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Lani's Clownfish Breeding Thread


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Well, I put a few inches of water in the tanks today and filled up the sump.... Surprisingly the tractor supply co sump has tiny pinholes in the side that drip water very slowly but they'll need to be sealed.... that'll be fun. And a couple of the drain pipes had leaks. I sealed up everything on the tanks but the sump will need to be filled again tomorrow so I can spot the tiny leaks. Should be able to fully test the system in a couple of days so no pics for now. :P


And no pics of the juvies either... I dumped some of the spare rotifers into their tank with a little bit of the rot culture water and BAM!..... green water explosion in the juvie tank. It's all cloudy. :/

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So it's day 3 and I still have around 50-75 living larvae. fingerscrossed

The parents spawned this evening and the eggs are looking better. Still a little transparent, but much better than the last couple of batches. We may be on our way to better eggs!


Still no pics of the juvies. The water is still very green so I've done some water changes, added carbon, and am going to leave some of the lights off until it clear up. :/

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Hey... someone replied about the red in the eggs over on MOFIB. Here is what they had to say:


This looks like the fish developed quite normally and were about ready to hatch. They all died at pretty much the same time. I am guessing here but it looks like they did not have adequate aeration. Were the eggs removed from the parents for hatchout? If so did they have adequate aeration?


The red is either bacterial or BG algae (really just a photosynthetic bacteria). That moved in after they died. I am surprised that you actually got a picture at that stage of degradation. They really turn to nothing pretty quick. The eyes are usually the last thing to go.


Good photography!


Make sense to me. Seems like anytime you pull a pot early you are taking risks.

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Ah, thanks a bunch, Mr. Pickles! I tried to make sure the bubbles from the airstone were hitting the eggs enough but I'll pull the pot much later in the day from now on. :flower:


Oh ya, I've got the carbon in a bag in the AquaClear HOB filter.

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Ah, thanks a bunch, Mr. Pickles! I tried to make sure the bubbles from the airstone were hitting the eggs enough but I'll pull the pot much later in the day from now on. :flower:


Oh ya, I've got the carbon in a bag in the AquaClear HOB filter.



Right on.. so these aren't the new hatch - I'm trying to keep up!!!

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glad you got an answer for what happened. i think mine died from lack of O2 as well. i know i pulled the pot a day early and the must have died when my airstone cut out half way thru the night for several hours.

m gonna let my bubbles hit the eggs next time.

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So I'm down to 4 live ones today. I had around 50 yesterday and ~35 this morning. They really dropped off today. But this is a sign that they are living longer. The last few batches didn't make it past day 2 and these are 6 days old. The next batch of eggs should do better as the yolks looked healthier when they were laid. We'll see!

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Well I'm glad they are doing better - 6 days? Any showing stripes yet?

Nope, no stripes and they aren't really showing signs of meta yet, but we still have 4 alive today! I'm kind of surprised at that. They're also showing interest in the otohime. The parents are really tending to the eggs in the pot, more so than I've seen them doing with any of the other clutches. Even the mom is staying nearby and helping the male fan them. I wonder if that's a sign that they know these are going to be healthier? Hmm. Anyway, I'm going to try to keep these 4 going!

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Started introducing otohime on day 3. Looks like I might be down to 2 and they seem to be struggling. Sigh.

They seem to be eating well, with big silver bellies but they just keep swimming to the top, then they stop and sink back down to the bottom.. no spiraling like they are in shock.. just tired. All of the params, lighting, and rot density are 'right' so it just seems like the fry are still too weak.







In other news, the juvies from the first hatch are growing really well, some of them are around 3/4" now. Won't be long before they are big enough to adopt out. :happy:

Also, one of them is showing some nice onyx coloration already!




And another size comparison taken today (Spot is being a ham on the right):


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Totally awesome! I'd love to do this some day .. but alas I think raising guppies was way more easier than this.


Good luck and wicked pics!

Thanks! :D


So one little guy is still with us, lol. It's a little frustrating doing all the work for just one, but I'm kinda attached to him already. But, these next eggs will be hatching Sunday night so I've begun doing water changes on the hatching tank with water from the parent tank so that Sunday evening right before the lights go out I'll be moving the pot over and the lone ranger will have some company.

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Lalani, I am in the same boat pretty much. My first attempt has left me with 2 clowns that are 4 days past metamorphosis and it does feel silly to keep a 10 gallon tank going just for two, but like you, I am very attached to them. They even have names already :P


On the brighter side, I went to Petsmart today to buy another 29 gallon Biocube for a new breeding pair, ( only $219 Woohoo!) and found that they had full 10 gallon setups for sale for $16.99. Included a full hood, bulbs and Tetra Whisper Pf10 hangon filter.


So now I don't feel as if I am wasting a 10 gallon setup for just two. At that price I picked up 3 new baby tanks :)


To be honest, if I had managed to raise only a single one, I would have been thrilled.


After setting up the new tanks today, I feel as if I am building "Clown Condos" in my spare room. Even one single baby is worth it. They look adorable once they morph. I wake up in the monring and RACE to the baby tank. They even trump coffee !

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Hahaha, I know what you mean. You're addicted! :P


That one little guy is still going strong. No meta yet, but if he takes the same amount of time as that first hatch, it'll be another week or so. Tomorrow night the next batch should be hatching so he'll have roommates soon.

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Do you put new hatches right in with previous ones? Or do you have dividers in your tanks?


And yes, I am hoplessly addicted now, and it only took one hatch for me to go from sane and self disciplined, to totally out of control !

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Hahaha, I know what you mean. You're addicted! :P


That one little guy is still going strong. No meta yet, but if he takes the same amount of time as that first hatch, it'll be another week or so. Tomorrow night the next batch should be hatching so he'll have roommates soon.


what temps are you running the babies at. i think you would be better raising the temps to get them into meta quicker. also the otto helps move them right along. i found that keeping it at about 84 sends them into meta within 5-7 days

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I really like your pics. What camera are you using and how do you get such a clear close up shots?

Thanks! Canon T2i with a Canon 100mm macro lens. The larvae shots are mostly cropped.




Do you put new hatches right in with previous ones? Or do you have dividers in your tanks?


And yes, I am hoplessly addicted now, and it only took one hatch for me to go from sane and self disciplined, to totally out of control !

Well, this is the first time attempting to put fish from different batches together, but since the Lone Ranger is only a week old I figure it'll be fine... even though he's already triple the size!



what temps are you running the babies at. i think you would be better raising the temps to get them into meta quicker. also the otto helps move them right along. i found that keeping it at about 84 sends them into meta within 5-7 days

The hatch tank stays between 83 and 84 and I start introducing otohime from day 1, so we'll see how long it takes with these. Maybe my guys are a little slow like me? :(


Oh and lol, I laughed at your comment about 'staying up late at night to catch larvae qualifies you for insanity' line in Pickle's thread, but lo and behold, I was up at midnight scooping babies out of the parent tank because they hatched a night early! omgomgomg


I managed to get several hundred and they are looking great. :)


Also, I'll be meeting up with Ty this evening to get my snowflake male which will be paried with the b&w female that's been all alone for a few weeks!

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Oh and lol, I laughed at your comment about 'staying up late at night to catch larvae qualifies you for insanity' line in Pickle's thread, but lo and behold, I was up at midnight scooping babies out of the parent tank because they hatched a night early! omgomgomg


I managed to get several hundred and they are looking great. :)


Ha... my wife was like... you are standing over the tank with a flash light for why again?


Sounds like it was worth it for you though!



Also, I'll be meeting up with Ty this evening to get my snowflake male which will be paried with the b&w female that's been all alone for a few weeks!


Pics please!

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The hatch tank stays between 83 and 84 and I start introducing otohime from day 1, so we'll see how long it takes with these. Maybe my guys are a little slow like me? :(


Oh and lol, I laughed at your comment about 'staying up late at night to catch larvae qualifies you for insanity' line in Pickle's thread, but lo and behold, I was up at midnight scooping babies out of the parent tank because they hatched a night early! omgomgomg


I managed to get several hundred and they are looking great. :)

nice score

yah its funny how fate works out

i will be doing the same in a few days

have about 200 snocasso eggs that will be ready to hatch


i have a chance to buy a tamron macro lens but dont know too much about them. any advice would be appreciated

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Ha... my wife was like... you are standing over the tank with a flash light for why again?


Sounds like it was worth it for you though!


Pics please!

Ask and ye shall receive!


New little guy, lots of white!:



Pairing him up with this b&w female... her last mate died during shipping :( :



Crappy shot but size comparison:



Omg, this little ####er scared me. I put him in the tank and he was fine for a few seconds... until he turned around and saw the b&w female.... I've never seen a clownfish dart so fast, he was like a rocket...... straight out of the tiniest little gap in the screen net top. Nooooooo!!! Mom walked in just 2 seconds prior and we both yelped and started trying to catch him. Thankfully we got him from behind the stand in just a few moments, but not before we both panicked. Ugh, I now have 50 binder clips securing the back section of the net top. I'm tired.

He settled down after getting that initial terror out of his system and they starting approaching each other curiously. Lights out now!


Thanks again to Ty and his wife for picking the little bastard up for me. :P

Also thanks to Rudy for coming through for me! :D


nice score

yah its funny how fate works out

i will be doing the same in a few days

have about 200 snocasso eggs that will be ready to hatch


i have a chance to buy a tamron macro lens but dont know too much about them. any advice would be appreciated

Send those eggs to me? You know you want to!


The tamron 90mm? I've only heard good things about it though I've never actually used one myself. The quality is supposed to be right up there with the Canon 100mm if not better so if you can get one, I'd go for it. The only downside for that lens is the focal length is slightly shorter, but its not that big of a deal. :)


The larvae from last night's hatch are looking great! Minimal losses today and they're even hitting the otohime already! Fingers crossed.

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