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Official Mandarin and Dragonet Show off thread


Mandarin Training  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. Does your Mandarin Fish eat Frozen?

    • Yes & I trained my mandarin
    • Yes & I had nothing to do with it
    • No
  2. 2. Answer this if you have a 2nd Mandarin Fish

    • Yes & I trained my mandarin
    • Yes & I had nothing to do with it
    • No
    • I don't have a second Mandy

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Tangerine is still doing good in the big tank. No weight loss, so she's eating well. She and Ferdinand still pay no attention to one another. I'm hoping that changes soon :)



On a sad note, my Midas blenny died this morning. Just stopped eating about 2 weeks ago and nothing I did helped.

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It could be a scrape. Draco got a fish pimple last year, it was bizarre, a white pimple thing that slowly worked its way out of his body. My neon goby and clown also got it about a week apart. Some kind of parasite which I could not find an ID on. Did not hard the fish beyond making a small hole in their body which then closed up and healed.

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The white also has parts or black spots in it which again could be the black in the target but it also are some black spots on the outside of the target where the skin is green, the black spots on the outside are still part of the white if that makes sense, I don't have a good enough camera to pick it up

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I e been trying to catch Tangerine for a couple days, looks like she's lost some weight and I want to put her into my hob fuge to get her back to fighting weight. She's impossible to catch, to many nooks and crannies she can hide in. So today I put a mandarin diner in the tank,hoping that helps. I don't think she's being out competed for food, after feeding literally every surface in my tank is covered in ova and bloodworms and I leave the pumps off for an hour. I'm hoping she just lost her appetite for a couple days. She was handling the transition so well too :/

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Update: My spotted has been fattening up and has a bulging belly every night after feeding. He is a lot more boisterous than my blue and will chase the pipette around the tank. He also still chases blue around even though he is much smaller. The aggression is just over feeding territory though and is short lived and no one gets hurt.

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My little female is putting on some weight :D I just upgraded from a 29g to a 40b and she jumped and hit the ground :c she was a little stunned but she looks okay now. So far the only fish in the 40 are the mandies. I have two firefish and a purple firefish a pair of clowns. Idk if I want to keep them or change upmy livestock. Any fish that I should stay away from that would bother the mandys? Been thinking about some anthias...

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My little female is putting on some weight :D I just upgraded from a 29g to a 40b and she jumped and hit the ground :c she was a little stunned but she looks okay now. So far the only fish in the 40 are the mandies. I have two firefish and a purple firefish a pair of clowns. Idk if I want to keep them or change upmy livestock. Any fish that I should stay away from that would bother the mandys? Been thinking about some anthias...


Stay away from shrimp and 6-lines.

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LOL. Funny u mention that. My coral banded is still in the 29 along with the other fish. That ####er is gone for sure. I have some sexies and an anemone shrimp. Do they bug mandarins?


On a side note my female ate a good amount of live brine for the first feeding in the 40b. The big male is acting funny, swimming at the top and just staying in the corner.. I hate when he acts like that it freaks me out.

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LOL. Funny u mention that. My coral banded is still in the 29 along with the other fish. That ####er is gone for sure. I have some sexies and an anemone shrimp. Do they bug mandarins?


On a side note my female ate a good amount of live brine for the first feeding in the 40b. The big male is acting funny, swimming at the top and just staying in the corner.. I hate when he acts like that it freaks me out.


Not sure but I wouldn't think sexy's would. They are pretty "jumpy" and my sexy's don't really seem to know where the food landed unlike cleaner/fire shrimp. I plan on putting my sexy's in with my mandy's so guess I'll find out sometime.

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She is way too skinny! I hope that I can fatten her up in the next month or two and she enjoys the Ova... here is a video


I like the background noise of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.....it's pretty much all I here at my house when I work on my tank

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. After her first initial forays all around the tank Tangerine seems to prefer the back regions, making it a little difficult to moniter her eating. She doesn't like the turkey baster even though she knows that's where the food comes from, so moves away from it when she sees it. So I hide it from her when squirting her food in her spot to eat. Otherwise, if she sees it she may or may not come back to that spot to eat. She's much more difficult to care for than Ferdinand, who is much less secretive about things. And loves the turkey baster.

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Here's a shot of my female spotted mandarin. Taken with iphone 5.



She's almost as fat as my girl!


For some reason I still can't post pictures at all, on here nor on my thread :,(

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I been trying to target feed my mandarin OVA everyday


It seems to be picking at it but she looks sort of skinny compared to the pictures I am seeing above


I also added 1000 pods


I hope she pulls through my water quality has went down since having to feed so much

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