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FishBrawler ReefStock goodies


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Well the light has not come yet, but here is rasta I got at reef stock! Oh... and guess who won the 45 pound box of marco rocks in the raffle!?

Enjoy :)


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Dang it you won my box of rock!

Its a good box! I have like 35 extra pounds lol! If you need any, I got some! ;)

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So I got a mock up for the aquascape. What do you guys think? Im not completely satisfied, so any critics are welcome to help me fix it! :)













Sorry the images are dark! The light still hasnt arrived yet! :( and the glare is really bad with the blinds open! Let me know if you need new pictures! :)

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Pictures aren't bad, I love the scape I personally love the minilimistic/bonsai style aquascape. It's what I'm aiming for in my build. The only thing I would change is add another arch connected to th arch you have in the left hand corner of the tank (assuming you are looking at it from the front. That's just my opinion. Other than that I love it. It'll look great with nice branching and tabling Sps on the arch ;)

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Pictures aren't bad, I love the scape I personally love the minilimistic/bonsai style aquascape. It's what I'm aiming for in my build. The only thing I would change is add another arch connected to th arch you have in the left hand corner of the tank (assuming you are looking at it from the front. That's just my opinion. Other than that I love it. It'll look great with nice branching and tabling Sps on the arch ;)

Well it is going to be visible from all sides and the top most of all so do that change any ideas you have?
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scape is good for minimalist style

Thanks! Thats what I am aiming for! Do you know what coral scaping is? I am going to be aiming more for that than just rock. I think it adds a more dramatic effect! :)
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You still 35lbs left maybe we can talk a price:)

I am going to need a lot more then that for my next build. I like your aquascape a lot.

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Here its an update on the light... It was suppose to ship on monday kast week but didnt until friday so it is suppose to be here on friday THIS week! :) I cant wait!


And here is the tank with rhe rock and a cheapo light :(




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It's just preference I completely agree with the look you're trying to achieve. I also do not like too many rocks, I just thought that spot could use another rock from the picture that was posted, because of your new top down picture I wouldn't Change the scape.

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It's just preference I completely agree with the look you're trying to achieve. I also do not like too many rocks, I just thought that spot could use another rock from the picture that was posted, because of your new top down picture I wouldn't Change the scape.

But what you WERE thinking was this. Right?


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Actually yes and it looks way wetter that way if you could find a piece to fit that design. That looks way better IMO. Either way the scape will be killer! :)

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Actually yes and it looks way wetter that way if you could find a piece to fit that design. That looks way better IMO. Either way the scape will be killer! :)

I cant find a f ood pece to fit that part, but inlike the openess that it has right now anyway. Thought id post some more picture of zoas at ReefStock!


And we had a ethnoc food friday in NonWestern Civ in my school and someone brought some Ukrainian Hering!... *Pressured in to trying because people are like isnt that like eating your own kind... OH BROTHER LOL! :)


Took one bite and couldnt event think of eating the rest!


After all...


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So my light has arrived! I took picture but dont have it over the tank yet cuz I had to go to my moms house! :( so be expecting the review... or part of it today! :)

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Well I just had my WHOLE review typed up and accidentally pressed the back button... POOF! GONE!... I'll retype is tomorrow...

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Ledtric iNspire Review!

  • Packaging-This was very well packed in a box with very little wiggle room. I was very pleased by the packing job. Everything was in its own package and nothing was touching which means no scratches or anything. And like with almost anything you order online now, you get that nice nifty online tracking number which proved to encourage my excitement.



The Box


The Unboxing



  • Features and Appearance-This nice little fixture, prior to contrary belief, is not as bulky as many make it out to be. It is a nice little compact fixture. It has by far surpassed the craftsmen ship of my T5 fixture. It has some key features that help it keep the longevity of the LEDs a reality. The fixture has and internal thermometer that tell you the running temperature. The fans seem to run 24/7 even if the LEDs are off. The only thing that really seems to turn them off is the main kill switch located on the right-hand side. This is both a plus and a minus as it will keep the LEDs at optimum performance but the chance of the fan breaking is much higher. The fans aren’t too loud but are not the quietest… My T5 fixture is quieter (Note: My T5 fixture is an AquaticLife 4 bulb T5 fixture). Probably the best feature that it has it the little remote. It comes off as alil cheap but it’s a great feature! For example, when I first got it and was telling my friend about it over the Xbox, I told him that this room could use some more blue. I picked up the remote and POOF! Turned up the Royal Blue Channels! Some of the things that could use improvement would be the LCD screen, LED Channel distribution, and user friendliness. For starters, the screen is soooo small! It seems that for the price of the fixture, they could throw in a nicer screen that would make the fixture look better I think end up making the fixture more user friendly. As far as user friendliness, it is not straight forward. The box did not come with any handheld instructions. Now I knew there was an instruction manual online, but it would not cost too much and would probably be helpful to other costumers if they included one in the box they send you. The instructions found on their website were also not very detail and could use some more details and description, but in their defense, it is pretty straight forward once you read them. The one thing that I really just HATE about this fixture… yes… HATE! Is that they have four channels yet don’t utilize them to their fullest of potential. They have it set so that there is one CW channel, one RB channel, one True Violet and Deep Red and Cyan channel, and one Moon Light channel… otherwise known as JUST ANOTHER ROYAL BLUE CHANNEL! This is stupid to have two blue channels when you could have CW, RB and TV, Cyan, and Deep Red all on separate channels allowing for maximum control. (Yes I know you would sacrifice running the royal blues longer but aren’t LEDs all about control!)Also that there is really on 4 time points possible. It makes for a sort of chunky transition. Otherwise this is probably one of the best fixtures to price ratios out there.







The Remote


  • LEDs-Now what you have been waiting for. Without further ado THE LEDS! 52 LED’s encompass the 15.75 inch long body. The Ledtric iNspire features 5 different colors of LEDs: 11-6500K CW, 25-455NM RB, 8-420NM TV, 4-495NM Cyan, 4-660NM Deep Red. These are spread out over 4 channels, and each channel can be controlled independently on a 0% power up to 100% power. The iNSPIRE comes with 120 degree lenses. It would be nice for them to add an option of 90 degree lenses as it is nice to have the option for less spread.

What it’s all about… THE LEDS!




Channel A


Channel B


Channel C


Channel D



  • Overall-I think that this is probably the BEST fixture (nonDIY) for its price! I will keep you updated on growth and “endurance” of the fixture.

FTS with Fixture…


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Beautiful! I thought the iNspire was only okay until I saw the controller and stuff!

Nice to see another high schooler though. How are you taking APs and Honors in freshman? Where I go, the freshman year has essentially no free courses. Even sophomore year is a little restricted.

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I dig the scape. Have you tried extending the curve of the back structure farther towards the front? I think that would be sweet and give some nice real estate for more coral.

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Beautiful! I thought the iNspire was only okay until I saw the controller and stuff!

Nice to see another high schooler though. How are you taking APs and Honors in freshman? Where I go, the freshman year has essentially no free courses. Even sophomore year is a little restricted.

Well my high school is 7th-12th and I college prep school so they allow you to take any academic course you want as long as you qualify. I'm taking 4 honors classes and one AP as they only offer one AP class as freshmen and sophomores! That would be science but almost every other class is offered in some sort of honors course. It is safe to say that my school has almost no other electives so they allow their students to flourish on academics.
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I dig the scape. Have you tried extending the curve of the back structure farther towards the front? I think that would be sweet and give some nice real estate for more coral.

That was the original plan but since I'm doing bare bottom the rocks needed to be "prime" rocks which have been cut with a tile saw on one side to make them completely flat. The rock that I won came with three pieces and... well... I USED them all! So I'm seeing if I could go used my uncles tile saw or my grandpas. I could order from marvo again but the minimum order for the prime rock is 20 pounds! They said that should cover 4 square feet! And would cost $60 so I'm not going to do that since I only need 5 pounds or so max!

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Well my high school is 7th-12th and I college prep school so they allow you to take any academic course you want as long as you qualify. I'm taking 4 honors classes and one AP as they only offer one AP class as freshmen and sophomores! That would be science but almost every other class is offered in some sort of honors course. It is safe to say that my school has almost no other electives so they allow their students to flourish on academics.

Hmmm. The electives part would get me; I love electronics and band. In my school, some people tank precalc in freshman, but that's it. It's pretty difficult to take more than 1-2 AP courses each year.

And +1 on the atoll look. I usually like those.

Although putting corals inside the semicircle could get tricky due to shading problems.

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