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Hypes Shallow ADA Lagoon


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cool skimmer



Thanks giga.


Great news!



So you like it so far? I've got CPR's over flow.



Yep so far so good animal. Im a big fan of cpr products...This skimmer started to produce skimmate almost immediately and i have virtually no microbubbles. Overall im pretty impressed..

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That's what I hope. I need to have it for the gobies! :P



You can have keep just about anything with that skimmer..


Sweet new skimmer man! I love HOB skimmers.


thanks jacob.me too!

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Great addition. How much in-tank space does the skimmer take up? Not a huge issue since you'll eventually move it to the sump, just curious.


It still surprises me that more higher end companies haven't started looking into making HOB skimmers. There are SO many tanks out there that could benefit from a small, efficient skimmer and there just aren't too many to choose from.

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Great addition. How much in-tank space does the skimmer take up? Not a huge issue since you'll eventually move it to the sump, just curious.


It still surprises me that more higher end companies haven't started looking into making HOB skimmers. There are SO many tanks out there that could benefit from a small, efficient skimmer and there just aren't too many to choose from.



Thanks adam. Its takes up very little in tank space. The hydor pico pump is tiny and the return outlet is unobtrusive.


Im surprised as well ...theyre only like two or three good hob skimmers. I think theres plenty of reefers that would like more hob options as running a sump isnt always feasible.


That overflow and skimmer are awesome.



Thanks pat

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Just wanted to share a pic of this acan. It was in really bad shape a few months ago had only about 2 heads and was totally brown in color but now its colored back up and has over 5 heads. It always amazes me how with some tlc a coral can come back from almost any condition...




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yea...great job on the acan. i always have trouble taking care of them. they either melt away or just survive. i've never had new heads growing. i keep all my parameters in check and target feed. guess it's just one of those things...

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Nice work on the Acan...always enjoyable bringing corals back from the brink.


Didn't you say you added something that you weren't quite ready to share....well? ;)

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Quick update. My overflow got delayed until first week of october so in the meantime i decided to pick up a new skimmer. Ive been feeding pretty regular and my colors look really crappy. So i figured why not break in the skimmer a bit early. I decided on the cpr aeroforce skimmer mainly because its a hob unit and i figured i could use it on the ada until the overflow arrived and then just hang it over the sump. So far so good it started producing skimmate within the first 24 hours. A few pics..


Are they planning on making a surface skimmer attachment for this like they had with the Bak Pak 2?

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yea...great job on the acan. i always have trouble taking care of them. they either melt away or just survive. i've never had new heads growing. i keep all my parameters in check and target feed. guess it's just one of those things...



Thanks rook..yea i agree sometimes for no discernible reason some corals only survive while others thrive..Im having that issue with one of my sps frags...i cant get any growth or coloration just minimal polyp extension


Nice work on the Acan...always enjoyable bringing corals back from the brink.


Didn't you say you added something that you weren't quite ready to share....well? ;)



Thanks adam


hehe...you remembered. Im going to give it one more week. If things are still going good ill post some pics :D


Are they planning on making a surface skimmer attachment for this like they had with the Bak Pak 2?



I dont think so Vic. Although i have to ask why would you still need a surface skimmer? The skimmer should be removing any organics which would alleviate surface film.

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I guess that's true, I'd just have to try it out and see if it worked well enough. The old Bak Pak 2 I used to have wasn't nearly effective enough to keep film off the surface without its surface skimmer.

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update:I just checked vic theres still a little film on the surface but in all fairness the skimmer hasnt been broken in just yet(its only been running for less than a week) But in a few weeks im almost certain it will remove all organics but ill definitely keep you updated.

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Quick update...Aiptasia have finally been defeated. It took exactly two months but every last single one has been eaten by my berghia nudibranch. I had probably the worst infestation that ive ever come across. My rocks wand even my zoa frags had aiptasia growing out of them..It was truly a nightmare. So i invested in about 5 large nudibranch and they have totally wiped out the entire infestation. Anyone that has a large infestation i would recommend buying some large nudibranch from salty underground. They have excellent customer service and very healthy nudis. The biggest key to success is patience...It takes some time for these guys to get going but once they do they will totally wipe out any aiptasia infestation. The larger one have bigger appetites and eat more readily so i would recommend them over the smaller varieties.

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Quick update...Aiptasia have finally been defeated. It took exactly two months but every last single one has been eaten by my berghia nudibranch. I had probably the worst infestation that ive ever come across. My rocks wand even my zoa frags had aiptasia growing out of them..It was truly a nightmare. So i invested in about 5 large nudibranch and they have totally wiped out the entire infestation. Anyone that has a large infestation i would recommend buying some large nudibranch from salty underground. They have excellent customer service and very healthy nudis. The biggest key to success is patience...It takes some time for these guys to get going but once they do they will totally wipe out any aiptasia infestation. The larger one have bigger appetites and eat more readily so i would recommend them over the smaller varieties.


do they only eat aiptasia? what are you going to do with them now that your problem is gone?

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