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37G Shallow illuminated Reef tank


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every time i see your tank i fall in love with it a little bit more, lol! it's just so beautiful ^_^ !

Thanks Anna :D Glad that you like it ^^

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matt frizz

We all hit our bumps in the road man. I've hit MANY myself but always come out on top. Keep up the good work, tank looks amazing and that one colony of rainbow looking acans is incredible.

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We all hit our bumps in the road man. I've hit MANY myself but always come out on top. Keep up the good work, tank looks amazing and that one colony of rainbow looking acans is incredible.


Thanks and I agree with you man,I just met the giant bump that almost got me thats all haha.

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God. That's is one nice rainbow acan colonies. Gonna ask for first frag on that baby. Put me one the VIP list!

thanks dude took me over a year to find one like this with resonable price.

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That rainbow acan... *JAWDROPPING*


Where did you score something like that?! I love this tank btw, it's definitely another inspiration tank for me.


Good to hear that this simple tank can insprire some people ^^ lot of aussie acan avaliable in my country due to lot of demand but one like this always gone in a couple hour after arrived, must have some connection with the supplier cos one like this with resonable price not ship quite often.

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Wow I somehow missed your tank, beautiful for sure. Glad you had the inspiration to move forward after your set back. Bio-pellets can be so effective they can work in a negative way, especially with softies. What are you using now for nutrient export (filtration) ? What ever it is, it seems to be working well.

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Wow I somehow missed your tank, beautiful for sure. Glad you had the inspiration to move forward after your set back. Bio-pellets can be so effective they can work in a negative way, especially with softies. What are you using now for nutrient export (filtration) ? What ever it is, it seems to be working well.


Now I only use skimmer and PO4,NO3 remover, also do water change 10% every week thats all. Actually before I used bio-pellets my tank was already in fantastic condition and I just brought bio pellets because I just want more equipment to play with, not even know what its use for, such a stupid idea. >_<

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Amazing tank, unique livestock

:D Thanks dude.Now I have some problem with my tank again, all clove colony not extended after water changed. So boring when this kinda thing happed but I think this why reef aquarium is so fascinating, you never know what gonna happen with your tank when you wake up another day :lol:

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I want to Inform you guy who very kind follow my humble tank ever since I start posted that I have changed my tank rockscape and all the coral position to another style. Took off almost 50% of rocks out !!! . I found that the old style too crowded now,can't put more coral in the tank anymore as well as my fish get biger and biger so I decided to give them more space to swim.


The new one still not in shape yet, I'm so worry that the new one won't be as good as the previous one.


Good bye Shallow illuminated I :(



Let's see the new Shallow illuminated II :D


Hope all of you still support my lill humble tank as alwys, THANKS :bowdown:

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Mastermind I am always a big fan of your amazing tank!


So gratitude David. I just saw that you put me in the monthly reef profile list , big thanks and honor for that. :happy: but I think I still have way to go to get in there and now the old one is gone, so not stay a chance to win anymore, unless the new one still at the same level if I possible to do so. Cross figers, I hope I can.


Excited to see what you've done :)


all old corals fit the old style rockscape so some of old coral can not fit the new tank, have to get rid some of them and find some new to make the tank look according to what I've planed. Should tank a couple week to get in shape, I'll update photo afterward. :happy:

Edited by MasterMind9
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