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55 Gallon - 2 years old


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mmm... pagoda pizza..


whatever those things are around your blastos, kill em wif fire!

for real? what are they?


oh and coralline showing up on vortechs. Squeeeee

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Looks to be some kind of paly. Typically, the less colorful ones are the ones that spread very quickly and are loaded with toxins.

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Looks to be some kind of paly. Typically, the less colorful ones are the ones that spread very quickly and are loaded with toxins.

do you agree? I should remove them?

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Any of that coralline takin off? Lovin them cloves


Ah I see its on the power heads. Good start

Vortechs, spots on rock. Overflow/siphon tube have it like crazy.

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and the only surviving bastard of a ric, with the bastard that keeps eating my pipe organ corals...


couldn't get this one focused.

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mine is 9 months old. he should be sleeping 16 hours a day. he MAYBE gets 9 total, including naps. he just DOES NOT sleep.

it makes a bit of sense; however, as I only sleep 5 hours a nite. but it probably shouldn't be affecting him already.


september PO4 - 0.00ppm

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Dude I feel ur no sleep my infant will sleep fine one night and then not at all for like 3 nights, great times lol

Lol good times!


My daughter was the same way. She's almost three, they usually get Better around three months

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Lol good times!

My daughter was the same way. She's almost three, they usually get Better around three months


Yeah everyone keeps telling me that so I want to time travel right now lol

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Have any pipe organs left? I don't have much mercy for any critter that munches on coral. Back to the LFS I say. Off with your fins! (not literally)

barely. sooooooooooooo much going on right now. I can't get the third tank up.


other news


starfish met the vortech, didn't survive.


and it must have been poisonous or venomous because the entire tank is pissed off and looks like shit.


only had 3 gallons of water made so that's all I could swap out. and threw a bunch of carbon in the filter sock.



and here's a laugh for everyone...


Proposal #17182






1. In front, remove 1 Ash tree (about 40" dia.). $5400.00


2. In back, remove 1 Oak tree (about 60" dia.). $9000.00


For both items #1 and #2, price includes taking wood and


debris. Do not grind stumps.




Note: The price for doing the Oak tree is based on getting


the truck in the back yard -- the Ash tree must be down


before we can do the Oak.


Total not to exceed: $14400.00


Total $14400.00




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Lmfao holy shit dude get yourself an echo chainsaw climb up there cut the limbs yourself and take your time with the trunk, rent a stump grinder from home Depot and depending how much help you got it shouldn't take you too many days to finish the job

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Lmfao holy shit dude get yourself an echo chainsaw climb up there cut the limbs yourself and take your time with the trunk, rent a stump grinder from home Depot and depending how much help you got it shouldn't take you too many days to finish the job

I have my own chainsaw. these trees are 250+ years old. at least 100 feet tall.


a little above my comfort zone.

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