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Cultivated Reef

Yoshii's 3 Gallon Pico Reef


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I think it was a slow storing of nutrients that slowly built up and then started leaching back a little waste as the year went by. lots of people do hands off during the first several months and the tank runs perfect, slowly storing... the water changes now in my opinion are preventing a much stronger algae loading. since the scape is clean who cares though, its a clean as a whistle. couple passes on the walls with a scraper and you'd hardly ever see it.

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I love shrimps... :D

Me too! :P Unfortunately this little guy hides all day


I think it was a slow storing of nutrients that slowly built up and then started leaching back a little waste as the year went by. lots of people do hands off during the first several months and the tank runs perfect, slowly storing... the water changes now in my opinion are preventing a much stronger algae loading. since the scape is clean who cares though, its a clean as a whistle. couple passes on the walls with a scraper and you'd hardly ever see it.

ah I see, so all I can really do is water changes to get rid of these nutrients?

I guess I'm lucky, I have no idea why it doesn't grow on the rocks

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ok then


because when my peps, harlequins, and ghost shrimp died the all turned pink. but only after they died...is it going to molt?


oh wait is that pocillipora shrimp? i thought it was the white spot?

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Maybe? idk


I have't positively IDed it yet, but I found it on an acro colony

This is what it looked like when I first got it


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when shrimp turn pink dosn't that mean they are about to die?

Shrimp do turn pink after they die, but not before, so there must be a different reason why it changed color. Has it eaten the TDO food? That has natural pigments in it that the shrimp might be storing in its tissues.

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Maybe its changed its diet or heck maybe it grows into that color.

That might it too. I haven't found any good info at all about these shrimp(can't even find the species) so it is quite possible it's getting its adult coloration.

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Shrimp do turn pink after they die, but not before, so there must be a different reason why it changed color. Has it eaten the TDO food? That has natural pigments in it that the shrimp might be storing in its tissues.


ur right :)

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I say that Yosh should wright a quick report on behavior, care, and misc about this shrimp. ;)


And name it something easier to say. :P

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I say that Yosh should wright a quick report on behavior, care, and misc about this shrimp. ;)


And name it something easier to say. :P

I agree. And she should get another one and breed them :D

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Shrimp do turn pink after they die, but not before, so there must be a different reason why it changed color. Has it eaten the TDO food? That has natural pigments in it that the shrimp might be storing in its tissues.

It probably ate a tiny bit, but I'm pretty sure it was pink before I fed TDO


Maybe its changed its diet or heck maybe it grows into that color.

Maybe, well it matches the orange digi it's on now


These guys aren't very common in the hobby, are they?

nope :( I found it in a wild acro colony at the LFS


Not at all. I haven't found very much on the internet about any acro shrimp. But I think I may have found an ID for this shrimp: Coralliocaris superba



I've seen that shrimp, it's very similar, but my shrimp doesn't have a fully white abdomen, it has white (er now pink) patches just on the sides


I say that Yosh should wright a quick report on behavior, care, and misc about this shrimp. ;)


And name it something easier to say. :P

it's shy, likes asst frozen food but has trouble catching it, and it looks really cool :lol:


I haven't really observed it for long periods of time, plus it hides so I don't see it. so I can't really write a quick report about it


male vs. female

mine is female :) Had eggs when I got her


I agree. And she should get another one and breed them :D

I should, I just didn't feel like trying to catch the other one, it's much smaller than mine


do these acro hosting shrimp clean off parasites? is there one for montis? so it can eat nudis?

no idea, I doubt it, idk of a shrimp that eats nudis

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should be the male then

Yeah, I read they usually live in pairs but there were at least 4-5 shrimp (counting mine) that I saw

The others were all smaller than mine, and lacked white spots

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