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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Kat's badass BC14, retired


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Aww... so this is what I have missed in the 36+ hours. Now I know I will be dealing with when the tank upgrade happens for me. Looking great, are you going to add more LR? Build it up a bit more? You have so much more space to play with.


I can't wait to see it with live stock in it :happy:

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Aww... so this is what I have missed in the 36+ hours. Now I know I will be dealing with when the tank upgrade happens for me. Looking great, are you going to add more LR? Build it up a bit more? You have so much more space to play with.


I can't wait to see it with live stock in it :happy:


Thanks. The BC has the tall structures which I want to move over, so that will add the height. Yes this scape is too low for me, I need towers. Maybe I should call the thread the towering MAX. God knows I need step stool and a ladder to do anything at all in it.



Still too cloudy




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Retired the frag tank. Now I have the RSM, BC14 and the Pico. :rolleyes:

The pico is currently the grow out holding tank for macros and GSP and some softies.

The BC, well she's my Vivace Bellezza :) everything looks happy.


Now I have 3 tanks to constantly stare at. It's a wonder I get anything done at all around here!

Clams in the RSM are alive, they are in the sand, about 4 of them, I removed them as gently as I could from the rocks so they would not interfere with the structure. The one clam I did not touch went belly up. Got him out before he started decaying. Large one too. I make it a point to check for life with the bi-valves, they can foul up the water very quickly.


Gulf Live rock physically shucks all small bi-valves they find before shipping to avoid die off as much as possible, they remove sponges too but I still managed to get a few sponges. The ones in the BC are still alive too.


I don't want empty tank shots. I want updated. The anticipation to see the next metrokat masterpiece is too much!


You are so funny. Hardly a masterpiece but click here for a picture of the scape

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nope, not yet. He is mauling the duncan to death though, I wonder if I can relocate him to the GSP?


Scroll back a couple of pages, for RSM photos KG :)


Nice! Can't wait to see the other tank in there!


Beautiful tank though! What did TS say? Does he know?


TS knows, when I get deliveries at the front desk I get email notifications and he gets copied too since he is here a lot. Let me tell you the email has been blowing up this week, :)

So he goes "lots of deliveries, is that stinky fish stuff?"

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Not liking this at all. The two biggest bi valves open up really wide to the point that I think they are dead. I touched the shell with the forceps and they snap closed instantly. But a second later open up again. This behavior is very unusual is it not? Normally when touched or disturbed they will clam up for a while. Also, one of them voluntarily dropped its foot. Is that a sign of impending doom?


Bi-valve with foot


Dropped the foot and gaping open (I can see it 'breathing' or moving, whatever you want to call it)


Closes up when distrurbed


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