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Cultivated Reef

Mangrove Forest-time to say goodbye


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Mr. Microscope

Wow man! Those are some crazy hermits! I like that jade colored shell. What do you feed them? Salad? Also, and forgive my asking, do they produce a lot of waste/smell and how do you clean up after them?

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Wow man! Those are some crazy hermits! I like that jade colored shell. What do you feed them? Salad? Also, and forgive my asking, do they produce a lot of waste/smell and how do you clean up after them?


I feed them pretty much anything organic-meats,nuts, mangroves leaves,fruit,vegies and so forth-they need a good diet, and can't procces the crappy comercial food thats sold. I've had these guys specially ordered from indonisain and have had them a long time-some 5 years and i'm guessing my biggest are around 20 years old. They don't smell at all-the only thing that smells is if I forget to take food out of the tank-really the only requirement is a deep substate, 80% releative humidity and 75-90degree temps. Not much waste either I keep a host of isopods(rollie pollie guys) that clean up for me


Those hermits are awesome, they remind me a lot of the coconut crabs I saw in Vanuatu.

Same thing just without the shell

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I'll be taking a new FTS tommorrow straight on-and next week, overflow and sump will be done-some of my stuff is still on back order but I have enough part for my led that I can get most of it done-The led light will be called the Arc and and max will push out around 20,000ish lumen but won't be running it that high lol

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Well why not? :)

It to emulate the tropical sun where mangroves grow-so it's been fun getting custom optics, bending metal and cut fingers as well a few choice words lol



Giga! Is that a marmaduke dog?!


Half marmaduke, half great Shepard - I want another Dane or mastiff or wolfhound but the wife says we have enough creatures :)

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Any newish light stuff? :)

This weekend I should have a tease for you, as I was dwelling on the design and a epiphany struck-hence the Arc. It's very differnt from what it was and very modern-I'll still need a few things from you as well so i'll let you know. I would have things sooner but I've been working 13 hour days as my office got a huge work load so it's been crazy.

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I would have things sooner but I've been working 13 hour days as my office got a huge work load so it's been crazy.

Wow, I'm impressed! A new baby, 13 hour work days, and you still find time to work on this tank? I'm pretty sure that I'd be too tired to even post, that I was too tired to post.
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Wow, I'm impressed! A new baby, 13 hour work days, and you still find time to work on this tank? I'm pretty sure that I'd be too tired to even post, that I was too tired to post.


ditto, I am tired for you!

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Wow, I'm impressed! A new baby, 13 hour work days, and you still find time to work on this tank? I'm pretty sure that I'd be too tired to even post, that I was too tired to post.


ditto, I am tired for you!


I just don't sleep, I let my wife sleep but I'm so paranoid about my daughter sleeping that I check on her all the time and just work on the tank in the garage since I'm up. I just take a lot of naps ;)

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ahhh going on 16 hors at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More Marmaduke pictures please! Also baby pics if you don't mind posting cuteness.

I can do this when ever I get home


Are people posting pics of puppies?

why not?

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ahhh going on 16 hors at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't really know what to do with one, but 16? DAYUM, you're the friggin' energizer bunny. ;)

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Sooooooooo my inlaws are now coming and staying with me since they live outside the US and I don't think I'll get much done for the tank. Here's a couple pics to tie ya over




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Just curious as to what people think of this idea, I've been writing and ultimate guide to growing mangroves,the science and my observations over the last 6 years would people find that useful to post or would it be a waste of effort?

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Just curious as to what people think of this idea, I've been writing and ultimate guide to growing mangroves,the science and my observations over the last 6 years would people find that useful to post or would it be a waste of effort?



I would find that a highly useful post, I've always been interested in making a mangrove root biotope.

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Well, there you have it - at least two people will find it helpful. :lol:


It actually sounds like useful information that many people could use. But I don't know where you'll ever find the time for it.

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