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Hexadron's Nitoralis [Retired]


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Looks really cool but may I suggest more flow in there if your going to keep SPS for any length of time. I have not seen a 5 gallon SPS tank before, I'm looking forward to this, a 5 gallon SPS QT with it's own name, bring it on Jordon.



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QT/Frag tank looks really good man!


Thanks Tristan :D


Very cool, looks suitable for display! I have to admit frag rack looks very nice but only about 10% of my frags I purchase actually come on plugs - which is why I just went with egg crate I already had on hand. Do you plan on transferring yours to plugs or just putting on top of the rack?


Again, wish I had an AC50 as opposed to an AC70. I've got things going where the AC70 isn't too much flow on reduced mode however it doesn't fit on the side of the tank as I would have liked. I thought I planned this out but apparently not well enough. Do you find that your AC50 makes noise? Especially since you said it's going in the bedroom.


Well it will be on display sort of for a bit. I'm glad I went with the rack. I like that I can set it above the ground for any nasties to fall to the bottom while in quarantine, but egg crate would have worked just as well with a bit of DIY, like you have done ;) (Your's looks really great BTW)


Most of the frags i'll be getting will be coming on plugs, but with my order, i'll be buying some to have on hand in case I need to mount them.


The QT tank isn't wet yet, so I haven't tested out the AC50 yet. I will be testing before I buy the coral though, just in case! :P As for noise, I am hoping it's quiet, but if it isn't it's just going to be setup than taken down while not in use. It's not a permanent thing, but all the equipment for it, it specifically for that tank.


So you find yours too strong for flow? How so?


You know you have some serious photography skills when you can make empty tanks look completely killer!


Haha, thanks :) I don't know about that, but hopefully what ends up in this little baby, will surpass what I posted so far. ;)


Looks really cool but may I suggest more flow in there if your going to keep SPS for any length of time. I have not seen a 5 gallon SPS tank before, I'm looking forward to this, a 5 gallon SPS QT with it's own name, bring it on Jordon.




I will be keeping any given coral for a period of 2 weeks. I was debating a powerhead or not, but will try this for now. It churns out 200gph at max which equates to 36x Flowrate. I know the recommended is 40x for SPS, but since it is being so close, and is only in there for the few weeks, I think to should be fine.


A powerhead upgrade would be a cheap addition, but to keep with my KISS philosophy, i'll try less equipment first. I'm also trying my best to keep wattage at a minimum all-around. :P


Thanks for the kind words Christine. Haha, thought I would have fun with something normally boring hah!

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Thanks Tristan :D



Well it will be on display sort of for a bit. I'm glad I went with the rack. I like that I can set it above the ground for any nasties to fall to the bottom while in quarantine, but egg crate would have worked just as well with a bit of DIY, like you have done ;) (Your's looks really great BTW)


Most of the frags i'll be getting will be coming on plugs, but with my order, i'll be buying some to have on hand in case I need to mount them.


The QT tank isn't wet yet, so I haven't tested out the AC50 yet. I will be testing before I buy the coral though, just in case! :P As for noise, I am hoping it's quiet, but if it isn't it's just going to be setup than taken down while not in use. It's not a permanent thing, but all the equipment for it, it specifically for that tank.


I don't agree with this. Your going to be stocking for a long, long time so it will probably be setup for awhile. Getting coral is an ongoing process, especially with your patience I can see you getting 1 new piece a month. If you don't have any LFS within 90 minutes that are worth buying from then you will have no choice but to place larger orders online. But if you have a LFS worth going to, you will find that you often make trips just to see what he has regardless if you planned on buying or not. Believe me, you will keep wanting more and more. Eventually you will run out of room and your QT tank will turn into a frag tank or tank that you can move stuff out of your PicO so you can put more interesting things in.


So you find yours too strong for flow? How so?


Probably fine for SPS but it really blows everything that's not stony around. It's like getting a powerhead and blasting the corals - even if it's just a small powerhead your still talking direct flow, not indirect. Also some of the problem was the small pieces of rock I've glued the corals too. Had I went bigger it wouldn't have been as bad because the flow was knocking even the rock around. I've got it straightened out now. On the one side I've glued acrylic to the bottom of the egg crate. This holds any smaller pieces plus reduces the flow in that area. I'm ordering a set of plugs when I make my next online order.



Haha, thanks :) I don't know about that, but hopefully what ends up in this little baby, will surpass what I posted so far. ;)



I will be keeping any given coral for a period of 2 weeks. I was debating a powerhead or not, but will try this for now. It churns out 200gph at max which equates to 36x Flowrate. I know the recommended is 40x for SPS, but since it is being so close, and is only in there for the few weeks, I think to should be fine.


A powerhead upgrade would be a cheap addition, but to keep with my KISS philosophy, i'll try less equipment first. I'm also trying my best to keep wattage at a minimum all-around. :P


Thanks for the kind words Christine. Haha, thought I would have fun with something normally boring hah!


Me thinks you will be fine w/o additional flow for QT purposes only. ;)

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I, for one, cannot wait until Jordon's apartment is fully half-filled with saltwater. You do such a nice job of making things aesthetically pleasing dude! I haven't been very vocal but I've really enjoyed the discussion between you and Matt (& others) here and in the other PicO threads.

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I, for one, cannot wait until Jordon's apartment is fully half-filled with saltwater. You do such a nice job of making things aesthetically pleasing dude! I haven't been very vocal but I've really enjoyed the discussion between you and Matt (& others) here and in the other PicO threads.


Yeah, I spend way too much time bullshitting! It takes me 5x longer to get anything done. First I have to think about it, then I have to actually do it, then I have to grab a beer and admire my work, then I have to dread cleaning up, then I have to spend an equal amount of time posting about it. lol

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I don't agree with this. Your going to be stocking for a long, long time so it will probably be setup for awhile. Getting coral is an ongoing process, especially with your patience I can see you getting 1 new piece a month.


Not to say it won't be up for a while, but not permanent. I am planning to do a few larger orders this summer, and then let it grow in. I don't think i'll be adding much if anything after that. Maybe a clam, but I won't be dipping that (for obvious reasons...) We will see. I tried my best to not make it an eyesore, so if it stays up, it stays up. I just also wanted to make it easy to take down and re-set it up as well. I think by keeping it simple, I achieved that :D


If you don't have any LFS within 90 minutes that are worth buying from then you will have no choice but to place larger orders online. But if you have a LFS worth going to, you will find that you often make trips just to see what he has regardless if you planned on buying or not. Believe me, you will keep wanting more and more. Eventually you will run out of room and your QT tank will turn into a frag tank or tank that you can move stuff out of your PicO so you can put more interesting things in.


Well my LFS are not really the best so it will be mostly orders online and maybe some frags from Christine in the future ;) Canadian LFS are nowhere near as extensive as the ones in the US. If you guys seen what we offer, you would probably laugh :(


I wouldn't doubt if it becomes a frag tank in the future actually :D


Probably fine for SPS but it really blows everything that's not stony around. It's like getting a powerhead and blasting the corals - even if it's just a small powerhead your still talking direct flow, not indirect. Also some of the problem was the small pieces of rock I've glued the corals too. Had I went bigger it wouldn't have been as bad because the flow was knocking even the rock around. I've got it straightened out now. On the one side I've glued acrylic to the bottom of the egg crate. This holds any smaller pieces plus reduces the flow in that area. I'm ordering a set of plugs when I make my next online order.


I will probably be ordering plugs as well, just in case. I mean they are pretty inexpensive anyways, and always good to have on hand. I'll have to see about flow when I get it wet. Stocking wise, I am looking for around 80% SPS, so hopefully it's not an issue.


Me thinks you will be fine w/o additional flow for QT purposes only. ;)


Ya, the AC50 and AC70 use the same motor right? Just different propeller's IIRC. I think it should be fine. It's around the recommended flowrate for SPS, and that's at full torque, I can always dial it down too if need be. Two weeks isn't a big deal anyways, if the corals aren't the happiest :P


I, for one, cannot wait until Jordon's apartment is fully half-filled with saltwater. You do such a nice job of making things aesthetically pleasing dude! I haven't been very vocal but I've really enjoyed the discussion between you and Matt (& others) here and in the other PicO threads.


Aww, thanks man. I am always looking at the really large builds on RC, and think to myself "some day..." It will have to be after a move most likely, as there's just no space for a large tank. I will tell you though, it WILL happen sooner or later!


Well i mean, if you can't enjoy what you're looking at, then why bother? Yes it's what's inside that counts and all that bull- too :P


Great job on the QT tanks!!!!


Thanks Spiro!


Yeah, I spend way too much time bullshitting! It takes me 5x longer to get anything done. First I have to think about it, then I have to actually do it, then I have to grab a beer and admire my work, then I have to dread cleaning up, then I have to spend an equal amount of time posting about it. lol


You just described me as well! The planning stage is important though, so we don't make any dumb choices. It always helps. I hate cleaning crap up though, but equally like a clean space. DAMNITT.





Okay, well I performed a 25% (2.5g) waterchange today about an hour ago. The water is nearly all clear already! I exchanged the carbon with new, rinsed out the Purigen in the old tank water (which is still like brand new BTW) and added a new filter pad.


Did a quick clean of the mp10 wetside and basted the hell out of everything. I also got a chance to use my new Kent Pro Scraper II, and boy is it a dream! I was previously dunking my hand in the tank with an algae scrubbing pad, and it wasn't too bad, but the more I can keep my hands out of the tank, the better!


Glass is sparkly :wub:


I also had a chance to play with my Hanna Checkers (PO4, dKH, and Ca) again. I tested my water before the change and got these params:

  • Ca - 420
  • dKH - 6.1
  • PO4 - 0.03
  • Ammonia - 0
  • Nitrite - 0
  • Nitrate - 5.0
  • SG - 1.025


Everything, but dKH seems in check. I really don't know what Alkalinity is so low, but after this I also tested my freshly mixed saltwater (Ca and dKH) to see if there was any difference. This water was tested at 76 degrees, and had been mixing for about an hour and a half at 1.025 SG. Results were:

  • Ca - 448
  • dKH - 9.5


According to the bag, values for dKH should be between: 8.1-9.8 and Calcium should be 460.


In all, this confirmed the Hanna Checkers are pretty much on par. The calcium seems just a smidge low, but is within the range it should be.


Just a quick comment about the salt I have been using: Fluval SEA Pro marine Salt, it mixes very quickly. After about 45 minutes, it's crystal clear, but I like to let it mix up to 2 hours. I don't see the need to mix this salt for any longer.


I made a total noob mistake today. When mixing the salt, I added my 1 1/4 cups of salt mix to the 2.5 gallons of RO/DI water, and of course let it mix. Dumbass me, didn't even test for salinity! Luckily it was perfect 1.025. I did test it after adding about half of the saltwater to my tank, and was like "Oh Crap!" but it all worked out. Phew!

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If your not able to keep the saturation levels of Ca & Alk you really need to test your Mg. Somewhere your out of balance if your loosing that much Alk in an empty tank. You might also want to switch to a salt that comes in higher Alk otherwise you will be in for some heavy dosing once you start adding some stony.


The only problem with ordering corals online is that they never look the same in photographs as they do in person. It's very easy to embellish them with a macro shot and tinkering with white balance. I see it all the time where my frag guy puts a photo online and somebody says what the heck, I never saw that in your tanks when I looked in person!

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If your not able to keep the saturation levels of Ca & Alk you really need to test your Mg. Somewhere your out of balance if your loosing that much Alk in an empty tank. You might also want to switch to a salt that comes in higher Alk otherwise you will be in for some heavy dosing once you start adding some stony.


I may pick up a magnesium test kit later one. I still have a bit of this salt to last me a while, but if it isn't working out once I get corals in there, I may shop around. I don't know yet. I think i'm going to feel it out, and see if dosing is for me.


On one end, coral coloration is very important, but on the other end, I don't necessarily want to be chasing numbers all the time. I think i'll "feel" it out and let the corals speak for themselves, instead of always just numbers.


The only problem with ordering corals online is that they never look the same in photographs as they do in person. It's very easy to embellish them with a macro shot and tinkering with white balance. I see it all the time where my frag guy puts a photo online and somebody says what the heck, I never saw that in your tanks when I looked in person!


So true. Luckily I have a source that grows and shoots his corals under Ecotech Radion lighting only, with a fair mix of white and blue. Not total actinic bullcrap you always see around. The good thing is I will have an idea of what to expect under LED's. Unlike corals grown under MH or T5, and then going to LED's could change the whole color.


Either way, I am skeptical of the online portion, but selection is vasty greater than at my LFS. As long as I am providing good lighting, stable parameters and good husbandry, I should be able to achieve good coloration over time at the very least. Not to mention the stress of shipping corals, i'm sure they won't look their best out of the bag. :happy:


Same can be said at a LFS though. For instance one in my area only has their corals under white light with no blue at all. Why? Hell's if I know, but no coral exactly looks superb under that kind of lighting, while another in my area (very limited selection) but has theirs under AI Vegas with the blue spectrum cranked way up. You just won't really know for sure until you have it in your tank and under your lighting.

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PicO Aquariums





This is a BONUS ROUND tank journal for my Coral Quarantine tank "Remorbis"


The Name


Remorbis is a pseudo word from two latin words merged together. Regenerō and Morbus. Regenerō meaning: to heal, regenerate; and Morbus meaning: Disease. Being that this is a Quarantine tank specifically for corals, these two words merge together to Cure disease, rid of pests and Regenerate tissue. This will be a safe temporary haven for new arrivals before reaching their destination: Nitoralis.


I know who to go to when I need to come up with a name for a product line.. :P

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Space monsters.



I know who to go to when I need to come up with a name for a product line.. :P

LOL. Can you tell I long to be in advertising/marketing. :P Any time Chris :)

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Jordan, rename my thread please lol,


Haha, if you want i can give it a shot. This may sound odd, but I have three "backburner" projects I already have names and plans for :ninja:


Mine too. Thanks. :)


What?! I like your new name you came up with. It suits the Xenia theme ;)

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I guess. But I would like to see what you can come up with for a xenia themed tank. :)

Okay here's a shot... Breveo


Breveo is a pseudo word from two latin words merged together. Brevis and Moveo. Brevis meaning: short and brief; and Moveo meaning: Movement. With the pulsing nature of Xenia, this name ####ing rocks. Haha, I tried :P


Timothy, I need more info if you want a special name :ninja:

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Like what info do you need?


I don't know, like what are you trying to achieve with your build. A certain look, to replicate a specific type of environment? Special color scheme? Anything like that would help.



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I don't know, like what are you trying to achieve with your build. A certain look, to replicate a specific type of environment? Special color scheme? Anything like that would help.



A theme...



How about.. A panty dropper inspiration. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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A theme...



How about.. A panty dropper inspiration. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Okay here ya go... Concevestis


Concevestis is a pseudo word from two latin words merged together. Concedo and Vestis. Concedo meaning: to yield, to give up; and Vestis meaning: Clothing/Garments. The sexyness of timothybui's build will cause women all around the world to surrender their undergarments. Amen.

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Okay here ya go... Concevestis


Concevestis is a pseudo word from two latin words merged together. Concedo and Vestis. Concedo meaning: to yield, to give up; and Vestis meaning: Clothing/Garments. The sexyness of timothybui's build will cause women all around the world to surrender their undergarments. Amen.

:lol::lol::lol: SOUNDS SO GOOD

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