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JP's Standard Issue Tank thread


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AM throw an air stone in it pronto. Bring the temp down slow. No more than 3 degrees per 24 hour. The greatest danger with high temp is gas solubility.

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It has to do with how much O2 can be desolved in to the water. The closer the temp is to, I beleave, 4c. The beter the solubility is.

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To help end the war I've been having with spot the kill dozer. I broke down & toerwe the scape down on the laft side of th tank, in order to add the pvc I shoud have started with. So far the little guy has takin to the tunnels, so here's hoping that it works.

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So far so good. Some how managed to get the rocks to actually look good. Close to what I had. Despite not being able to were I was putting them. Mr destucto has been behaving & staying in the pvc instead of digging in under the rocks. Damn that would have been frustrating.


The helfrick's been spot free. Still not sure what he had or how it got into the tank. Lfs qt both of the new fish for me. Rock was from my old tank which had been run at a high enough temp to cook off ick befor just in case. Must have come in with the gsp. Didn't think to qt the coral. Me stupid

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Point of interest for the jaw. with the tunnels the jaws behavior has shifted spending a lot more time out in the water column. Seems to be a lot more secure. Is spending time exploring vs digging. Also is not panicing when the lights go out. Swiming up n down round n round n round.

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no camera.

tried to con the wife into letting me take it home for a couple days. but yeah that was a no go.


promise that as soon as i can i get pics up.

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We start our little tale with dum dum having taken the lid of so the fish can be feed. You can already tell that no good can come of this.


Feeding the fishys. Then right smack dab in the middle of everything. Well poo happens. So I get back to find guess who on the floor. That's right its sparky the wonder fish. Trying to flop but at this point he's stuck to the carpet & almost crusty. Anyways. I go to get him out from under the tank. While I'm doing what I can. The reason I'm able to get him out is, because he bights on to my finger like he knows what he's doing. :lol: At this point he's back in the tank breathing almost swimming. We'll see how things go from this point but I sware this fish has been nothing but trouble. Even though I hope his ok I'd hate to have to put him In the freezer.





Never leave a jaw fish without a lid.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.............

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so far so good. stressed, but he seems ok for the most part.




hey jacob have fun camping.

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At this point I'm not sure how well he is actually doing. I've thrown an air stone in to maximize the o2 levels. But his still acting lethargic & gasping. The clowns keep swimming right up to him with out lossing a fin. Really I'm thinkin he's a gonner. I just can't bring my self to put him in the freezer yet. But its looking more & more likely.

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Its my own damn fault. Just wish I'd gotten to him sooner. Think that his gills must have been damaged. We'll see, I'm not giving up on him yet.



& thanks AM.

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