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Reef Rain - A Cube's Life [Bc14]


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I like that tradition! I'll do the same. I'm not tired of the decorations. Christmas is my favorite time of the year :) This is the first year I don't have a real tree. We bought an artificial tree. I'd be happy leaving it up all year long :lol:


Yeah...nothing bad has come of it. I hear ya on the bryopsis. If I see it pop up (always on a frag), I now toss the frag. It kills me to do so, but the money lost on that one frag doesn't even compare to the money lost if I have to take the whole tank down because of the bryopsis. It's something I never want to have to deal with again!!!! So far, so good (knocks on wood).

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I like that tradition! I'll do the same. I'm not tired of the decorations. Christmas is my favorite time of the year :) This is the first year I don't have a real tree. We bought an artificial tree. I'd be happy leaving it up all year long :lol:


Yeah...nothing bad has come of it. I hear ya on the bryopsis. If I see it pop up (always on a frag), I now toss the frag. It kills me to do so, but the money lost on that one frag doesn't even compare to the money lost if I have to take the whole tank down because of the bryopsis. It's something I never want to have to deal with again!!!! So far, so good (knocks on wood).


That's my fear. That I'll have to take the tank down because of it. It's in little patches on all the rocks. :tears:

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Mr. Microscope

That's the thing, Mr. M - she was moved because we had to treat the rock for bryopsis. I noticed that there was something wrong when my husband let go and she fell on her face. :( We put her back where she was, now I'm just hoping she'll be okay. She's normally really bright red and now she's more of a coral color. I can't tell whose molt it was that we found. I am such a noob.

The color should come back as the exoskelton hardens. Putting her back where she was like you did should help. Keeping your Ca and Alk levels in check should make the process less stressful for her. Hermits in general are pretty hardy. Scarlets hermits are the most docile of the hermits. They also tend to be the least active. So, if you see her acting sluggish, it's probably nothing to worry about as long as she's still picking at things and eating. Though, sometimes Scarlets just sit around. I consider Scarlets more of a "pet" type invert rather than a member of the CUC because of their chill demeaner. If you compare them to a blue leg for example, the blue leg acts like a scarlet on fast-forward.

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The color should come back as the exoskelton hardens. Putting her back where she was like you did should help. Keeping your Ca and Alk levels in check should make the process less stressful for her. Hermits in general are pretty hardy. Scarlets hermits are the most docile of the hermits. They also tend to be the least active. So, if you see her acting sluggish, it's probably nothing to worry about as long as she's still picking at things and eating. Though, sometimes Scarlets just sit around. I consider Scarlets more of a "pet" type invert rather than a member of the CUC because of their chill demeaner. If you compare them to a blue leg for example, the blue leg acts like a scarlet on fast-forward.


I picked scarlets because I thought they were pretty for a very docile hermit. I did not count on them also being near useless. ;) I like some of the hermits with the really gorgeous blue legs but I'm afraid for my snails. I've read on here many times that most hermit crabs are bullies.


So, here's an update on my hermit...there is some white ball of fluff/tissue coming out from within the shell and on to the outside surface of the shell. Is that a sign of a fungus? Is she dead? Is this in any way a molt? It was not there yesterday. I noticed it this morning and then it is noticeably larger tonight. None of this new stuff looks like the color of her legs either. It's all just white. I've tried taking photos but it's difficult since she's tucked into a dark spot under a rock.

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Mr. Microscope

I picked scarlets because I thought they were pretty for a very docile hermit. I did not count on them also being near useless. ;) I like some of the hermits with the really gorgeous blue legs but I'm afraid for my snails. I've read on here many times that most hermit crabs are bullies.


So, here's an update on my hermit...there is some white ball of fluff/tissue coming out from within the shell and on to the outside surface of the shell. Is that a sign of a fungus? Is she dead? Is this in any way a molt? It was not there yesterday. I noticed it this morning and then it is noticeably larger tonight. None of this new stuff looks like the color of her legs either. It's all just white. I've tried taking photos but it's difficult since she's tucked into a dark spot under a rock.

Scarlets were also my first hermit for the same reason. :happy: They really are quite gentle.


Sorry to hear about the white stuff. Doesn't sound good. Give it a day, but +1 on the sniff test at some point soon. Though, the CUC will probably take care of it if it does die.

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Uh oh...that doesn't sound good! Like bacteria...fluffy white? Hmmm...I'd pull it out and do a sniff test.


Oh no. :tears: I'm a little freaked out by having to sniff at a possibly dead crab.


Scarlets were also my first hermit for the same reason. :happy: They really are quite gentle.


Sorry to hear about the white stuff. Doesn't sound good. Give it a day, but +1 on the sniff test at some point soon. Though, the CUC will probably take care of it if it does die.


I will check tomorrow, unless it's imperative that I take it out right now. It's a BC14. Can it handle I dead hermit? I'm so sad. :tears:

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Mr. Microscope

Oh no. :tears: I'm a little freaked out by having to sniff at a possibly dead crab.



I will check tomorrow, unless it's imperative that I take it out right now. It's a BC14. Can it handle I dead hermit? I'm so sad. :tears:

It comes with the territory. Your nose is one of your best test kits. Sometimes when I'm peering into my tank, I hang my nose over the edge just to make sure there's nothing funky. It's better to catch things early and a bad smell is important to catch so it doen't become a reallllly bad smell.


My wife doesn't really like my tank, but one thing she does appreciate is that it doesn't have any odor.


The tank will probably be okay if the crab is dead, especially if you have a decent CUC. If you're paranoid, just do a small water change.

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It comes with the territory. Your nose is one of your best test kits. Sometimes when I'm peering into my tank, I hang my nose over the edge just to make sure there's nothing funky. It's better to catch things early and a bad smell is important to catch so it doen't become a reallllly bad smell.


My wife doesn't really like my tank, but one thing she does appreciate is that it doesn't have any odor.


The tank will probably be okay if the crab is dead, especially if you have a decent CUC. If you're paranoid, just do a small water change.


I've been sniffing the tank itself all day just to check if anything smelled off. So far, it smells the same - just that slight briny smell when you open the top. I was worried that she was gone and wasn't looking forward to having to try to smell the shell itself. Gah! But yes, I suppose I have to get used to it.


I have a very small CUC so far - 1 astrea, 1 nerite, the other scarlet, 2 ceriths, a "fake nassarius" (looks like I got an Ilyanassa obsoleta), and 2 tiny real nassarius snails. I don't know if that lot counts as "decent" enough. :lol: Maybe I need to stop naming the CUC, I think of them all as pets instead of just going "Crab down!"


Aww, your wife doesn't like your tank? It's so beautiful, how could she not?

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I would think if the scarlet was dead, that "fake nass" would be all over it. They are like zombies :lol: Maybe it's not pungent enough yet. Or maybe it's completely fine fingerscrossed

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I would think if the scarlet was dead, that "fake nass" would be all over it. They are like zombies :lol: Maybe it's not pungent enough yet. Or maybe it's completely fine fingerscrossed


Oh...they scavenge other stuff too? And by stuff I mean dead stuff? I did not know that! I thought they just stirred sand around and ate what they found there. My fake nass, is very active and always roaming. So yes...maybe it's not dead yet. :fingerscrossed:

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Oh...they scavenge other stuff too? And by stuff I mean dead stuff? I did not know that! I thought they just stirred sand around and ate what they found there. My fake nass, is very active and always roaming. So yes...maybe it's not dead yet. : fingerscrossed:

Totally...they love meaty stuff :)

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Mr. Microscope

Yes, the CUC is okay for starting your tank. You'll get a lot more HH in time that help (brittle stars, bristle worms, etc.). But, nothing there will likely get to the hermit if it's up high in the rocks. I don't think one dead hermit will crash your tank though, but again follow your nose.


I like to name my inverts too, but I don't anymore. It seems to be a jinks that causes instant death. Now, my wife is the only one allowed to name anything. Nothing she names dies. LOL!

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Well, if they're in your tank and nothing bad came of it, I'm not going to worry. My worry now is the same worry I had before. Bryopsis. :P I'm cursed.

Have you followed Brandon over at this thread? He's collecting stories of people treating algae with hydrogen peroxide. I'm too chicken to do it myself, but lots of braver people are having good luck with it. Maybe you will see something there to help? So frustrating to deal with algae! I can't believe how patient you were.


I noticed how easy it is to peel gel superglue off a rock after a week or more, so I've been covering the new turf algae blooms with frag superglue. Maybe it will even pull the holdfast bits off the rock when its removed.


Edit: PS, following along!

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I've been sniffing the tank itself all day just to check if anything smelled off. So far, it smells the same - just that slight briny smell when you open the top. I was worried that she was gone and wasn't looking forward to having to try to smell the shell itself. Gah! But yes, I suppose I have to get used to it.


I have a very small CUC so far - 1 astrea, 1 nerite, the other scarlet, 2 ceriths, a "fake nassarius" (looks like I got an Ilyanassa obsoleta), and 2 tiny real nassarius snails. I don't know if that lot counts as "decent" enough. :lol: Maybe I need to stop naming the CUC, I think of them all as pets instead of just going "Crab down!"


Aww, your wife doesn't like your tank? It's so beautiful, how could she not?

What do you think about adding more astrea snails? I have 6 in my 8 gallon and there is -no- algae except the little buds of turf and that green haze that grows on the glass. They even eat the one or two fresh bryopsis bits that pop up from time to time. I'm going back to work now before I become obsessed with helping you get rig of pest algae! I fought it constantly in the 30 cube and feel for you!

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Have you followed Brandon over at this thread? He's collecting stories of people treating algae with hydrogen peroxide. I'm too chicken to do it myself, but lots of braver people are having good luck with it. Maybe you will see something there to help? So frustrating to deal with algae! I can't believe how patient you were.


I noticed how easy it is to peel gel superglue off a rock after a week or more, so I've been covering the new turf algae blooms with frag superglue. Maybe it will even pull the holdfast bits off the rock when its removed.


Edit: PS, following along!


Hi Polarcollision! Thanks for stopping by! Kitty lovers are always welcome :happy: (though really, I'm fine with dogs as well but I love my little girl.)


And as a matter of fact, I have been following the big hydrogen peroxide thread! I've been doing spot treatment with hydrogen peroxide for some of my rocks and will do more soon. The problem is that when I pull them out of the water, it's not as easy to see where the algae was. >.> So some of the treated rock has been getting new growth. :rant:


Please let me know how your experiments with superglue are working. I just want to get this bryopsis thing over with somehow.


I'm always concerned about astreas starving since they seem capable of eating so much! That's why I only have the one for now to see how he does. :) He was mowing down some of the bryopsis that had gone white from the stray peroxide that came from the treated rocks.

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What do you think about adding more astrea snails? I have 6 in my 8 gallon and there is -no- algae except the little buds of turf and that green haze that grows on the glass. They even eat the one or two fresh bryopsis bits that pop up from time to time. I'm going back to work now before I become obsessed with helping you get rig of pest algae! I fought it constantly in the 30 cube and feel for you!

OK - one more thing and then I promise to stop! :-) I'm using distilled water from the grocery store and instant ocean reef crystals. I think it makes a huge difference in algae growth over the water I put in the dead 30 cube from LFS (ro/di and whatever salt they used).

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OK - one more thing and then I promise to stop! :-) I'm using distilled water from the grocery store and instant ocean reef crystals. I think it makes a huge difference in algae growth over the water I put in the dead 30 cube from LFS (ro/di and whatever salt they used).


I did use LFS water until 2 days ago when I started mixing my own (Oceanic Natural Salt with the LFS's DI water). I top off with distilled when needed. I'm going to see if the change in salt works. I probably have to move my powerhead down a little too on the right to increase flow on the bottom to get rid of...ah...snail gunk. :lol:


Oh please continue to share. I need all the help I can get at the moment with bryopsis and my maybe dead crab plus my alkalinity/calcium/mag issues.

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I did use LFS water until 2 days ago when I started mixing my own (Oceanic Natural Salt with the LFS's DI water). I top off with distilled when needed. I'm going to see if the change in salt works. I probably have to move my powerhead down a little too on the right to increase flow on the bottom to get rid of...ah...snail gunk. :lol:


Oh please continue to share. I need all the help I can get at the moment with bryopsis and my maybe dead crab plus my alkalinity/calcium/mag issues.

Funny you mention flow. I just found a great little flow calculator from ecotech that helps put numbers on those vague relative terms high flow, low flow, etc. It made it clear that there just wasn't enough with my stock pump which probably stressed the SPS and opened the door to their crashing when the sexy shrimp died.


Hopefully your new salt will keep your dKh/Ca/Mg in line with no fiddling with chemicals. Crossing fingers for you! If you don't see immediate improvement, consider the IO reef crystals. Ca is always 450 and all I have to do is add 1 mL buffer a day to keep the dKh steady. That's pretty hands-off! Mg test kit is arriving next week and I'll report on that if you're interested.

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Funny you mention flow. I just found a great little flow calculator from ecotech that helps put numbers on those vague relative terms high flow, low flow, etc. It made it clear that there just wasn't enough with my stock pump which probably stressed the SPS and opened the door to their crashing when the sexy shrimp died.


Hopefully your new salt will keep your dKh/Ca/Mg in line with no fiddling with chemicals. Crossing fingers for you! If you don't see immediate improvement, consider the IO reef crystals. Ca is always 450 and all I have to do is add 1 mL buffer a day to keep the dKh steady. That's pretty hands-off! Mg test kit is arriving next week and I'll report on that if you're interested.


The calculator and my laptop do not get along. :lol: I did upgrade my stock pump and added a powerhead. I just think I have dead spots because of my rockwork and where the powerhead is. :(


I am counting on the new salt to help my water chemistry issues. I've got 2 gallons heating and aerating so I can do another water change. I'm trying to do about 1.5 gallons every other day to see if that helps. That's the plan anyway - hoping it's not too fast.


Hermit crab update: What the heck is that white thing growing on its shell? It almost looks like a white tunicate but growing fast. Ruby's probably a goner. :( Haven't checked on her yet. Too chicken to. Water still smells fine. I'll check her in a couple of hours when the husband is home for moral support. :unsure:

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