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Peroxide saves my Tank! With pics to Prove It!

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no theres no list this thread is kind of a hodgepodge of them tho


I wouldnt vote to put candy corals on the list. Ive spilled peroxide directly into them undilted at 3% and all the tanks online in pm I see use it with candy corals no problem, Im convinced if peroxide is at work in any candy cane loss its an overdosage. I find zoanthids to be tolerant of peroxide as well except in high doses. with spot treatments no coral is ever lost, its 100% safe. only tankwide dosing is risky.

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with spot treatments no coral is ever lost, its 100% safe. only tankwide dosing is risky.



To further fuel your assertion, I think the guy that had the candy cane loss was doing tankwide dosing and experienced the issue after day 4.

Edited by mbonus
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I think the guy that had the candy cane loss was doing tankwide dosing and experienced the issue after day 4.

Um, usually folks refer to me as a Gal, but I can be a "guy", too, lol.


The damage to the Candies and Meteor Shower did not commence day 4; rather, I was away from the tank for 2 days and saw the damage when I returned day 3, and it had already done it's work.


It's still a mystery to me, but clearly something was in the water that selectively burned the skin of these 2 corals, and ONLY those 2. Also, it burned ALL the skin, not just some polyps as you would expect if some substance dribbled on them. (BTW, they are both coming back, so life inside the skeleton was not killed.)


I don't believe it was an OD of peroxide because:

- my red titan macro was unaffected (and on another occasion it turned orange and died)

- almost no bleaching of coralline (and usually peroxide bleaches it)

- I used very little peroxide that time, just a bit on a paper towel applied to a couple of spots on the rock because I didn't want to bleach the coralline. On prior occasions I used much more peroxide with no effect on these corals.


I had previously done several peroxide treatments:

- dipping frags in a SW/peroxide solution outside the tank, rinsing & returning

- wiping the aquarium glass (used a bit much that time, lost macro & lots of coralline)

- paper towel applied on rock while emersed during WC.


I'm wondering if there is some chemical unique to my tank that reacted w. the peroxide. I use an unusual salt mix w. "purer" (more caustic?) ingredients and on that day the change water did not aerate very long. But I know nothing about chemistry & this is just speculation.

Edited by PinkDamsel
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To further fuel your assertion, I think the guy that had the candy cane loss was doing tankwide dosing and experienced the issue after day 4.

ca, bicarb and mg are about the only things i would dose in my display. if its so bad you have to dose the whole system, it may be time to hit reset.


remember kids, this is a treatment (bandaid) to help fight the problem, its not the end all solution.


i do however dose in FW to treat bba and ha. it works wonders on that stuff in FW.


as far as disease treatment, i picked up some feeder guppies with some strange spots on them. its not ick, but very possibly parasitic. the first batch was treated with roughly 1/3 cup h2o2 in 2.5 gallons. none survived.


i thought i killed them, but second batch treated with copper and formalin resulted in 5 out of 6 KIA. it wasnt me


surviving guppy has spot on tail. have no idea what it is.


i may pick up the odd ball cheapo diseased fish to Guinea pig here and there just to see what i can come up with. thankfully, the LFS here dont have that many sick fish

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In some of the older threads about peroxide use it was stated by some pretty savvy tank writers that peroxide even in small doses would burn fish gills. I would be highly interested in seeing whether or not the gills look red or inflamed in treated vs not treated fish, if you happen to come across more that kick the bucket during treatment experiments. when not suffering from an ailment its amazing how many fish across fresh and marine show zero symptoms of caustic gill burning etc judging by opercular motion and behavior.


all the vids of freshwater tank treatments w peroxide show the fish swimming normally. in my planted bowl I dumped in a capfull to beat some black beard algae and the japonica shrimp/ wild type guppies showed no signs of stress.

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Um, usually folks refer to me as a Gal, but I can be a "guy", too, lol.


:) Sorry, PinkDamsel. I was just resurrecting your post; The "guy" I was talking about with the candy cane loss was someone on my local Tampa forum at reefcentral

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My 10 days later update: not a single strand of turf algae!

Here is a before picture:


It had grown from this into a chia pet, looked like the clam had an afro. I cut all of that off but it slowly came back. after the peroxide treatment (re-cap: i dribbled un diluted strength on the area for 3 minutes), the algae is all gone (so far).

Edited by metrokat
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Ive been dosing peroxide for the last week to kill dino. it seems to be helping. i did find my skunk cleaner dead this morning. he molted about the time i started peroxide and wasnt eating and would not come out of his cave at all (last two molts he came out after a day or so).


I have noticed that my Zoas will close up almost immediately after adding peroxide but come back out after a hour or so. my GSP, galaxia and frogspawn dont seem to care. My two clowns and BTA seem unaffected, eating and moving normally. Snails and hermits dont seem affected either.


I have gotten a diatom bloom that i assume is a result of the biofilter being killed some.


I have lost my wurde. Then it kills shrimps

No problems with other animals

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I've got a 29 Biocube in which Gelidium/Turf Algae has begun to take over all of my live rock and has also started to take over the back wall. After reading this entire post and subsequent posts I've taken the plunge. I'm going to start with systematic dosing consisting of 2.5ml in the morning and 2.5ml in the evening. I'm going to use this for a couple of days and reevaluate. I would like to use the recommended dipping approach, but I've got a large quantity of corals that are attached to my rocks making it very challenging to remove. This will be a last step if necessary. I've got a very large range of corals (SPS, LPS etc), including a large cluster of xenia and I've also got cheato in my fuge. We'll see how they react to everything.


I dosed the 2.5ml just a short while ago for the first time, the zoo's shrunk up, but everything else, including the xenia looks fine. I'll follow up on how everything goes!

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I've got a 29 Biocube in which Gelidium/Turf Algae has begun to take over all of my live rock and has also started to take over the back wall. After reading this entire post and subsequent posts I've taken the plunge. I'm going to start with systematic dosing consisting of 2.5ml in the morning and 2.5ml in the evening. I'm going to use this for a couple of days and reevaluate. I would like to use the recommended dipping approach, but I've got a large quantity of corals that are attached to my rocks making it very challenging to remove. This will be a last step if necessary. I've got a very large range of corals (SPS, LPS etc), including a large cluster of xenia and I've also got cheato in my fuge. We'll see how they react to everything.


I dosed the 2.5ml just a short while ago for the first time, the zoo's shrunk up, but everything else, including the xenia looks fine. I'll follow up on how everything goes!


when you dose you might try shutting your pumps off and using a syringe to target the gta directly and let it sit for 5 or so min before turning the pumps back on

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After kicking it around a little more today, I've decided to go more that route. The only problem is that I didn't realize how extensive it has become until just a couple days ago when I noticed that it's just about everywhere, including my back wall. I will have to spot treat ALL OVER, not sure how much spot treatment I can do?? I thinking that I might have to take a couple of the rocks out.


Here are some pictures I just took of what I'm dealing with. I'm thinking the xenia is going to take a hit, but it's such a large amount that I'm not overly concerned if I loose some. More concerned about how the elegance, sun coral, bubble coral etc. are going to handle it.




If you look at the FTS, the dark spots on the back wall is algae. HATE IT!!!




Edited by JChap
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In some of the older threads about peroxide use it was stated by some pretty savvy tank writers that peroxide even in small doses would burn fish gills. I would be highly interested in seeing whether or not the gills look red or inflamed in treated vs not treated fish, if you happen to come across more that kick the bucket during treatment experiments. when not suffering from an ailment its amazing how many fish across fresh and marine show zero symptoms of caustic gill burning etc judging by opercular motion and behavior.


all the vids of freshwater tank treatments w peroxide show the fish swimming normally. in my planted bowl I dumped in a capfull to beat some black beard algae and the japonica shrimp/ wild type guppies showed no signs of stress.

ive been dosing my 5.5 planted tank to fight off some bba that i got as a hitcher, betta is no worse for the wear.


i have no idea wtf these guppies have, and its sad they are selling them to folks as feeders. its not ich, and it doesnt look like any other standard FW parasite ive seen. it looks like a big white spot/swelling. the fish that have them in vital areas (spine, gills, head etc) die first when i treat. if i leave them alone the live :huh:

wish we had a camera attachment on the 'scope at work and id post a pic.


only thing ive killed with it in a reef tank is pods and stars, but thats with direct contact of 3%

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Took out 10 gallons of water (only had 2 five gallon drums) and dripped peroxide directly onto the main areas. 10 gallons took out a majority of the water so a majority of the infected areas were exposed. The spots that were still underwater, I just did my best to drop it on them. I also used a towel soaked in peroxide to dab the back wall. I was able to pull out a couple acans and dipped them in a 1/3 peroxide and 2/3 saltwater treatment. They didn't look very happy at first but they seem more colorful that they did before. I also noticed that as soon as I got some of the acans back in the tank, my fish, especially the dwarf and watchman, started to poke around at the algae for some time. Then a couple hours later the algae on the sun coral started to turn somewhat of a bright orange. This got me pumped up to see it reacting this quickly.


Dwarf and yellow watchman loving the corals after being dipped.


Edited by JChap
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Its been a couple of days since I did the first spot treatment. I've noticed that a lot of the spots that I treated are either bright orange or are starting to turn white and fall off. I also noticed that some of the coraline that was growing on the rocks has bleached out, I'm hoping the color comes back.


So I did a second treatment today because I didn't hit nearly as much as I wanted to the first time. Everything went fine, noticed that the bubble coral shrunk up immediately and is still slowly starting to open back up. The xenia doesn't look to great, but I'm not to worried if it does die off.

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excellent news sounds like the demise of another round of red brush algae is coming...that coralline will not come back, it has to recalcify. at least the algae w be gone tho!

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Snopes says that the Mt Dew one is a fake. It looks convincing, but I guess it is just some slight of hand.


I would believe that the flower is real though. The Phosphorus in the matches could be used to make something glow.

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I was getting the supplies for the mtn dew one asap it looked too cool to be true. I couldn't begin to guess where the luminescence was coming from it was bright too, can't wait to see.

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i saw those links while stumbling and thought of this thread. sucks(or doesnt suck) the Mtn dew one is fake.


not sure about the flower one.


idk if you can get a copy of it now(anarchist cookbook/jolly rogers handbook) w/o home land security knocking on your door and it doesnt help they changed the make up of batteries, but at one time with the old dry cell batteries(circa 1980/early 90), you could pull the "black stuff" out and when mixed h2o2 it released the o2 rapidly. makes a fun accelerant.


h2o2 is rocket fuel =)

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