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NanoTopia's ADA 30c [ FLIR ]


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Deleted User 4

Jeez...can you say overkill? :lol:


Lolol yeah definitely overkill. The light itself is almost $1,000 I think. lol

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Deleted User 4



Well, if there was a silver metal plate on the nano razor like there is for the razors, that would make things much simpler.

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Drift Monkey

Well, if there was a silver metal plate on the nano razor like there is for the razors, that would make things much simpler.


:haha: Well you can just order the plate as an extra part and glue that sucker down!

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Deleted User 4

:haha: Well you can just order the plate as an extra part and glue that sucker down!


You mean nail that sucker down right? Lmao!!


Do they even have nano versions for it? Lolol

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Drift Monkey

You mean nail that sucker down right? Lmao!!


Do they even have nano versions for it? Lolol


Whatever works...it's not functional anyway!


Cut that sucker in half! HAHA

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Deleted User 4

Whatever works...it's not functional anyway!


Cut that sucker in half! HAHA


Let nanotopia decide after watching this.


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Honestly, I know I just got my Razor...but I'm liking it alot. I doubt the Nano would disappoint.

Hmm if I were nano topia....I would go with....Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmm Hmmm damn hard decision lmao.



Hmmm Maybe the orphek Atlantik!!!






Edit: Jk, it's too big for your tank :lol:

Jeez...can you say overkill? :lol:

Lolol yeah definitely overkill. The light itself is almost $1,000 I think. lol

Nah just get the ecoxotic 100w canon.

Mmm I still think the nano razor is the best option.....mmmm.


Well, if there was a silver metal plate on the nano razor like there is for the razors, that would make things much simpler.

:haha: Well you can just order the plate as an extra part and glue that sucker down!

You mean nail that sucker down right? Lmao!!


Do they even have nano versions for it? Lolol

Whatever works...it's not functional anyway!


Cut that sucker in half! HAHA

Let nanotopia decide after watching this.








Thanks for your input everyone, can I have my thread back now?


Thanks for the video Illu, would have been nice if the maker would have shown some of the controller options and different angles of the fixture though.





Time for sealing/priming the inside of the stand. The door is on, pictures coming later today.


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Illu, the destroyer of threads has struck.


Have you tried zeospur 2? If so, does it work?


And when is the NanoTopia's Ultimate Guide to Nano ZEOvit Dosing coming out? :)

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LOL Brad.


I have not tried Zeospur2 as of yet, I have been meaning to pick up a bottle at the LFS. The recommendation from most is to only use it on a tank that has been running stable for some time and with healthy corals. What this stuff does is cause the SPS tissue to expel some of it's zooxanthelle, the brightly coloured zooxanthelle that the coral uses as a sunscreen. Kind of risky to use IMO, so I would proceed with caution. It will produce lighter, pastel colours on some corals in the tank, quite pretty but OD it and you could kill corals with it.


It's really hard to make a guide for this type of methodology outside of the basics. Peoples experiences with Zeovit have been varied to say the least. The same principals apply to nano's as larger tanks, the challenge is being able to reduce the doses to fit a smaller water volume. Most nano users of Zeovit tend to OD everything, partly because the products are so concentrated and it is difficult to cut a drop in half. Thomas Pohl's official guide is long overdue for a rewrite in general, but the problem with "telling" people what to do is if it doesn't work as the user expected it to, the writer takes the blame. The best way to know what's going on with Zeovit is to check out the forum, many users sharing their experiences with various products over time, follow the bottles directions and you will have issues strangely enough, the bottles indicate maximum doses any system could tolerate, not what most systems could tolerate.


I may write some kind of a guide but it will be general information related to challenges nano users may have, solid advice, and cautions primarily, if people want to know what the products are intended to do they can go on the KZ web site for descriptions.


BTW, this wont be a full Zeo tank, I may do a hybrid zeo with it as I already have all the little blue bottles kicking around.



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Deleted User 4

Yeah, hard to find a video like that...people are slow making reviews on youtube for the nano razor these days...

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This is the stand with sealer primer on the inside, I am still looking into a finish for the inside surfaces. I am thinking about this Synthetic Rubber Coating by Performix. Anyone used it before? Like to know what you think of it and if you think it would be suitable for the inside of the stand. My only concern is it may be too thick for my needs.

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I have no experience with the Rubber Coating, but DAMN That is some quality craftsmanship right there. :wub:

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Just beautiful!!! I don't have any experience with that stuff........I use marine varnish on all my stands...I even use it for stuff I have painted black that goes in the tank.

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First and couple of small modifications to the IM Skimmer Collection Cup.



I added a overflow on the cup, it will have a tube going into the filter sock. I did this incase of a cup overflows (known to happen with this skimmer), water will be directed to the sock so water volume will remain the same in the system overall. The Acrylic tube was attached with methylene chloride.

Next was the issue of the bottom of the skimmer cup. This is the beginning of the neck which attaches to the skimmer body. I was a "little" unhappy with the construction here, mainly the sharpness of the transition. The bubbles should "slide" smoothly from the skimmer body up into the skimmer cup. This is what it looked like coming from the manufacturer... just a little sloppy for my taste...
A little bit of smoothing and some methylene chloride to reseal the joint, a little buffing too... see the difference?

OKAY, with that out of the way, time to unveil the 4 gallon ATO Reservoir that will sit on the bottom shelf of the stand. The large 1/2in bulkhead (SCH80) is for manual filling of the reservoir (via a DIY tube and funnel not shown). The small 1/4in John Guest bulkhead is for an option of having RODI water fed directly to the reservoir from an RODI filtration unit, (I won't likely use this now but maybe in the future). The two holes at the back on the lid are for the Tunze ATO power line and hose. Tank is Do!Aqua 25cm cube (4 gallons), the lid was custom crafted using two 5mm white acrylic sheets bonded with methylene chloride.
NOW, for the SUMP!


Below is the revised plan I made for the sump, again starting with a Do!Aqua 25cm cube. 5mm clear acrylic was used for the walls. I changed the baffle or what some call the bubble trap, from three walls to two walls (thanks for the suggestion Cubeman!). This allowed for a wider space and volume in the baffle slowing the flow and minimizing the amount of micro bubbles making it to the return pump. It also gave me a little more room for a possible IM Aqua Gadget Reactor.




As you can see with the final product, everything fits snugly with room to spare, haha. I have everything I want in the sump. This was lots of work but I am pleased with the outcome. I still have to put some level markings on the front of the sump. The filter sock is a 4in, 300micron Vertex mesh, it is a bit long for the sump so I will sew a few of them shorter another day!
The skimmer as you know, is the desktop Innovative Marine Aqua gadget Skimmer. I have not ran this skimmer in water yet so sorry no review. I have made some modifications I explained above and changed out the air line (original was flimsy and cheap). I also added a 5mm acrylic spacer (sorry no picture) on the attachment clamp to the sump wall, this was so the skimmer would sit further in the sump and take up less room outside of the sump (told you things were tight).
The Return Pump is a Tunze, BIG (max 800 GPH) for the tank size but there is a reason for that I will explain when I get closer to the end of the build :ninja: . The ATO is a Tunze Nano and fits nicely in the sump. I do have an issue with Tunze these days, their magnets used to have an epoxy seal around them to prevent rusting in the tank, they no longer do, makes me sad. I will have to pour an epoxy over them myself, don't think I have ever purchased a single piece of aquarium equipment I didn't have to modify before putting it in my tank ! :)
The heater I just took out of my pico temporally for the picture but I think I will use the same Aqueon Pro 50w heater for this build. A heater is not just a heater, no glass heaters in my aquariums, ever! The temp will be controlled with the DA Reefkeeper Lite.
That's all for now guys, time for a break.
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the build so far, I left quite a bit out but just small things really. Thanks for following :)
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