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Reef Rain - A Cube's Life [Bc14]


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Did you do anything to it over 2 years? Like add water or anything? Or did it just sit?


Occasional top-offs. The lights were off, but the pump, heater and powerhead were all on. Sadly, no water changes. :(

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Occasional top-offs. The lights were off, but the pump, heater and powerhead were all on. Sadly, no water changes. :(


Hmm. That is impressive that it didn't have more issues than it did. I woulda thought it would just get nasty and murky. With water movement it probably prevented that.

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Hmm. That is impressive that it didn't have more issues than it did. I woulda thought it would just get nasty and murky. With water movement it probably prevented that.


I'm wondering myself if that was key as well. The only reason the lights were off was that I didn't want to give the bryopsis a chance to come back while I was in a holding pattern (a.k.a. the world's longest cycle). :lol:

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Tank Journal Entry


Meg and Ruby get tankmates

December 19, 2012 - Meg and Ruby, the pair of scarlet reef hermit crabs, are really active at night, plucking algae off the rocks and sifting sand. I saw Meg pluck a 1/2" long hair of algae that was batting her in the face and she still ate it. Also found a worm or a tentacle coming out of a rock. Smooth, white, thin, about 0.03" in diameter (Why do I know this? I have mechanical pencil leads that size!



pH: 8.0

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0.0ppm

Nitrate: 0.0-5.0ppm

Magnesium: 1350ppm (after a more than 50% water change)

SG: 1.024

Temperature: 77.5F to 81.9F


December 20, 2012 - Went to the LFS to pick up a few more members of our very sparse CUC. Additions: 1 nassarius snail, 1 cerith snail, 1 astrea snail, frogspawn frag, zoa frag. The corals were an impulse buy. I figured after waiting for nearly two years, I could get a couple of small frags.


The zoas opened up very quickly, but the frogspawn took a few hours to inflate. We actually bought 2 ceriths but came home and found out that one of them was actually a nassarius (long snout, loves the sand). The cerith didn't do anything for a few hours so I thought it was DOA.



Tuttle the astrea snail with the new zoas,

about five minutes after they were placed in the tank



Frogspawn, newly added and still deflated



Up periscope!

This is Gonzalez, the nassarius, doing his hide in the sand bit.


After two years, corals!


December 21, 2012 - Frankie the cerith isn't dead after all. He reanimated and is now busy cleaning the diatom bloom. He's doing a great job too. Tuttle the astrea is doing the same cleaning around the zoanthid rock (formerly known as bryopsis rock). Gonzalez the nassarius is being his speedy self and is just all over the tank. I've been amused at how he slowly crawls up the tank wall and then slides quickly back down again.


The spindly white worm is still around, it's definitely coming out of the a crevice in the rock, but I can't see a tube.



Frogspawn looking happier, hopefully in a good spot



The new zoas, not sure about if the green ones are just immature.

Tuttle the astrea is doing a good job cleaning around the zoas.

Notice how white it is around them?



Another view of the zoas.

No clue what they are, probably just plain zoas. >.>



Bonus photo: This is Ruby with her featherduster, Fanny II

Can you see Fanny?


I'll get a good photo of Frankie the cerith some other time.

Edited by Rain24
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Love the new additions!!!!! The only thing I might suggest, and it's hard to tell in the photo, but if sides of the frogspawn are touching rock, I'd try to move it to a position where it's all above rock. If it sways against the rock, it might get irritated and not open fully and potentially get damaged. But, like I said...it's not easy to see if that's the case in the photos.


These are your first corals, right???? You didn't have any when you first set up? Congrats!!! :happydance:

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Love the new additions!!!!! The only thing I might suggest, and it's hard to tell in the photo, but if sides of the frogspawn are touching rock, I'd try to move it to a position where it's all above rock. If it sways against the rock, it might get irritated and not open fully and potentially get damaged. But, like I said...it's not easy to see if that's the case in the photos.


These are your first corals, right???? You didn't have any when you first set up? Congrats!!! happydance.gif


Hi Gena! I didn't know that about the frogspawn. They are touching the sides of the rock but they've inflated. Should I move them? They look really inflated. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what normal is for frogspawn. This was something the hubby really wanted in the tank. I was trying to corral it for fear of the dreaded tentacles.


And yes, these are my first corals! So happy despite the fact that they're pretty ordinary. :happy:


Hey rain glad to see your back in action...nice additions


Hi Rehype! Thanks! I hope to see you back in action too. I was so sad when I read about your tank. :( It's still my favorite.

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Love the scape! And the new corals are great additions. Gotta find me some zo's like those!

Looking forward to seeing your BC 14 progress. I've loved mine so far! :) W-

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Love the scape! And the new corals are great additions. Gotta find me some zo's like those!

Looking forward to seeing your BC 14 progress. I've loved mine so far! :) W-


Thank you, Ward! :) I'm going to follow along with your tank thread too. Your zoa collection is growing and I'm envious! :) This zoa frag, or frags really since there are nearly two of them barely connected, is odd. There are neon green ones interspersed within the colony and I don't know if they are the color of the younger zoas or if they are different ones entirely. Then some of the heads seem to be a mix of the two, pinkish with some green inside.


One of them doesn't open fully and is kind of pinched at the rim. I need to find out what's going on there too. Glad you're enjoying your tank. I've been enjoying mine despite only having a couple of corals and inhabitants. :)

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This thread is awesome! Can't believe it just sat for that long and started right up for ya without any more trouble than it was. Your patience (though it may have been forced) is remarkable! Haha.


Did the sand bed harden over that time?? Did you stir it up before adding the Nass snails?


I would probably pull the return pump and do a vinegar bath and cleaning, may have some build-up after that long. And I would hate to see it crap out on ya and cause another 2 year hiatus! :P


Anyways, glad your back! Looks to be a fun one to follow.

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Hi Gena! I didn't know that about the frogspawn. They are touching the sides of the rock but they've inflated. Should I move them? They look really inflated. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what normal is for frogspawn. This was something the hubby really wanted in the tank. I was trying to corral it for fear of the dreaded tentacles.


And yes, these are my first corals! So happy despite the fact that they're pretty ordinary. :happy:

Hi, Rain :flower:

I would definitely move it above the rocks then. The tentacles/flesh is pretty delicate. Depending on how much flow you have, they could tear or become irritated.


The inflated photo looks normal. In my experience, you don't have to worry too much about frogspawns. Now torches...they can put out some long stingers. But they are so pretty :wub:


Congrats again on the first corals :)

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Thank you, Ward! :) I'm going to follow along with your tank thread too. Your zoa collection is growing and I'm envious! :) This zoa frag, or frags really since there are nearly two of them barely connected, is odd. There are neon green ones interspersed within the colony and I don't know if they are the color of the younger zoas or if they are different ones entirely. Then some of the heads seem to be a mix of the two, pinkish with some green inside.


One of them doesn't open fully and is kind of pinched at the rim. I need to find out what's going on there too. Glad you're enjoying your tank. I've been enjoying mine despite only having a couple of corals and inhabitants. :)


Give your zoa's some time. They will spread before you know it. :) They look really healthy! I always have a few weird one's that don't behave like all the rest. I think it's only natural. I just added the torch last week and just found a great Duncan 2 days ago which is now my new fav! I'll post an updated FTS asap. It's bright neon green, almost yellow with whitish tentacles. Looks wicked under the actinics and moonlights. 3 main heads with about 12 more small ones.


Keep the updates coming! I'll try and do the same. W-

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This thread is awesome! Can't believe it just sat for that long and started right up for ya without any more trouble than it was. Your patience (though it may have been forced) is remarkable! Haha.


Did the sand bed harden over that time?? Did you stir it up before adding the Nass snails?


I would probably pull the return pump and do a vinegar bath and cleaning, may have some build-up after that long. And I would hate to see it crap out on ya and cause another 2 year hiatus! :P


Anyways, glad your back! Looks to be a fun one to follow.


Hi Shane! The sand bed is a little clumpy in places. I think I'm going to give it a stir a little bit at a time. I'm thinking of getting a few more (real) nassarius snails. The one I got seems to be an impostor. :P


I'll look into how to do a vinegar bath. Sounds like a good idea. The powerhead also has some stuff inside that I'd like to get to if I can figure out how to take it apart and put it back together so that it still works. ;)


Hi, Rain :flower:

I would definitely move it above the rocks then. The tentacles/flesh is pretty delicate. Depending on how much flow you have, they could tear or become irritated.


The inflated photo looks normal. In my experience, you don't have to worry too much about frogspawns. Now torches...they can put out some long stingers. But they are so pretty :wub:


Congrats again on the first corals :)


Hi Gena! I took your advice and moved the frogspawn. We glued it up higher on the rocks and it seems to be doing better although we did knock it off when we did a waterchange last night. :unsure: Oops. I hope it'll be okay. I'm also trying to figure out what layed these tiny beige colored eggs on the frogspawn's skeleton.



Give your zoa's some time. They will spread before you know it. :) They look really healthy! I always have a few weird one's that don't behave like all the rest. I think it's only natural. I just added the torch last week and just found a great Duncan 2 days ago which is now my new fav! I'll post an updated FTS asap. It's bright neon green, almost yellow with whitish tentacles. Looks wicked under the actinics and moonlights. 3 main heads with about 12 more small ones.


Keep the updates coming! I'll try and do the same. W-


Hiya Ward! I need to tack these zoas down somehow. They're slowly slipping off the rock that they're sitting on. And I just discovered acans! I don't know if I'm going to have more zoas now that I have discovered acans! Everything looks so tempting at the LFS right now. :) But I'm going to try to be patient. That is the key, right?


I like your scape dude! Keep up the good work!


Thanks, Birdfeather! :) I actually am wondering if I should rescape at some point. While this worked when there was nothing in the tank, I'm not sure there are enough "shelves" for future additions. Still, I'm enjoying every little thing about my tank right now.

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Hi Shane! The sand bed is a little clumpy in places. I think I'm going to give it a stir a little bit at a time. I'm thinking of getting a few more (real) nassarius snails. The one I got seems to be an impostor. :P


I'll look into how to do a vinegar bath. Sounds like a good idea. The powerhead also has some stuff inside that I'd like to get to if I can figure out how to take it apart and put it back together so that it still works. ;)



Hi Gena! I took your advice and moved the frogspawn. We glued it up higher on the rocks and it seems to be doing better although we did knock it off when we did a waterchange last night. :unsure: Oops. I hope it'll be okay. I'm also trying to figure out what layed these tiny beige colored eggs on the frogspawn's skeleton.



Hiya Ward! I need to tack these zoas down somehow. They're slowly slipping off the rock that they're sitting on. And I just discovered acans! I don't know if I'm going to have more zoas now that I have discovered acans! Everything looks so tempting at the LFS right now. :) But I'm going to try to be patient. That is the key, right?



Thanks, Birdfeather! :) I actually am wondering if I should rescape at some point. While this worked when there was nothing in the tank, I'm not sure there are enough "shelves" for future additions. Still, I'm enjoying every little thing about my tank right now.


Hi Rain! Yep, that is definitely the key. Patience. Try using a little putty or crazy glue gel to keep them from moving. I was hesitant at first to use anything like glue or gel but found it really helps. Just make sure you like the spot and the coral likes the spot! :) I also dig scans. Had a nice frag but it bleached. I want to try again. Maybe a blastos frag. :) W-

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Hi Gena! I took your advice and moved the frogspawn. We glued it up higher on the rocks and it seems to be doing better although we did knock it off when we did a waterchange last night. :unsure: Oops. I hope it'll be okay. I'm also trying to figure out what layed these tiny beige colored eggs on the frogspawn's skeleton.



Hi, Rain!!!! Merry Christmas :)


I think you'll be glad you moved it up higher on the rocks. The more space it has the bigger it can expand! It may be unhappy for a few days as they do need some time to adjust. Yours looks really healthy though so you may not even run into that. I'd be interested to see a photo of the eggs.


Enjoy the day!!!!!

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Hi Mr. Micropscope! I got their tentacles to come out a little but not enough to put mysis in. Belatedly, I realized what my mistake was - I forgot to turn off the pump and powerhead despite reading that in your directions in another thread. <_< Next time I will remember!


Right now I'm hoping I didn't doom one of my scarlet reef hermit crabs. We had to move it during a water change (had to deal with some bryopsis on the rock it was on) and found a molt. My little Ruby wasn't moving though and when my husband moved her shell, she was very still and came half out of it. No movement since. :(

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fingerscrossed that she's ok!!!! Maybe she just molted and is feeling lethargic. I'd place her in a visible but dark area of the tank, if you can.


Happy New Year :happy:


Hi Gena! Happy New Year!!! :D I'm trying not to stare at her every five seconds. I'm going to hope she'll pull through. I put her back in the same spot she was in but where I can see her eyes a bit more.


Also, I did get a photo of those "eggs" on my frogspawn. Any ideas what they could be?


Frogspawn with beige eggs at the base.

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Mr. Microscope

Even if the acan isn't open, you can put food on it. It will eat it, but it just takes a little while.


I imagine your crab will be okay. It's best to leave it where you found it as they seem to find a happy place where they molt and recover. I have at least one hermit crab with an established "territory" or sorts. It's always hanging out there and I find molts in the area.

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Happy New Year!!!!


Such a pretty frogspawn :) It's hard for me to tell what it could be. Looks familiar to me though. Like something I've seen on my frogspawn in the past. I never figured out what it was though.

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Even if the acan isn't open, you can put food on it. It will eat it, but it just takes a little while.


I imagine your crab will be okay. It's best to leave it where you found it as they seem to find a happy place where they molt and recover. I have at least one hermit crab with an established "territory" or sorts. It's always hanging out there and I find molts in the area.


That's the thing, Mr. M - she was moved because we had to treat the rock for bryopsis. I noticed that there was something wrong when my husband let go and she fell on her face. :( We put her back where she was, now I'm just hoping she'll be okay. She's normally really bright red and now she's more of a coral color. I can't tell whose molt it was that we found. I am such a noob.


Happy New Year!!!!


Such a pretty frogspawn :) It's hard for me to tell what it could be. Looks familiar to me though. Like something I've seen on my frogspawn in the past. I never figured out what it was though.


Thank you, Gena! :happy: I know, I couldn't get a better shot of the eggs without a tripod and with all the Christmas stuff out, who knows where the tripod could be? :lol: It's still there, nothing has eaten it and it hasn't spawned anything. They just look like little beige pearls. I guess I'll just see what happens.

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I get little white/beige pearls (kind of flat?) on my rocks. I have no idea what they are, but they are all throughout the tank.


I'm procrastinating on putting away Christmas decorations. I'll probably force myself to do so tomorrow. It will make me very sad though. :lol:

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I get little white/beige pearls (kind of flat?) on my rocks. I have no idea what they are, but they are all throughout the tank.


I'm procrastinating on putting away Christmas decorations. I'll probably force myself to do so tomorrow. It will make me very sad though. :lol:


A tradition I hung on to from my parents - we don't put away the Christmas stuff until after the 6th. That way the holidays seem longer. ;)


Well, if they're in your tank and nothing bad came of it, I'm not going to worry. My worry now is the same worry I had before. Bryopsis. :P I'm cursed.

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