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Reef Rain - A Cube's Life [Bc14]


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I was planning on a media rack but I don't have a light for it yet, plus I didn't think I needed it just yet. I wonder if that could be the case though - outcompeting the bryopsis? Do they consume the same type of nutrients?

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I was planning on a media rack but I don't have a light for it yet, plus I didn't think I needed it just yet. I wonder if that could be the case though - outcompeting the bryopsis? Do they consume the same type of nutrients?


I've always thought of Chaeto as an additional "sink" for nitrates and phosphates. I think this is borne out if you look at some of the tanks that keep large macro algaes in their displays. All of them look great. I added my chaeto just after the cycle along with the Nano Glo from JBJ. The LEDs on the Nano Glo don't line up perfecty with the middle rack of the inTank media rack but it seems to be working alright. I've seen people have good success with an LED pond light that can be placed directly in the media rack. Personally, I did not like the idea of a cheap pond fixture IN the water of my tank. One electrical problem and, well...not worth risking all the time, effort and money we invest in our tanks in my opinion.

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I was planning on a media rack but I don't have a light for it yet, plus I didn't think I needed it just yet. I wonder if that could be the case though - outcompeting the bryopsis? Do they consume the same type of nutrients?

I ran some chaeto with a StevieT underwater light. It was too much work with very little benefit. Since I was running purigen/carbon/and phosguard, there was no need for the chaeto. And with that light back there, you could start growing algae in that chamber. I'd advise against it due to my own experience. Make the work very simple by running chemical media in the media rack and you can get some macro for in the tank and would serve the same purpose and you would be able to enjoy watching it as well.

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I've always thought of Chaeto as an additional "sink" for nitrates and phosphates. I think this is borne out if you look at some of the tanks that keep large macro algaes in their displays. All of them look great. I added my chaeto just after the cycle along with the Nano Glo from JBJ. The LEDs on the Nano Glo don't line up perfecty with the middle rack of the inTank media rack but it seems to be working alright. I've seen people have good success with an LED pond light that can be placed directly in the media rack. Personally, I did not like the idea of a cheap pond fixture IN the water of my tank. One electrical problem and, well...not worth risking all the time, effort and money we invest in our tanks in my opinion.


It's the lighting that's my issue. The light is more expensive than the media rack. :lol: We'll see what I can come up with.


I ran some chaeto with a StevieT underwater light. It was too much work with very little benefit. Since I was running purigen/carbon/and phosguard, there was no need for the chaeto. And with that light back there, you could start growing algae in that chamber. I'd advise against it due to my own experience. Make the work very simple by running chemical media in the media rack and you can get some macro for in the tank and would serve the same purpose and you would be able to enjoy watching it as well.


I wanted to try growing chaeto for the experience of it. And for the pods, I suppose, though I have pods in my tank currently. But yes, I understand that you need to prune it a lot and there will be more fiddling with the back chambers, I suppose. Hmm. More things to consider! :P


Tanks news - I've been going without light for almost the third day now. I even threw cloth over it to block out the light. We'll see what happens.


Do I change water yet? Will that help export whatever nutrients this bryopsis is feeding on? Scrubbing will probably soon follow.

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My first reef tank (29 g BioCube), I had hair algae, bryopsis and bubble algae. It took a month +, but I beat it for the most part. My two cents:


1. Get an RO/DI system. The Filter Guys (a sponser on here), were great to work with . I called them and they helped me with a system. It was easy to install and saved me money over the life of the tank. Shell out the extra dough for the integrated TDS meter. Your water changes are only good as the water you start with.


2. Get Kent Marine Tech M (and a magnesium test kit) and bump your magnesium over 1400. I waited on this one, but it really seemd to be the final nail - the stuff just seemed to disintegrate and disappear.


3. Run ChemiPure Elite and filter floss in a media basket. I got the fuge basket too (from Stevie T) and ran chaeto as well with one of those submersible lights.


4. I picked off as much as I could every few days. Have a net handy while you are doing it and catch what you can. Some folks discourage this, but I think it helped.


5. I never did upgrade my lights, but I think that this would have helped. It was just too expensive for me at the time.


6. Clean up crews help, but I am not convinced they can get a bad outbreak under control without the other stuff.


I will try to dig up a before and after pic for you. Good luck!

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My first reef tank (29 g BioCube), I had hair algae, bryopsis and bubble algae. It took a month +, but I beat it for the most part. My two cents:


1. Get an RO/DI system. The Filter Guys (a sponser on here), were great to work with . I called them and they helped me with a system. It was easy to install and saved me money over the life of the tank. Shell out the extra dough for the integrated TDS meter. Your water changes are only good as the water you start with.


2. Get Kent Marine Tech M (and a magnesium test kit) and bump your magnesium over 1400. I waited on this one, but it really seemd to be the final nail - the stuff just seemed to disintegrate and disappear.


3. Run ChemiPure Elite and filter floss in a media basket. I got the fuge basket too (from Stevie T) and ran chaeto as well with one of those submersible lights.


4. I picked off as much as I could every few days. Have a net handy while you are doing it and catch what you can. Some folks discourage this, but I think it helped.


5. I never did upgrade my lights, but I think that this would have helped. It was just too expensive for me at the time.


6. Clean up crews help, but I am not convinced they can get a bad outbreak under control without the other stuff.


I will try to dig up a before and after pic for you. Good luck!


Hi Whiskey!


Having no RO/DI system yet, I went to our LFS and asked them about their "freshwater" that they sell. I was told that it was RO/DI, so I have that now.


Here's what I did so far, lights out for a few days. Today I scrubbed the rock outside of the tank to get most of the algae off. I did a 2 gallon water change and tossed in some Chemi-Pure under the filter floss since that's all I have on hand. Does anyone know if I have to get Elite?


I think I'm going to try that Kent Tech M stuff and get a couple of other test kits while I'm at it.


I'll be testing later after everything settles down. I'm wondering if this brushing is going to start another mini-cycle. And here I thought I was getting closer to getting my CUC. Anybody have any ideas about this? :)

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Got some testing supplies in today as well as some of that Kent Tech M Magnesium and started the first dose today. We've brushed off as much bryopsis as possible last Sunday and kept the lights off.


Test Results:


pH: 8.0 - 8.2

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

SG: 1.026


Phosphate: 0.10

Magnesium: 1245ppm


Here's hoping it works!

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Thanks, gena. :happy:


Do you happen to know if I have to yank out my brand new Chemipure while I dose? If so, can I save it somehow? I threw the silly jar away. :(

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Thanks, gena. :happy:


Do you happen to know if I have to yank out my brand new Chemipure while I dose? If so, can I save it somehow? I threw the silly jar away. :(

Not sure. If I were to guess, I'd say you don't need to remove it. I don't remember removing mine when I was fighting bryopsis with mg.


If you do remove it, I would think you could put it in a baggy and be ok. It will stay moist that way. I think you just don't want it to dry out.

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Alright, leaving it in for now. I don't know if it's my imagination, but the water looks clearer since I tossed it in. But then again, I had the tank covered for days now. Maybe I'm just happy to see my tank again? :huh:

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good luck!


I need to grab a mg test and see where my levels are at. I keep getting some cyano algae but It is from me dosing to much phyto nutrition. Still trying to figure out the right dose for my tank.

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Thanks, jojoe.


Man, I got a Salifert kit and there's all these parts to it. I'm reminded of my old chemistry lab set when I was a kid. Kind of fun, actually - despite the fact that you have to be so patient.


Speaking of patience, I can't wait to start. Why is something always happening to delay the addition of corals? :lol: I'm still trying to figure out if it's okay for Chemipure to be in there while I dose my Kent Tech M.

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Thanks, jojoe.


Man, I got a Salifert kit and there's all these parts to it. I'm reminded of my old chemistry lab set when I was a kid. Kind of fun, actually - despite the fact that you have to be so patient.


Speaking of patience, I can't wait to start. Why is something always happening to delay the addition of corals? :lol: I'm still trying to figure out if it's okay for Chemipure to be in there while I dose my Kent Tech M.


I see no reason why you cant dose Tech M with chemipure in there. If you couldnt, that would mean everytime we dose elements in our tank, we would have to remove the chemical filtration.

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I see no reason why you cant dose Tech M with chemipure in there. If you couldnt, that would mean everytime we dose elements in our tank, we would have to remove the chemical filtration.


Sounds reasonable to me. I'm keeping it in! Thanks, Maddevil!


Im with the devil on this one. dose and check


Yes, going to check again tonight. I read more about Magnesium dosing, so I upped how much I was adding to the tank. Silly me, checking the bottle directions. :P


Oh, I think I saw my first peanut worm this morning. That is, if peanut worms can climb vertically on the glass. :D

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I think I need to add more Magnesium. I've added 100 ml total so far, so I'm estimating the levels to be at around 1515 (last actual tested level at 1380 after 50ml). The test kit I have only goes up to 1500, but I think I can test for higher than that. The tank is also not getting any light so I don't think what I've taken out is growing back, but the few strands left aren't exactly melted away yet. I'll try to push the Mag up over 1600 and see if that does the trick. :)


I did find another hitchhiker - a small pseudocorynactis!

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I think I need to add more Magnesium. I've added 100 ml total so far, so I'm estimating the levels to be at around 1515 (last actual tested level at 1380 after 50ml). The test kit I have only goes up to 1500, but I think I can test for higher than that. The tank is also not getting any light so I don't think what I've taken out is growing back, but the few strands left aren't exactly melted away yet. I'll try to push the Mag up over 1600 and see if that does the trick. :)


I did find another hitchhiker - a small pseudocorynactis!


if you can get a syringe dose your mag direct on the effected surfaces rather than just raising the level in your water

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if you can get a syringe dose your mag direct on the effected surfaces rather than just raising the level in your water


That's really interesting. I hadn't read about that before. I have a pipette. I'll probably give it a try with that. Thanks!

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Sounds like you are on the right track with the mg. I remember it took awhile for it to go away completely.


I had to look up what a pseudocorynactis was. I've had those with past tanks too. I thought it was a torch hitchhiker when I first saw it :) They are pretty!!!

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Sounds like you are on the right track with the mg. I remember it took awhile for it to go away completely.


I had to look up what a pseudocorynactis was. I've had those with past tanks too. I thought it was a torch hitchhiker when I first saw it :) They are pretty!!!


Oh good. Thanks, gena! Confirmation from people that have done this before is comforting. :D


The pseudocorynactis is in a spot where I can't see it well. It's inside a hole in the rock. So is a lone aiptasia. :angry: I'm going to have to try to lemon juice that sucker too or hot water. I just don't have a needle syringe. All I have are pests. When do I get coral? :P

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hey rain!


sorry youve been getting the short end of the cycle stick. im sure youll get it all sorted soon. sorry ive been mia. im working on my new tank. looks like youre definitely on the right track though! i have a few aptasia in my tank as well. though theyve never split or spread. so i just leave em alone. im with gena, i think there kind of pretty too.


in regards to chemipure ive never had a prob dosing anything and having it react poorly. so id say youre in the clear. though im sure you would have noticed some reaction if it werent ok.

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hey rain!


sorry youve been getting the short end of the cycle stick. im sure youll get it all sorted soon. sorry ive been mia. im working on my new tank. looks like youre definitely on the right track though! i have a few aptasia in my tank as well. though theyve never split or spread. so i just leave em alone. im with gena, i think there kind of pretty too.


in regards to chemipure ive never had a prob dosing anything and having it react poorly. so id say youre in the clear. though im sure you would have noticed some reaction if it werent ok.


Hey squirrel!


I don't mind it so much, it's just the whole waiting to get coral in that gets me impatient. But, I've seen some neat stuff in the tank so far and that's keeping me entertained enough. I apparently still have to boost my Magnesium higher for this bryopsis. It's just a few stalks now. No new ones, but then again...no light either. I'm doing the whole squirting it directly to see if that helps any.


Thanks for the seconding of the chemipure being okay. It's still in there. :)




Man, I would love to have even a snail in there. :P

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Magnesium is up to 1980 today from all the dosing (50 ml per day for a total of 350 ml added so far). I'm just going to keep it there for the week. The tank is still covered, and no light is getting to it. Bryopsis isn't spreading and seems to be dying off slowly.


My lone feather duster in there seems to be faring well despite the huge boost in Magnesium.

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