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CNCreef Asis Pro 824 LED/T5HO Evil Cluster Hybrid


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I was wondering what the smiley was about but I'm on my cell phone so it doesn't show your Sig. The blue fish is only 6 pwm for now correct?

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where on earth did you find Luxeon UV outside of the 250+ count ribbons?

I know mouser has started selling them in qty's of 1...but they are upwards of $20. Definitly not for the faint of heart.


Jedi do you plan on using them. I have been eyeing them for my custom build that is still in its infancy. Possibly looking at running a combination of the 425-430nm and the 410-415nm. Im thinking this will give me the best coverage between 400-430 short of running 6 different Luxeon UVs to cover from 400-430 in 5nm increments.


Also not to hijack your thread but prior to running the t5's, during the first phase of your build. When you fired up your cluster would you say that you ran the cool blues at a higher intensity than the cyans with the dimmer?

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where on earth did you find Luxeon UV outside of the 250+ count ribbons?

I know mouser has started selling them in qty's of 1...but they are upwards of $20. Definitly not for the faint of heart.

I talked to some people :)

Jedi do you plan on using them. I have been eyeing them for my custom build that is still in its infancy. Possibly looking at running a combination of the 425-430nm and the 410-415nm. Im thinking this will give me the best coverage between 400-430 short of running 6 different Luxeon UVs to cover from 400-430 in 5nm increments.

Yep, I'm considering an order for 8x of the LHUV-0425-650 bin, so 425-430nm peak with 675mW typical output at 500mA. 1000mA puts it at 1260mW output at ~3.05w of power. The only 400-405nm model available is the LHUV-0400-450 bin, which is 475mW at 500mA and 960mW at 1000mA (~3.15w), versus 525mW and 1055mW, respectively.


This puts me at three times the cost for violets, ~$225 for 8x 425-430, 8x 400-405, and 8x 4-up PCB for them (would only use two per PCB). Not sure if it's REALLY worth it just to say that I have them, but it would be cool, and I'd definitely be on the 'bleeding edge' lol.

Also not to hijack your thread but prior to running the t5's, during the first phase of your build. When you fired up your cluster would you say that you ran the cool blues at a higher intensity than the cyans with the dimmer?

I ran everything at the same intensity after playing around with it all for a while.

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Yep, I'm considering an order for 8x of the LHUV-0425-650 bin, so 425-430nm peak with 675mW typical output at 500mA. 1000mA puts it at 1260mW output at ~3.05w of power. The only 400-405nm model available is the LHUV-0400-450 bin, which is 475mW at 500mA and 960mW at 1000mA (~3.15w), versus 525mW and 1055mW, respectively.

Mother of god. That's awesome. Going all out, I see! I think the thing I like most about these is the Vf being almost half a volt lower than most other violets. That's some killer output as well.

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Talked to some people ...


Well they're luxeons. I imagine that milad's exotic violets trail behind a bit.


I did look at the bins for those pretty obsessively a while back good bin choice.

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Mother of god. That's awesome. Going all out, I see! I think the thing I like most about these is the Vf being almost half a volt lower than most other violets. That's some killer output as well.

Yeah, the only thing bad about them is their price tag - they're double to triple the price of other violets out there, but these are guaranteed bins. While I don't think that places like Steve's and LEDgroupbuy are lying about their output, but there are no datasheets anywhere with manufacturer information, and 99.9% of people have no way of verifying the spectral reading or radiant output (including myself, other than having a PAR meter, which doesn't give luminous/radiant output).


Talked to some people ...


Well they're luxeons. I imagine that milad's exotic violets trail behind a bit.


I did look at the bins for those pretty obsessively a while back good bin choice.

The LEDgroupbuy 430nm are supposed to be rated from 880-960mW at 700mA (2.45 watts) at 25C, so 359-392mW per watt. The Luxeon 0425-650 is 413mW per watt with ~30-40% more total flux per chip, so you can reduce your numbers by 30-40%.


For the 405nm from LEDgroupbuy, it is 640-680mW at 700mA (2.52 watts) at 25C, so 254-270mW per watt. The Luxeon 0400-500 is 305mW per watt.

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Quad Z UVs ;)



I'm sure they are awesome, but could I couldn't find a datasheet or any info on them. Could you post a link or something on them?

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I'm sure they are awesome, but could I couldn't find a datasheet or any info on them. Could you post a link or something on them?


Quad Z UVs ;)



I know, I know, but it would mess up my symmetry!


After getting some better dimensions of the fixture and the windows in the bottom (which may still end up being one big window across the whole bottom), I also realized that I messed up some dimensions somewhere, and I really cannot fit everything with the M being on the massive square PCB. Looks like I'm gonna have to buy a bunch of Sinkpads, and if I do that I might as well just get some to mount the Luxeon UV to since I need to buy $45 worth of PCB minimum. Anyone need some Sinkpads? lol


Here is the semi-finalish layout.



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Yeah, I figured that if I use Luxeon UV, I will have two extra slots on each of the eight PCB, so 16 slots open. If I swap out the XP-E2 for Luxeon Z, then I can fill all of the slots and I won't have to purchase the very expensive SinkPad boards. Mouser carries 470nm peak Luxeon Z, but in a higher bin (50lm at 500mA), so 12x of them at 1A should be ~85lm each, compared to the XP-E2 at right around 85lm as well. Considering that the Luxeon Z will use the same voltage at the same current. The XP-E2 covers an area of 11.9mm2, the Luxeon Z covers 2.12mm2, so you could literally fit almost six of the Z in the same space as the XP-E2 (or any of the other 3535 package LEDs).


Now, I was going to go with Future, and they only had 11x of the 24lm Luxeon Z blue in stock, so I was going to populate the other four slots with cyan, and then order a lonely diode from Mouser to fill the last blue spot - then I realized that while Mouser's diodes are $2.71 each versus Future's $1.30 each, they are also 50lm instead of 24lm, so double the output. I'll use 12x of those, still, and then populate the others with cyan. Might as well, I figure, even though I'll have a pair of T5 to supplement.


It'll be interesting to see where the Luxeon Z and Z ES go. The 4000K 'base bin' Z ES is slightly larger than the Z at 3.3mm2, but the output is ~280lm at 1A - the 4000K 'base bin' Rebel ES does 258lm at 1A and covers 13.69mm2.


These things will make a badass mini light. It won't be the most efficient with the diodes at 1A, and the royal blue Z is around 30% less efficient than the Rebel ES, but with a custom PCB you could mix the two diodes, or just use more of the Z to get to the same (or higher) output. I'm lookin' at you, Dave! ;)

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Pretty much - new things are becoming more available (and much cheaper, too), so I figure since I haven't bought most of the diodes yet, I can figure out exactly what I want. I have used the XP-E and XP-E2 (and Rebel ES) in the past, but definitely not the Luxeon Z or UV, so I'd love to test them out.


And just think - with the Luxeon Z, you can buy the bare diodes from Future for ~$1.00-1.30 apiece, 20mm 4up boards for $2 each, and then have a place like Steve's mount them for a small fee (can't imagine it would be more than $30 or so for a small run), you've got an ultra cheap array that takes up little space.


Hell, if someone can design a PCB for them to get them printed up, then you could do very large, high-powered multichips that still take up only a couple of inches of space. :)

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