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JP's Standard Issue Tank thread


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Sorry boys no camera.


But I picked up.


6 sexy's

1 porcelain

10 nasarius

6 nerti


Going back to pick up the gsp for the back wall


Missed the rose by 30min.

Bummed me out.

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ok so for the contest setting up a undergravel filter based ten. mostly just for giggles. will eventualy try to set up a 5gallon pico based on this one.






then for the fuge will be bitting the builet & setting up the 75. so the big skimmer moves to it and the remora will go on the 29. alowing the disply fuge biuld to be less complecated.



hoping to base it on this tank.




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Thanks D


Just hoping that I've got the skills to pull it off. Building & plumbing I can do, livestock is were I'm still working on things.


Proof would be that I was about to add my sexy's to a tank with a jawfish. Apparently they think shrimp are yummy.


That's why I'm thinking its time for the pico. Thinking as many types of shrimp as I can. Sexy, harliquin, ghost, so on. you know all the one's in bongo shrimp's tank. build it around the shrimp & a helfrick. What ever other inverts I can safely add. Probably will have to biuld it my self. Of coarse for those who have noticed, I like to plan things out so we'll see how long it is before I do any thing more than the ten.


But first things first, let's talk display fuge. Will be a 20long with a false wall suported by baffles seperating the chambers. Not sure what all I want in it. But lookin foward to the fun.

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This made me laugh this morning & I know I'll forget it later. Making me all kinds of cranky. From reef biulders.


proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.


The 7 p's.

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In refrence to the pico, I wonder if could get my hands on a mame nano overflow.

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Ok so get home last night to find sushi swimming figure 8's around the tank while doing back flips & summer salts. Serves her right she had like a 3" bristle worm hanging out her mouth.

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Does Anyone have thoughts as to separating the skimmer from the sump. I'll be setting up the display fuge soon. But haven't finished the planing.

While I have put quite a bit of planning into the fuge. I Recently decided to try & move the rs80 into its own chamber freeing up about a third of the 20long. Eventually I will be setting up the 75 & may then move the 80.


My other thought is that if the macro convert nutrients at a high enough rate, then the skimmer may not be as needed. Personally have always believed that a tank should be run with a skimmer no matter what. Due to benefits besides export, such as ph. But that could lso be controled by the macros. In the mean time though would still need the skimmer plumbed into the setup.



So my first ? to anyone with a heavaly planted tank. Is about the level of nutrents they have seen this type of setup consume. Could this replace the need for the skimmer. Or would the skimmer still play a role.


Then are there any thoughts as to the best way to plumb the skimmer into the setup while being in an external chamber. Best would be to run it as a gravity fed three teir set up. But this would either put the fuge before the skimmer, removing most of the bugs & plankton that the fuge produce's. Also defeting the point of an external overflow. Or running the main drain to the skimmer, with a secondary powerhead sending flow back to the fuge.





Think, think, think....

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As you definetly know I'm not an equipment guy at all but I can help with the macros.


Look at Maria's 40g. It is skimmerless and look at it. Beautiful.


That probably didn't help at all but I tried :D

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Hey there AM, hope your trip rocked. Think you said thet ya went camping, hopefully their was climbing, ghost storie's, snyp hunts, putting the last guy to wake up on a canoe in there sleeping bag. You know fun stuff.


As to maria's tank & some of the others. That's kind of what's got me thinking along these lines. I may just set it up to run the remora. But the 80 just rocks & unless the fish shop calls to say that they've got some red saddled anthius. Then there's no rush on the 75. But yeah your right at some point I should ask maria & weets.

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Yes we had a ton of fun. It was a really great trip. I'm away right now too except I have a laptop .


Ya Weetie and Maria know their macros. So does John and Markusha. We have some macro people on here for sure.

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Damn damn damn

So the helfrick has this little white spot more of a donut really but I can't seem to find any info as to what it may be. Hunted all through wetwebmedia. Well here's hoping that ether I'm over reacting to something or that I can figure it out before its something bad.

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Damn damn damn

So the helfrick has this little white spot more of a donut really but I can't seem to find any info as to what it may be. Hunted all through wetwebmedia. Well here's hoping that ether I'm over reacting to something or that I can figure it out before its something bad.



Good luck. My gut reaction to stuff like this has always been "kill it with fire!" to prevent spreading. Luckily for my fish it's about impossible to catch anything in my tank ;)

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Thanks guys.

I've been slowly moving the temp up in case its ick. 82 here we come. At least I'll be able to turn the ac down.


Lights should Turn on soon. I guess we'll see how things look then.

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Ok so this morning that spot on the helfrick was still there. Turned the temp up and this after noon things look better. So far the spots gone. I'm A little worried about running the temp so high, since the tanks used to being pretty low 74/75. That & the helfrick is a deep water fish. All should be good but I'm a freak about my tank.

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