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Anthonys 5 Gallon Tanks

Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony

Ok first day back to normal with water quality and lighting.























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Builder Anthony

First time i seen this thing.I found it in the morning when feeding the fish.It swims fowards with its claws in front of it tryen to cacth food.


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First time i seen this thing.I found it in the morning when feeding the fish.It swims fowards with its claws in front of it tryen to cacth food.



hmmmmm.....not sure.

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I can find what that is for you. i remember finding a similar species on a school trip to a mudflat. its like a shrimp of some sort. give me a few minutes to find the right genus.


EDIT: most likely a Thalassinidean shrimp or relative of. can't narrow down genus as it looks a little different from most google pictures :P

Edited by .Newman.
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Builder Anthony

Thanks newman


It was real funny to wacth that thing swim around.The only thing is the bigger clown goby was chasen it aorund when it was swimming.It sticks its claws out in front of it when it swims.I havent seen it again but i keep an eye out for it.


My three orange rimmed zoas have went missing one day and i know they were doing well right before they disappeared.I think they have been kidnapped to some part of the tank i cant see.I was thinking the copeopds did it because the very first time i droped it in one thought it was food and ran after it but when it figured out it was a zoa it let it go.Theres a hole real close to mine green zoas and i think they are in there.I was also thinking that maybe this thing kidnapped them but thats just a suspision.


That one mushroom that was bleaching is still alive but has white over 90 percent of its surface.Its in low flow and low light.This is how one yuma that i bought that was sick looked and passed.IM thinking this may be the same and may be a definte sign of a coral on the way out.It be nice if you could edit that qoute out of your post.......that should take out the picture.


Please dont include quotes of pictures..... i try to refrence back to coral growth with the pictures in this thread and i just dont want to mess up the order of the pictures..But thanks for looking and tryen to take a guess at what kind of crab it is.


Green acro is gone.


The recently purchased mushroom has been on atinics since i bought the new ballast.It seems to be doing fine and im really really wacthing it closely for any bad signs but it hasnt shot out those sweepers since day two.I think its reattached to the rock its on now and has stopped moving.


I dont really see to many white polyps on the sea fan.


All other mushrooms are doing fine except the ones i placed in the back to see how they liked the lighting.Im seeing the blue dots dim out and i think im going to move it soon it was in direct led light before and doing well but i need the spot in the tank.So i guess i might frag it out and make space.


All other corals doing well.


I guess i could go into the blue star polyps.I have them in high flow right next to the filter.These things dont like par 38 lighting they love the atinic though.the led causes them to turn brown and hurts the mat.So those were blown off into other parts of the tank.Theres some sections in the large back cave i have that are doing well.


Candy cane is spliting.


Doseing one drop of calcium every other day.


Water changes every other day or every third day.


Filter floss replaced every third or fourth day.


Filter sponge cleaned every two days.


Doseing kent microvert every day 1-3 drops.


Blue leather doing very well might have to frag soon.


Photosynthetic sponge has a big increase in growth.Starting to look like antlers.


Favias fine and thriving.Sends out sweepers every night.


My three old clove polyps still seem like they are missing some sort of mineral.Im getting worried because they are getting old and it seems sticking them in this hole wasnt the greatest idea.Its hard for it to grow out of the hole with the three current ones in the hole.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Builder Anthony

Par 38 bulb with five 1 watt blue and ten 1 watt white.


Atinic blue flourestent 10 watts


Single 50/50 k 6 watt bulb.

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Builder Anthony

Well something has kidnapped the pinkish mushroom,the three orange zoas and a real small single mushroom.The only thing i can think of doing that is that odd shrimp i found in my tank that one day.At first i thought it was the spagetti worms pulling them to different spots........I just dont know.The kidnapped corals are awalys stolen from the same spot in my tank.I try to look around the back but i just dont see them anywhere.So i have no idea.I know they didnt die because the zoas were only in for likje 3 days till they were kidnapped and were open.My pinkish mushroom was in the tank a mounth and fine.The new mushroom was in there about three days now its gone so something is moving them.


The gordonia only opens when i place the airpump line next to it.


Im going to frag some things tommrow and place them in a new 5.5 gallon i bought as a frag tank.


All corals are fine and still taking care of the tank the same way.I did start doseing magnesium but i only dosed once so other then that no new steps in takeing care of the tank.











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Builder Anthony

Salt 25

Lights on around 10 -12 hours


Tap water used the last month and a half no noticeable problems.I have a very small amount or cyno on my neon green daisy polyps but ill just go lights off and manually remove it with a dental pick if it isnt gone in a few days.


Lack of green slime algae causeing the stomellas to roam into pumps and sides of the glass out of water.Ive been adding dried seaweed sheets.Im hoping the emerald crab finds stuff.Ive noticed the white sponge in the back of the yellow rock has been eaten by something.I suspect the emerald crab but im not postive.


Found my pinkish mushroom in the back of the tank attached to rock.No signs of the small greenish mushroom or 3 orange polyps.I think they are in a hole somewhere in the sandbed under the rock by the green zoas.


All photos taken during quick lights on.


Newly added mushroom.You can see a tube a spageti worm has built out of the sand.




Well its taken some time for this to totaly heal from the ich treatment.Colors seems back to normal.It is in competition for light and moving around where it is at.Its still in the sandbed.Colors darken during the night cycle.



Color comparison photo to detect bleaching or color change.




Developing a foot for some time.Ive been waiting for it to split but in this photo you can see sweepers coming out of the mouth.Now this may be the coral dividing or it can be damage from high paramators.Its making me nervous.The center seems awful big and i know some corals puke there guts out but there seems to be strecthing going on around the mouth.There has been no nasty color changes on it.In fact it has a decent amount of purple on it.



Color comparison photo.



I took this photo expecting to see some about three swepers coming out of this mushroom but they werent there when i fliped the lights on for these shots.It has been spiting out about three to a length of about 1 centimeter.Barely exposeing them but with the other mushroom spliting or being damaged its really keeping me on my toes.I think this mushroom is getting to much light but it never moves.



Old photo but i wanted to comment on this a little more.Im expecting dieoff on the branches not exposeing polyps.The only way this coral is exposing polyps is in high flow from the airpump.


Edited by Builder Anthony
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how did I miss you are running that with an airstone. thats rare

how do you keep the salt creep under control?


I like the packed look, I vote this tank very very well done. it simply looks like a chunk of nature. I look around to find tanks with so much coral you can't see the live rock. really well done.

Edited by brandon429
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Builder Anthony

I try to take the pictures so i can refernce back to how things have grown and color changes on corals.With so many species theres little documentation for each individual one.So down the road i hope these notes help someone.


Umm just that purple thing is opening with the airstone next to it.It sends out a current next to it.I have a small filter running as well.The salt creep just flies out of the tank it makes a little bit of a mess but i wipe it down every so often.It causes a problem though for those stomellas that go wandering out of the water though cause they go into that salt.


Ya i only really buy like one or two polyps of anything.Id say the quickest grower is the leather coral.

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it is :)

My favorite rhodactis split a few weeks ago and it behaved just like that. prior to that, it hasnt shown any signs of splitting for more than a year lol.

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Builder Anthony

Lights were off for ab out 10 min then i fliped them back on for about 2 min before taking photos.My lcd for my camera doesnt work anymore taking pictures is rough.






























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Builder Anthony

Cut leather coral after making it retract by rubbing it with a airhose.The cut was clean and no fluid from the coral seemed to go into the tank.Aftre about 3 hours polyps started to extend from the frag.The exposed part of the cut was sort of purpleish blue on the inside.It then seemed to shrivel up at the cut.


I acidently fraged my kenya tree by pulling out weeds in my tank so i just moved it further into the light.It was only attached to the rock slightly in the hole i first put it in so theres the stuff left in the hole that i figure will regrow into a new tree.


Fraged the brownish green polyps by cutting the four into two sets of two.They slimed up rather fast when out of the water but the cut was easy and they are now open.


Fraged te purple corky because it wasnt receiveing light on te entire coral and the mat was turning whiteish.I have about five frags throughout the tank and this is the one im most concerened about because flow in my tank is decent but this requires strong flow.I hope that it being in stronger light helps the frags but with the polyps not opening from lack of flow concerns me.


Moved a bunch of things around.The mushroom that split was moved more into the light and is doing real well and actually showing a great amount of color.


The purple sea fan has some minor deterioration in spots where its not receiveing alot of flow.But there seems to be some roundish bumps at the top of the stems like its growing.Right now the tank has to settle after the 25 percent water change and readjust to everything.The tank should mature in about two to three days from what i figure.


The blue acan seems to be growing on the back glass because i tried moving it but its stuck to the glass so i just left it.


All equipment cleaned.


Salt 24












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as far as i know, acans shouldnt be glued down to anything. they grow on top of their own skeleton like most LPS, and dont attach to rocks like soft corals do.

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