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My first 3g Picotope


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The sun coral that you have currently is looks like what I bought last time. Don't worry, it can be recovered. :)


Gonna try my best at reviving it.


I finally got a good picture of my anemone shrimp. He is probably the coolest animal in my tank. He has a very chill attitude about everything and never stops eating.



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If put in a bigger tank, they could immediately get lost with that clear body.


I had a hard time just figuring what was what in your picture! :lol:

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Why don't you like the look of certain anemone shrimps?

because i thought they would look too clear/boring and hard to find, even in a pico. yours looks nice though.

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Today I made the transition to LED a Rapid par38 60 degree optics. I might ad some more white later down the road. I hung it about 17inch from the top of the tank.

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Finally disaster struck. When I left for thanksgiving the AC70 decided to stop working. The aquarium was running with out water movement for about 3 days. When I came back lets just say it was not a pretty sight. I was able to save about 60-70% of the corals by immediately transferring them to my 8 gallon tank. The feather dusters, crabs and Tiny (neon goby) were dead. The corals that I lost were the candy canes, mushrooms and possibly the dendro. All micro fauna (stars, worms, pods) were also dead.


Right now the tank is cycling again, this time around I decided to remove all the live sand. I felt it was a depot for detritus to build up and most likely caused the pump to get stuck.


I am highly debating if I should do an upgrade to an ADA 12" cube or if to revive this tank back to its former glory. What do y'all think?

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So sorry to hear about the loss, pj. I vote to revive the pico. There's something special about the tiny tanks, and you really set a wonderful example for us other pico folks.

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Wow, I honestly didn't realise that flow would have such a big impact in such a short space of time. Did you happen to test the water? Would be interested in knowing what the build up was and actual cause of the deaths.


Sorry for your loss, but hope you re-invent your pico. It was a great inspiration.

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Thanks for the support.


castiel, when the pump failed it was housing the heater, and all the chemical filtration. Also, I believe it caused a back syphon that caused the ATO to pump water. I was able to do a 2.5 gallon water change through the aquacontroller but this was not enough to save several of the more delicate lifeforms. Also, because of the ridiculous amount of bioload/mass I had in this tank a small die off caused an exponential death curve of ammonia.

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this is not good D:

I've had my AC70 get stuck for a day or two in the past but nothing this bad...this is terrible.


A combo of the tank getting too cold + no flow(what about a powerhead in the tank, there was none?) + ATO malfunction. was the feeder malfunctioning too?

It is too bad the tank had an abrupt end like this, it was too awesome to die. I say restart it :)

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No powerhead, the tank got down to 75 degrees which isn't that bad. The change in salinity probably caused a slight die off which triggered the rapid decline.


The tank at the moment is soft cycling, much of the gsp has survived, also lots of polyps on the 3 main rocks. The reconstruction has begun!!! I will post pictures soon.


I don't know if this would be considered restarting or just a major change to the tank...lol. Anyhow, I will bring this pico back to life.

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tell us more =)


How about some photos,






I'm really happy that there is still life in the tank. The cycle is almost complete. I was leaning on doing a NPS pico, which I think has not been done yet, the system in place right now was design to handle a NPS system so it wouldn't be much work. What do you all think?

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I say a nps system would be awesome. You already have the feeding system and water change system so why not try it. I say go for it.

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