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My Custom PicO


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So they say. That's a lot of low power LEDs on there so unless you test it with a par meter...

With all these fixtures you would still be constrained by the mount unless you get something with an adjustable mounting arm. Let's say you get a light that will support a 13.5" cube but your tank is 12" cube. Your light won't be centered if the mounting arm isn't adjustable.


Hmmm, yeah that's true. I think I'm just going to hold back on another new tank....lmao.


Yeah, I'll see what to do next when I see those nano razors on here haha.

While that's happening, I'm going to order this http://www.ebay.com/itm/350734383725?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 to see how it fits onto the ada 45p. It's only $20 ahah which is not a big deal to me.


So did you frame that newspaper yet? :)

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Hmmm, yeah that's true. I think I'm just going to hold back on another new tank....lmao.


Yeah, I'll see what to do next when I see those nano razors on here haha.

While that's happening, I'm going to order this http://www.ebay.com/itm/350734383725?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 to see how it fits onto the ada 45p. It's only $20 ahah which is not a big deal to me.


So did you frame that newspaper yet? :)


lol no


Did I mention how nice it is to have a large RODI reservoir?


Did I mention how nice it is to have a large RODI reservoir?


Yep I said it twice because that's how awesome it is! I'd also like to say that my DI resin is still good because I'm testing 0 TDS. The 2 I was reading before must have been something from the containers. I'll save the DI resin order for a future BRS order because I want to order from marine depot. I did order the Kent marine float valve for my RODI reservoir. Let's hope I don't flood my basement while I'm waiting for it to come in. lol


I've also ordered an Eshopps frag rack for my frag tank. After seeing Jordon's QT tank, I figured I could do better. ;) Besides, it will make it so much easier to put my heater underneath, not to mention my live rock. It should also be easy to remove the rack for tank maintenance, cleaning, etc. Originally I planned on the black one because it looked nicer IMO however I decided on the clear one to allow light to penetrate below it. This would allow me to put a second frag rack below for some lower light guys too. I'm going to put all my frags on plugs so I can blast up the flow - which is awesome because it allows sucks up all the uneaten food (of course I feed my frags!). Anybody have a Tunze nano ATO they are not using?


Remember I tested phosphate in my Aquapod the other day and received 0.05? Well as it turns out my reactor pump wasn't even running. lol My reactor is hooked up to my Apex and I changed the code in my Apex so that I could not accidently turn the pump on when the reactor was relocated to my PicO temporarily. If I did I would have had a mess on my hands. So when I put the reactor back on auto in Apex the pump didn't turn on. Clearly an oversight on my part but nice to know that my chaeto in my fuge is doing it's job as it doubled in size rather quickly.


While I'm at it, I'm going to try some phosquard in my PicO. BRS GFO is great in a reactor but I'm not so sure in a media bag. It's very likely that my phosphate issue is coming from my live rock so it may be an ongoing thing until it's under control.

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You know I just wanted to pull the trigger on that ATO for my frag tank but I couldn't... Had to pay for my car - alternator was not generating enough voltage so I took it off last night. This morning I took it to Advanced Auto to have it tested and sure enough it failed. I already put the new one on.


You know your a reef junkie when you way other things in life against your reef tanks. lol Had I not had to replace the alternator I would have purchased the ATO.

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Did I mention how nice it is to have a large RODI reservoir?


Did I mention how nice it is to have a large RODI reservoir?


Yep I said it twice because that's how awesome it is! I'd also like to say that my DI resin is still good because I'm testing 0 TDS. The 2 I was reading before must have been something from the containers. I'll save the DI resin order for a future BRS order because I want to order from marine depot. I did order the Kent marine float valve for my RODI reservoir. Let's hope I don't flood my basement while I'm waiting for it to come in. lol

That's super cool. I'm actually kind of jealous you get that awesome convenience! Living in a smaller condo, I had to improivise, so I got 2x 2.5 Gallon food grade storage containers for RO/DI. I "tested" it out today for a water change (which equals exactly 25% may I add) and it's a dream. If only I could have a larger reservoir like yourself! :P

I've also ordered an Eshopps frag rack for my frag tank. After seeing Jordon's QT tank, I figured I could do better. ;) Besides, it will make it so much easier to put my heater underneath, not to mention my live rock. It should also be easy to remove the rack for tank maintenance, cleaning, etc. Originally I planned on the black one because it looked nicer IMO however I decided on the clear one to allow light to penetrate below it. This would allow me to put a second frag rack below for some lower light guys too. I'm going to put all my frags on plugs so I can blast up the flow - which is awesome because it allows sucks up all the uneaten food (of course I feed my frags!). Anybody have a Tunze nano ATO they are not using?

Good choice! I am not a fan of the price for those things, but at the same time, I like it for the same reasons you mentioned. Mine being bare bottom as well, it will be nice to create a 'storm' and just suck up all the crap! Can't wait to see it installed. ;)

Remember I tested phosphate in my Aquapod the other day and received 0.05? Well as it turns out my reactor pump wasn't even running. lol My reactor is hooked up to my Apex and I changed the code in my Apex so that I could not accidently turn the pump on when the reactor was relocated to my PicO temporarily. If I did I would have had a mess on my hands. So when I put the reactor back on auto in Apex the pump didn't turn on. Clearly an oversight on my part but nice to know that my chaeto in my fuge is doing it's job as it doubled in size rather quickly.

LOL, That explains things. At least you figured it out hehe.

While I'm at it, I'm going to try some phosquard in my PicO. BRS GFO is great in a reactor but I'm not so sure in a media bag. It's very likely that my phosphate issue is coming from my live rock so it may be an ongoing thing until it's under control.

Good luck, and keep us posted.


You know I just wanted to pull the trigger on that ATO for my frag tank but I couldn't... Had to pay for my car - alternator was not generating enough voltage so I took it off last night. This morning I took it to Advanced Auto to have it tested and sure enough it failed. I already put the new one on.


You know your a reef junkie when you way other things in life against your reef tanks. lol Had I not had to replace the alternator I would have purchased the ATO.

Boy do I hear you Matt. I'm always trying to figure out ways to save money as of late to support my addiction :ninja:

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Kinda disappointed I don't have any new toys to play with. My order was supposed to be delivered Friday, however on the 18th a delivery exception on IL occurred due to adverse weather and there have been no updates since. With my luck it won't get here until I go back to work and I will have to wait another week to get it. ;( Damn inpatient reefers. Perhaps I'll do another big fragging this weekend. I've got several guys ready to go - including some excellent growing SPS in my Aquapod.


I'd love to go to my frag guy, or place a nice order online but it's just too soon to vacation. I'd like to place another CUC order with reef cleaners but I've been eyeing up a dendro that I haven't been able to pickup locally so I'd like to combine shipping. I just don't know if the dendro will go in my Aquapod with my sun coral or my PicO in one of my cages. I want to get a ton of crabs for my PicO & frag tank because they seam to love the brown algae growing in my live rock. Lots of brown stuff growing weekly in my PicO & frag tank.

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Kinda disappointed I don't have any new toys to play with. My order was supposed to be delivered Friday, however on the 18th a delivery exception on IL occurred due to adverse weather and there have been no updates since. With my luck it won't get here until I go back to work and I will have to wait another week to get it. ;( Damn inpatient reefers. Perhaps I'll do another big fragging this weekend. I've got several guys ready to go - including some excellent growing SPS in my Aquapod.


I'd love to go to my frag guy, or place a nice order online but it's just too soon to vacation. I'd like to place another CUC order with reef cleaners but I've been eyeing up a dendro that I haven't been able to pickup locally so I'd like to combine shipping. I just don't know if the dendro will go in my Aquapod with my sun coral or my PicO in one of my cages. I want to get a ton of crabs for my PicO & frag tank because they seam to love the brown algae growing in my live rock. Lots of brown stuff growing weekly in my PicO & frag tank.

Bummer about the delivery. Boy do I know what that's like! I have aq trip coming up next week, so anything live is out of the question until I get back :(


SPS frags you say hmmm. What kind of crabs are you looking into?

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Bummer about the delivery. Boy do I know what that's like! I have aq trip coming up next week, so anything live is out of the question until I get back :(


SPS frags you say hmmm. What kind of crabs are you looking into?



Probably blue legs. They are smaller and not as much trouble. I've never had a problem with hermits and corals - except that they like to steal food from my sun coral but no more than nassarious snails.


Heck, I'd at least be happy if it told me the revised delivery date but it seems to have fell off the planet. Maybe I'll comfort myself and take my daughter to my frag guy after t-ball & softball.

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Went out to my frag guy and got some new stuff... Picked up 2 zoas, an SPS frag, and a randall's goby. Too bad the only pistol he had was a large red one so I didn't get it. I'll get some pics later when everybody is settled in.


Also good news is that my supply order arrived in PA today so I'm hoping to see it delivered Monday.

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I'm knee deep into performing weekly maintenance on all my tanks right now. I figured I'd start early instead of doing during the wee hours of the morning as usual. For those of you keeping score, I'm up to 11 corals in my PicO now. :) I'm still dealing with brown algae. Now it seems like I need to clean the glass every other day if I want to keep it clean. I'll have to do some more water tests to see where I'm at. I've yet to test the important things like Ca, Alk, & Mg but with using a quality salt with weekly water changes, combined with only having a few corals I can't imagine having any issue.


I've ordered the InTank media basket for my AC70 on my frag tank. I would have rather not spent that kind of money but it was way better then anything I could have built. Not to mention the AC70 is big enough if I ever needed to upgrade my frag tank to a 10g. lol Besides, I couldn't pass up on StevieT's 15% deal going on this weekend. Now let's hope I have money left for vacation.

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So after 4+ hours, I'm all done... I just need to finish my cleanup. I've done water changes on all 3 tanks, as well as did a complete feeding of everything. I've also done full tests with interesting results. I did not test my frag tank because I'm assuming the results would be comparable to my PicO. These results are after the water changes & feedings.



  • SG: 1.026 - Refractometer
  • PH - N/A (not tested, insignificant)
  • dKH 12.1 Salifert (low resolution)
  • Ca 440 - Salifert (low resolution)
  • Mg 1275 - Salifert
  • PO4 0.12 - Hanna Checker (phosphorous converted to phosphate)
  • NO3 5 - API


I was very pleased to see that my phosphates are down with only using a small amount of GFO in a media bag in each media basket. Note my Red Sea Pro salt claims to be Dkh 12.3-12.7, Ca 455-475, Mg 1360-1420 so I think I'm right inline with manufacture claims as I shouldn't have much consumption as this tank isn't stocked heavily yet.




And for comparison, I also tested my Aquapod. I have been getting explosive growth in this tank, especially with SPS however my zoas haven't been as happy. My bryopsis has always been under control and is all but gone, so you can see my Mg is back down. For some reason I've gotten some GHA in my fire & ice zoas, which has really upset it. I do NOT roll with algae in my tank so I don't know what to make of this.



  • SG 1.026
  • PH 7.96 - Apex probe
  • dKH 11.4 - Salifert (low resolution)
  • Ca 340 - Salifert (low resolution)
  • Mg 1500 - Salifert
  • PO4 0.15 - Hanna Checker (phosphorous converted to phosphate)
  • PO4 0.09 RETESTED - Hanna Checker (phosphorous converted to phosphate)
  • NO3 0 - API

Note - ran out of liquid CA to dose, clearly I need to pick some up. I was appalled by seeing a phosphate reading of 0.15 so I had to restest (with new reagents). 0.09 still seams high but that clearly explains the GHA I'm seeing. I have been feeing this tank heavily due to the fragging. I only have a small amount of GFO in my reactor but it looks like I need to change it. I'm a little concerned regarding the inconsistent results as my first test was 48 phosphorous and my second was 30 phosphorous which is 8ppb outside the 5ppb accuracy assuming you took each test at the far end of the margin of error. Still, both test results are unacceptable so I've got some more work to do.




Phosphates came down in my PicO, phosphates jumped in my Aquapod. Ca is low in my Aquapod. Everything else is good.


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Glad you got the car fixed! I'm excited to see your QT with the new frag rack in, too.


Weighing other life purchases against new aquarium stuff is a feeling I'm very familiar with!

Same :/ I may not have as fancy of a setup as you guys do or think on as large of a scale, but I still am like, "hmmm, do I want a new coral or should I buy some groceries/food?"

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Looking good!


And what a superb picture of this fellah.


Thank you! My daughter found him when I went to see my frag guy. He was supposed to be in a basket in a tank stuffed with live rock but he jumped out of the basket. I made my frag guy tear the entire tank apart to get him. :) My daughter calls him Candy, the randy goby. lol

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The boxes inside looked like hell but I believe everything survived. One of the survivors was my frag rack - which is all but full now and I don't even have anything special on it yet. I'll get a pic later. Also got my float valve which of course the 3/8" to 1/4" reducer wasn't what I was expecting so I need to get yet another part for my RODI reservoir.

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