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Coral Vue Hydros

37G Shallow illuminated Reef tank


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Keep us updated master, im building same dimensions here, what is ur water level.


Very nice nice setup


Water level 13 inches and 1cm sand bed.Even though I left 2inches from the top for the wave motion but my fish alway jump out so be careful if you don't have any lid. Disadvantage of the tank with this dimension is the depth of the tank look much shorter than the real thing,can't saperate near and far dimension from the front side, another story if you from the top view so I always set up the tank from the top view, more realistic.

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Any sneak peak we can see? No problem you will always got my votes. I really can see what your striving for on your beautiful reef. It's very inspiring with your mastermind touch! :D

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This is what happen so far of my new tank :D Still have to improve more and adjust the position of corals. I really don't know this one will look as good as the last one or not but I kinda like it more than the last one


Took it on Iphone,not so good quality. I'll find a camera lately.

o9Ugr.jpg yVyoLV.jpg QVdNl6.jpg

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Wow looks incredible...like the new layout reminds me of mine.


Have not give you a credit yet haha ;) Your tank is my inspiration for rearrange rockscape, I always passionate the tank that has clean look. But this tank still have way to go to be equally your TOTM dude ^^

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Living the new layout! +1 look sexy as rehype and more natural looking. Now u just need to get a school of redspot cardinals or long spined cardinals. Awesome layout!

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Living the new layout! +1 look sexy as rehype and more natural looking. Now u just need to get a school of redspot cardinals or long spined cardinals. Awesome layout!


That's a good idea man but those two types hard to find in my country, just saw a couple of them for the past few month so I've plan to get a group of colorful anthias as the minor plan. :lol:

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it looks great! really lovely, deep look :happy:


Wow looks incredible...like the new layout reminds me of mine.

That's what I was going to say...and since I think yours is awesome... ;):P

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Thanks jacob


Also, I hope you don't mind :happy:




Wow!!! such an honor man :D I'll try to get a DSLR camera as soon as possible to take a good photo for you, I still save the best view of the tank not take a photo yet, I'll update tomorrow. Thank you so much for support :bowdown:

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Wow!!! such an honor man :D I'll try to get a DSLR camera as soon as possible to take a good photo for you, I still save the best view of the tank not take a photo yet, I'll update tomorrow. Thank you so much for support :bowdown:

No problem. I love to open my iPod and see your tank :lol:

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Some more update. Finally, finished set up :D:lol: still have a problem with WB on Iphone :wacko:



L7X6By.jpg ptsGz6.jpg cu21dD.jpg k8yAY.jpg TQPjB1.jpg cEKE0F.jpg

Edited by MasterMind9
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Nice pictures and where did you get that onyx clown from??

Plenty of them here in Thailand, every vendor always order so many type of percular cos lot of demand around here. I think mine is super black percular as the vendor said.

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Spectacular use of display space. Are you a member of the Siam Reef Club ?

Thank you and Yes i'm the member of siam reef club. Do you know our club?

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Thank you and Yes i'm the member of siam reef club. Do you know our club?


Not personally no but I know you have a swanky club cafe with a new mascot tank. How is it doing anyway. I just think of the Siam Reef Club as a model for how we in Canada could do things one day. I envy the tight reefing community you guys have. Your tank has focus on balance, colour, and shape, more like an art form. I feel you are taking what Takashi Amano (ADA) has applied to fresh water planted aquariums and transformed it to a salt water reef. Artistic form, not just placing corals where they will fit but truly thought out. Well done MasterMind, you are a master mind. Thanks for bringing this reef here to N-R. :D

Edited by NanoTopia
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Not personally no but I know you have a swanky club cafe with a new mascot tank. How is it doing anyway. I just think of the Siam Reef Club as a model for how we in Canada could do things one day. I envy the tight reefing community you guys have. Your tank has focus on balance, colour, and shape, more like an art form. I feel you are taking what Takashi Amano (ADA) has applied to fresh water planted aquariums and transformed it to a salt water reef. Artistic form, not just placing corals where they will fit but truly thought out. Well done MasterMind, you are a master mind. Thanks for bringing this reef here to N-R. :D

You are too kind, I'm truely not that level, i'm only lower class compare to other people in siam reef club,There are many outstandind tanks in the club but they don't post out to other website,mostly fantastic SPS tank. Our club member have to give a big thanks for the club founder Mr.Chingchai (his tank has the most viewer in reefcentral web site!!! ) he is a great guy and have a fantastic tank so our club can motivate and gain a lot of follower. Also the cafe and a signature tank in the club can attracts a lot of people to gather around in the weekend,thats why our club have tight reefing community. Now our new tank has to rebuilt due to fracture at the bottom of the tank when punching the hold.


I suggest you should have one like this in canada, you will gain a lot of advantage about trading in low price and help among people in community^^

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Deleted User 4
You are too kind, I'm truely not that level, i'm only lower class compare to other people in siam reef club,There are many outstandind tanks in the club but they don't post out to other website,mostly fantastic SPS tank. Our club member have to give a big thanks for the club founder Mr.Chingchai (his tank has the most viewer in reefcentral web site!!! ) he is a great guy and have a fantastic tank so our club can motivate and gain a lot of follower. Also the cafe and a signature tank in the club can attracts a lot of people to gather around in the weekend,thats why our club have tight reefing community. Now our new tank has to rebuilt due to fracture at the bottom of the tank when punching the hold.


I suggest you should have one like this in canada, you will gain a lot of advantage about trading in low price and help among people in community^^


Yeah, I've seen chinchai's tank on reefcentral and on youtube. Not only does he have that huge sps display tank but he also has couple nano tanks..All of his tanks are amazing..wish I could go to thailand and check his tank out someday..


Btw, that is considered as an onyx clown.

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Beautiful artist eye viewer you have! Corals colors are healthy and layout for each particular one is laid carefully to the eyes liking. I like the very open space it have and the anthias play a very important role in your aquarium and my opinion you made a very good choice on choosing those fish!


Hopefully I can get my tank to look half good as yours. I can't decide if I should just do LPS or SPS or just a mix reef but I kinda leaning toward the mixers both. Do you have any SPS in your tank or is it just softies and LPS?


Those pictures are mind blowing and may ask if I can use it as my desktop screen saver for inspiration courage. You are really a true master of arts and reefing. :)

Edited by d'Espresso
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