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Cultivated Reef

20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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I'll try and get a new FTS sometime this week...I need to do a little cyano clean up I've been trying to catch the anthias and have been overfeeding in the process. World's fastest little fish!


The filefish are doing great...I am actually trying to get my hands on two more females sometime in the coming weeks I have grown to like them so much.


I am picking up a pair of pink skunk clowns tomorrow hopefully...they are from sustainable aquatics and are looking really healthy.


They'll go to QT for a while then to the 75g.


The little reef is still just kicking along!

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Nice video


Thanks SoCal!


I'll watch your clam for you buddy, and that birdsnest frag is getting big now.


Oh I don't need to move my current one I am just planning on where to put my new one!


I have some softies I can frag out but my SPS are finally coming back so I want to let them heal up all the way before fragging those.


How's your tank going?


Any new additions?

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I've got a pair of orange lined cardinals, but other than that I've just been letting everything grow out. I've been working on my house all summer pretty much so I haven't had time to update, I'll get one going soon. I've also been meaning to ask, how do you set your white balance with the led's? My pictures usually end up looking like crap. As far as softies go, I've got kenya tree, pulsing xenia , gsp, a leather and a carnation. I've finally settled on a mixed reef though, so if you have anything else I'll take it. My other sps are growing fast now so I can frag some soon for you. You want to try and meet next week some time, maybe at downunder ?

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I've got a pair of orange lined cardinals, but other than that I've just been letting everything grow out. I've been working on my house all summer pretty much so I haven't had time to update, I'll get one going soon. I've also been meaning to ask, how do you set your white balance with the led's? My pictures usually end up looking like crap. As far as softies go, I've got kenya tree, pulsing xenia , gsp, a leather and a carnation. I've finally settled on a mixed reef though, so if you have anything else I'll take it. My other sps are growing fast now so I can frag some soon for you. You want to try and meet next week some time, maybe at downunder ?


Orange lined cardinals are awesome man. I have 7 in my QT right now (got another 4 this morning from Down Under) and I'm hoping they won't kill each other off.


As for my white balance for photos...they always suck. I keep it at what I imagine is 20K but when I take photos I move it to about 10K and then fool around for a while but they always come out so terrible.


I have a few zoanthids and everything else you mentioned haha


I can just pay you for some frags if you want...I'd love some new SPS but the LFS frags are a little pricey and they don't appeal to me. Do you have any pictures of the stuff you could frag?


We can meet at Down Under for sure. I should be in town all week. What about Wednesday?

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Sorry to stalk the thread... But I'd be interested in possibly buying some frags too. If you've got enough and you're alright with it. Unfortunately I don't have anything to offer besides some cash.

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Sorry to stalk the thread... But I'd be interested in possibly buying some frags too. If you've got enough and you're alright with it. Unfortunately I don't have anything to offer besides some cash.


No worries...if you want some softies we can sort it out as well. Might want to wait on SPS anyways in a new tank.

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Yeah, not sure I'm ready for SPS quite yet. I've starting looking into buying supplies for dosing calc, dkh, etc, that way I can experiment and get levels steady. But I want to wait until october or so before I think about adding sps. what are you planning on fragging (idk if I'd be interested or not).

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Yeah , just did a water change last night and the glass is clean! I'll try to take some shots today or tomorrow. I can def frag an unknown acro and a garf bonsai, birdsnest and maybe some monti's, cap and digi. My duncan is also getting large, so maybe that in the near future as well.

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Yeah , just did a water change last night and the glass is clean! I'll try to take some shots today or tomorrow. I can def frag an unknown acro and a garf bonsai, birdsnest and maybe some monti's, cap and digi. My duncan is also getting large, so maybe that in the near future as well.


Yes please. :D


I call dibs on all of those...if I can?


I'll try and get some pictures today or tomorrow of all the stuff I can frag for you but I'll definitely have to throw you some cash as well since I don't have anything too, too exciting.

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Here's the birdsnest frag in the top here.



Great photo!


That's an awesome looking frag. I'll get some pictures and show you what I could trade or I could pay you for it.


Awesome clown

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I'm into trades. I need more zoanthids, how are you in that area?


I have four different colors to trade there. Let me take some pictures real quick!

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Some of these neon guys:




Some of these:



All of these before the GSP wins the battle:



The ones I pointed at...just not the hurricanes or the orange palys since those are just now starting to grow:



This is an old picture but I have these too:


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Wow those are some beautiful shots D! I want some of those zoas.... :D


Thanks Hype. I really appreciate hearing such nice comments from Mr. TOTM! Congrats again --> well deserved, to say the least.


I put some rubble around the different zoa patches today hoping they will spread up onto it so I can get rid of some. I'll have to let you know!





I haven't really been very active here in the past few months after getting the new FOWLR kicking but I do keep up with a few member's threads. Lots of great stuff going on here though.


The reef still gets fed 4-6x a day and the cyano started getting way, way worse. I hadn't changed much an was actually doing MORE water changes than usual. I had started getting lazy about things and wasn't doing regular tests and hadn't used my TDS meter in about 3 weeks. Well it read 16 yesterday! HOLY ####!


So I have a lot of DI resin on hand and I went ahead and changed that. The problem is that I need to replace the RO membrane most likely since the rejection rate has dropped a good bit. I ordered all the replacements needed for it and I should be back on track soon although I'm pushing out 0TDS water now but the DI resin would need to be changed way too often to sustain such practices.


I also have a dry goods order being shipped to me this week with more salt, more phosban, and a fish trap! WOO. I need to get the anthias and the chromis out of there ASAP, though the chromis is really never out because the sixline pesters her so much.


The SPS in my reef are doing the best they have EVER done. I am getting really great color and pretty remarkable growth despite the water issues. I hope that changing out the phosban, carbon, and a few big water changes combined with a 2 day blackout will kill off all my cyano.


I need to spend a little while getting some pictures and I will...but only once I get the cyano completely beat. I am a man on a mission since my last semester starts next week and I will be crazy busy then.

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Well I haven't really taken pictures in a while because the cyano is pretty embarrasing but I figure I might as well document the tank regardless. I'm getting good growth though and everyone is happy....including the bacteria. I'm considering a little vodka dosing again if the problem continues.




Winston...still kicking:








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Looking good man, those Zoas are awesome, and glad to see the tank is recovering nicely. I'll be back in town in a couple days, I'll get in touch then.

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Tank is looking awesome!


That clam has some massive growth! I don't ever think I have seen that much of a gap between the shell and flesh.

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