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Pico Contest


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who gives a rats patooty about sponsors and prizes.....


dont go fishn' for free stuff.

that can complicate things even moar....


we might as well just have a competition for bragging rights, right?

I mean why not?





sshh pismo if they want to quietly find a sponsor for prizes while we are all trash talking why should we stop them lmao

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Yeah I'm not going to do this contest. No offense but you guys are too damn disorganized and I don't have enough free time to keep up with all the rule changes every two seconds.


I told you to get all the rules up front or this would happen..... <_<


To me if the rule isn't added to the very first post then it is not a rule. Hope that helps.

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OK folks, count me in. I will be using a tank that has under 5g usable water volume, but with a 1/2" above waterline "rim". Yes, I could fill the tank to the brim, and drain it for the FTS, but that takes too much energy and would be cheating. If I wanted to cheat, I'd have 30+gal sump with flexible intake and output that I could remove for the FTS. This is honor system correct????? I can't wait until we get coral pricing disputes :rolleyes:

Been said before... finalize and lets get on with it. I'm setting my tank up contest or not. If the contest goes south, let those up to the challenge stay in touch.




edit, typing while previous post was made.....sorry, if my intentions are against the spirit of the contest, let me be the first to be DQ'd.... My "rim" is for critter confinement hopefully... nothing sinister.

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Well I am still undecited on entering or what to enter, but I am still setting up a new tank or 2, I went to the LFS which is 60 miles away and picked up a 2.5 then was looking around and he had some old all glass tanks that he found in a corner in the store room. they are all glass with the cornors in the front rounded. Don't know who made them but liked the size they were so old that the price had faded picked one up for 15 on the other for 20. One is a 2.6 gal and the other is a 5.7 that is measureing end to outside end. I am in the process of taking down my 30 and using the live sand and rock over. So that is one of my questions can cured sand and rocked be used in the contest tank.

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oh yeah...



Me & hemi took the term "pico" to heart....

I thought about it and decided to go all out.My new tank is a .5 gallon AIO.

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Thats why I built it.lol I have the divider,overflow,overflow screen,the screen for the macro,and the pump all setup I just have to mount it all solid!!!Pictures ??I dont know how to do that lol

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