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I realize it is hard to tell what this thing is, but it is my water cooled LED fixture for my algae scrubber. The red LEDs will be mounted on the back side on copper disks and the thing will transfer heat passively to the fan operated radiator through convection. It is in this shape because I only have 2" of space in front of the scrubber so the radiator needed to be mounted off to one side and slightly above in order for the heated water to rise to the heat exchanger. After I get it wired and installed I will take another picture which hopefully will clarify how it works. (If it works)



That is quite a contraption Paul



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For Reef Keepers it's always Something








isnt that the truth lol. It took me over 38 years to dive into fowlr and another two years to get into reefing and to pick out my first coral, and I pick a sun coral of all things, and now I have two. I think reefers are an interesting ? And unique bunch!! And believe me, there are days when I just want to go to bed and skip a day feeding my Suns but I do it anyway and once I've started it makes me happy because it makes them happy and I get to watch them grow and feel a lot of satisfaction. I knew what I was getting into when I got them. And every time my clown bites me I remember that it is her house. I wouldn't want an intruder in my house every night, even if they came with gifts lol.?
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isnt that the truth lol. It took me over 38 years to dive into fowlr and another two years to get into reefing and to pick out my first coral, and I pick a sun coral of all things, and now I have two. I think reefers are an interesting ? And unique bunch!!

They sure are



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Sometimes it's good to get reminded of what we're dealing with in our hobby. I've been known to wash my hands thoroughly before putting my hands in the tank, but then just rinse the salt water off. That's pretty stupid. When I get my zoas this reminds me of the precautions I need to take, well with all tank life really. I have enough ailments without creating them due to negligence. Also that gives a bad name to our hobby when something that could have been prevented happens. Plus who knows what the ER docs would do. I doubt there is an aquaria and poisons class, and I don't know if the poison control place would necessarily know what to do or if the sick people would even realize where their symptoms actually came from. Oh it's just the flu.

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Had a call today yo say my light was fixed and that I should have it back next week so I should be able to get on mounting them with my DIY light mounts. a;;I sold a ,load of frags yesterday to one of my LFSs so have been busy doing more. Good job my Red Sea pule grows like weeds as 2 of my LFSs want 10 each each month.

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Sometimes it's good to get reminded of what we're dealing with in our hobby. I've been known to wash my hands thoroughly before putting my hands in the tank, but then just rinse the salt water off. That's pretty stupid. When I get my zoas this reminds me of the precautions I need to take, well with all tank life really. I have enough ailments without creating them due to negligence. Also that gives a bad name to our hobby when something that could have been prevented happens. Plus who knows what the ER docs would do. I doubt there is an aquaria and poisons class, and I don't know if the poison control place would necessarily know what to do or if the sick people would even realize where their symptoms actually came from. Oh it's just the flu.


Indeed the issue is as you say : will the fact that the poisoning occurred as a result of the tank come to light






Had a call today yo say my light was fixed and that I should have it back next week so I should be able to get on mounting them with my DIY light mounts. a;;I sold a ,load of frags yesterday to one of my LFSs so have been busy doing more. Good job my Red Sea pule grows like weeds as 2 of my LFSs want 10 each each month.



Glad to read it Les



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What do you know? It works! I am running a test now to see if it gets hot.
If it works and stays cool for an hour, I will make the splash shield and install it.


While I was waiting for this to warm up, I made some stuffed calamari that will knock your socks off. They are in season now and are all over the place.


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I want it!! I need more knowledge because I don't want to mush things together and have WW1. So I'm very slow lol. I want a nice and full beautiful tank. The tank where my Suns are doesn't have super bright reef lights so I'm trying to do NPS and those that thrive under many light conditions for this tank. This tank was originally going to be fowlr and the reef bug bit me. The other tank has reef ready lights but I'm working on an algae problem first before any corals.

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How's the Blueberry Gorgonian doing Paul? Not the easiest of Gorgonians to keep as I am sure you are aware so if you get it to thrive then that would be great. Early days yet of course but I hope you do well with it.

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Atoll, you can see it in the center. It is doing well so far. Actually I just moved it there from the right end because I got that long, thin thing, type of gorgonian and that would not fit anywhere else because it is to tall. I had one and it was doing well so I got another. I also love those two red sponges. I got those because sponges do very well in my tank and grow wild. I have one for probably 12 years and I keep giving pieces of it away because it grows kind of fast. They live on bacteria and I have plenty of that. A few times a day I use one of these to make a typhoon to feed the corals and that blueberry gorgonian.



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I like those feeders, Paul.


I've kept a red gorg for a couple months now thanks to target feeding. If I can keep it for another 6 months after I move everything to the new tank, I'll give the blue ones a shot. When I was in the hobby decades ago, I wasn't terribly successful with gorgs. I seem to be doing better this time around.

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I like those feeders, Paul.


I've kept a red gorg for a couple months now thanks to target feeding. If I can keep it for another 6 months after I move everything to the new tank, I'll give the blue ones a shot. When I was in the hobby decades ago, I wasn't terribly successful with gorgs. I seem to be doing better this time around.


Indeed some Gorgonians are not that easy at all to keep



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Just did a reply to a question on another forum asking should he/she reduce the flow in his/her tank at night. Does the flow on the reef change or decrease at night? No, so why would you want to reduce it.

. My philosophy to keeping my reef aquarium is really quite simple. You can't improve on nature, mother nature has had many millions of years to perfect herself so why try and change or even improve on her work?

I try as much as I am able to replicate the natural conditions my animals come from as much as I am able to.

Of course, there are boundaries I am unable to cross many things I can't or won't try to replicate in my tank (EG I don't knowingly keep predators on my corals or fish) but we can within reason create a biotope replicating a section of the reef. You may have a different view, fine let's hear it and if you agree well you can add to it.

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I saw that thread too. Seems silly to me, unless the tank is too loud. ;)


Now, I could see changing the ratios of the powerheads every 8-12 hours maybe. But not reducing flow.

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