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t8raff's 20L AIO... RAP orlando!


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ammonia - 0

nitrates - 0

nitrites - 0

phosphates - between .25 and 0. api kit is crap but has been this way though all tests since cycle so hasnt fluctuated.

alk - 9.5

ca - 350 and climbing

mg- low but also going up

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thanks!! yeah the cyano is driving me crazy. i just did a wc and sucked all that crap out on wednesday and its already back.. ugh. oh well. it should go away eventually right? at least i hope so


I would honestly try changing water sources to see if that could be a issue. I also used to get my water from the grocery store but I have read horror stories on the TDS and phosphate levels in that water. Maybe try changing the salt mix just to see if it improves the cyano at all.


I saw a mini ro/di system on bulkreefsupply it is portable and hooks up to the bathroom or kitchen sink, this is the route I will be going when I get my tank up and running because I just can't trust other water sources anymore. And it is only 60 bucks or something like that. I learned my lesson trusting the water machines at the grocery stores and walmart.

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do you have a link for that ro/di system? i could definatly use that since we are renting where we are living right now and cant mess with the plumbing. i am using store bought distilled water so that probably isnt helping much.

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do you have a link for that ro/di system? i could definatly use that since we are renting where we are living right now and cant mess with the plumbing. i am using store bought distilled water so that probably isnt helping much.


I can't link it because I am at work and for some reason it won't let me access their website.


Go to bulkreefsupply and under RODI systems it should be the cheapest unit, it should say something about being portable. There is also a video on youtube showing how to get it started. You will be much happier in the long run making your own water, no more filling up those big jugs full of water and having to lug them to the store and back.

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I can't link it because I am at work and for some reason it won't let me access their website.


Go to bulkreefsupply and under RODI systems it should be the cheapest unit, it should say something about being portable. There is also a video on youtube showing how to get it started. You will be much happier in the long run making your own water, no more filling up those big jugs full of water and having to lug them to the store and back.


hmmm... i guess im just not seeing it. only one i see saying anything about a faucet is the add on kit with the tank. not the ro/di unit itself.

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in all honesty my guess is still that your phosphates are high. it sounds exactly like my problem. i know it sucks. but anything you add is likely gonna hurt from poor water condition. all of mine did and i only had a gsp and zoa.


do you have any fish in your tank?

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cyano is also known as red algae if im not mistaken.




article states, "If any phosphates show in your testing, this means there is a higher amount of organic phosphates. Anything above 0.03ppm should be lowered asap."


I wouldnt add anything else until ur tank has been clean for atleast 2 weeks (worked for me)


How long are your light cycles? (I reduced my white LED's for a few hours and that helped me out)


And lastly, how often are you feeding?


Hope any of this helps.

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Yeah its known as red slime algae but is a bacteria. Why alot of the red slime removers have antibiotics in them. Right now lights are on from 11-8 could probably cut an hour or two off. I feed a tiny pinch of flake every one to two days and feed corals mysis once to twice a week. I can go get some phosguard tomorrow if need be and run that with the carbon. Just dont want to spend 20 bucks for a jar that wont last long.

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i wonder if the flakes are high in phosphates. i personally have no experience with flakes but i have heard some foods can have have them. maybe consider changing the food for the clown to the mysis too? and see if that helps along with continuing doing frequent water changes. i personally would use the chemicals to treat it as a last resort. I have heard some people have lingering effects bc of the chems


what kind of filter are you using?

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do you have a link for that ro/di system? i could definatly use that since we are renting where we are living right now and cant mess with the plumbing. i am using store bought distilled water so that probably isnt helping much.

There's no problem at all with distilled, just completely avoid the water systems at Walmart and Lowes for example. They have some good 3 gallon containers at least. That would be worth buying, just the empty container.

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Yeah im not sure if it does or not. Usually when i feed the corals mysis the clown will also eat that so i wont feed it flake that day. I really dont want to use chemicals at all. I dont trust them. And right now just a bio wheel penguin 200. Have carbon in it and filter material on the outlet to tone down the flow. Im wanting to get an ac70 and make it a hob fuge, just need to save up some more.

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AC make good filters. i changed mine to a ac20 for my 10gal during my outbreak and it appears to have helped. since adding it i havent had any red algae

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There's no problem at all with distilled, just completely avoid the water systems at Walmart and Lowes for example. They have some good 3 gallon containers at least. That would be worth buying, just the empty container.

I dont even use the machines. I just buy the 2.5 gallon jugs from the grocery store.

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thats great news! :D And im hoping the AC helps out too!


thanks! so far i like the ac. its kinda noisy but not too bad. still need to find a light and hit up reef cleaners for some chaeto.


oh and one more thing! i got a friend for my fish this morning.





went into the local deathco and had to save him. so far the other clown is playing nice and letting him follow around the tank.

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so a little update


the two clowns are getting along great

all parameters are good. calcium could go up a tad bit more and no matter what i do mg will not go up.


also just made a few more zoa purchases today. the guy i go to is closing up shop and this was his last shipment. got a amazing deal.


nothing is open yet but ill post pics


two smaller fags



giant zoa rock






got those three for 35 bucks!!!

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