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Top Shelf Aquatics

55 Gallon - 2 years old


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I really need some help people.


I need someone to confirm or deny that that starfish is poisonous/venomous.


If it's not, then the dumb ass sea cucumbers have died and their toxin is making the tank crash.


I'm at work. What can I tell my wife to do?

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Sea Cucumber danger seems to be debatable. You are probably seeing a symptom of another problem, perhaps a bioload overload from the starfish, or something else.


I'm sorry I can't really help. I went through a crash in my 40 around the 6 month time frame, and I'm still not sure why. Sometimes our reaction to a bad situation makes it worse. Adding all the carbon, for example, might have changed the water chemistry too drastically.


Massive water changes is the best solution, but even then many corals might be zombies and will continue to die. That was my experience, proven by putting a new coral in the tank while others continued to die. New coral never showed any stress.

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+1 to carbon.

I also had a starfish that helped crash my tank.

Decided to die in a rock crevice. Fouled the water and

lost a bunch of LPS. Pulled out the dead/dying, used carbon,
WCs and time. Good news is my tank is better now.

Good luck.

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He already added carbon. And just to be clear, now that it's added, don't remove it.


Time for a lot of water changes. Friday afternoon vacation. :)


In my opinion, of course.

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my wife removed the rock with the 2 cucumbers. tested for ammonia. 0.25, nitrate - low end, nitrite - 0.


new water is being made right now.

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Wow! I would try a large large large water change! It may help! I had a gbt enter a powerhead... gbt everywhere. My tank came back stronger than ever!

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Yea, that's a boat load of ammonia. Large water changes and carbon is in order. I don't know if adding those "ammonia detox" solutions to the tank is safe, but I've heard of people using them.


After the water change, definitely try hard to dig out whatever's dead ASAP.

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Sea cucumbers are nearly always toxic when they die. I've never heard of a sea star fouling up a tank; I can say that Ive had more than one die in my tanks and nothing really happened.

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the ammonia test is salifert. cracked open the rock with the 2 cucs and one was dead, shriveled up.

did an 85% water change. carbon is still in there. I had to tear the ####in tank apart to find slytherin and deliria as I hadn't seen them in days and feared their death. deliria's tail fin is almost completely gone, no clue why. I believe she is about to pass. I moved her to the fuge for protection.


Yes, I have chaeto and 4 types of macro. You know this. Ulva being one of them.


two corals are completely white except the polyps. I'm really hoping they don't die as they're my favorites.


amazing how GHA doesn't die off because of events like this.


also found out that sand sifting stars are extremely bad to have in a reef tanks, so I'll be taking that back to the LFS.


I flushed the live sea cuc. #### him.


my duncan is the only thing that's out right now. very sad looking tank.

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Make more water. Keep changing till toxicity lowers. Your first sign may not be the ammonia as stuff may still be dying. Do you have prime or other ammonia additives? Maybe even Dr tims ? These will not remove the ammonia but will make them non toxic and easy to remove via water changes.

Salifert test kit is a good one.

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