably put it in the sand somewhere away from the froggy. i beleive this is gonna be my game plan on future coral purchases... gold torch (if its a deal), acan frag, more rics for the garden, and a few more zoas to cover up the rest of the rocks.

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My duncan ate silverside for the first time last night and he loved it. Seems like you can tell when the tentacles look stronger/fuller. He seems to like the flow I have on him. Can't wait to see yours though since you have 2 heads.

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My duncan ate silverside for the first time last night and he loved it. Seems like you can tell when the tentacles look stronger/fuller. He seems to like the flow I have on him. Can't wait to see yours though since you have 2 heads.


oh nice! yeah mine loved mysis when it would eat. had to force it to eat last time and idk if it took it or not. here is a pic from when it was open. wish it was still like this.



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It sure does. Just wants to be a pain in my butt right now.


So... i have my mind set on the next coral purchase but i also want to find something for this one rock. I circled it in the picture. Has to be something that likes high light/flow. My circulation pump isnt directly at the rock but it gets a pretty good current. Whats something that would be right at home right there?




Oh and here is a crappy top down pic. Wasnt able to do this with the old lights lol



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Super CatPig

Check salinity, KH, Calcium, temperature. They will adapt to higher flow, higher light and lower flow lower light, but it might take weeks before they open up after a move. Any other corals in the tank showing stress?


My duncan was stressed recently .. I think it was due to low alkalinity. (Like markalot stated they are both important for coral health). Picking up test kits for KH (alkalinity) and Ca (calcium) is a good idea regardless. It might just need some time but maybe wait until your duncan is doing better before buying more coral IMO.

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