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Clownfish14's Nano Cube HQI


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your tank seems extremely different than my 2009 model. Would you mind telling me what the year is on this?


also, you should only keep the lights on for 7 hours if you don't want nuisance algae.

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your tank seems extremely different than my 2009 model. Would you mind telling me what the year is on this?


also, you should only keep the lights on for 7 hours if you don't want nuisance algae.


sorry i dont know the exact year i bought it off ebay from i guy that said he had it for about a year but who knows :huh: i have a good cuc so i think that 10 hours is ok it gives the snails something to work on. :D

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Crap! I havent been on since the 31st so I will PM the ATO diagram to you now. I only paid about $20-$30 for everything including the water resistant case, the A/C plug and the relay. I already had the charger and wires.

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Ok so i haven't updated in a while and allot has happend. so what i am going to do is post the pics that i took and then talk about them. :lol: yay new stuff :lol:



Cleaner shrimp he is the coolest he even jumped onto my arm when i had my hand in the tank :P






pulsing xena this is my favorite coral and my little brother and sister love him :D




lunar eclipse zoas :o








Yellow polyps


red acan


kenya leather














Thanks for looking, :lol:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so i haven't had an update in a while but that is because there is nothing big to update. here are some small things that i did do


1. got new salt Tropic Marin

2. watched things grow (although its not a big change in size)

3. Built a removable table that sits next to my tank

4. I am looking into some ro/di stuff i have a old drinking water set up that uses a 4 stage ro filter with the 3 chambers then the membrane. i forgot we had this until now so i thought i would set it up to use as ro/di

i was planning on running one line just through the ro filter then into a bladder type thing that holds about 3 gallons then the water will go from there up to the sink for drinking. i will then take another line off of the drinking system before the bladder and run it through the di canister and then through a ball valve so that i can shut it off if i need to. it will then go from there and into a float valve that when the water level is high it closes a valve inside the flat valve stopping the water and creating pressure turning off the ro/di system with a auto shut off. the float valve will be in a Brute 20 gallon trash can. i will then run the top off system under the floor out to the grage where the sink is and put the top off pump in the trash can so that when the water in the tank is low it will fill it up from the trash can and then the ro/di system will fill up the trash can again. i will also have another 20 gallon trash can that will have a pump and heater in it for mixing saltwater.


here is the stuff i was planning on getting for it




wow that was long sorry about that


thanks for reading my novel lol



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You're going to need/want prefilters in front of the RO cartridge. At least 1 particulate filter and 1 carbon filter. They'll extend the life of your RO membrane greatly.


Edit- I see that you're replacing the membrane, using the drinking water system, and adding the RO. I'd recommend replacing those prefilters too - might as well, they're cheap

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Nice updates and pics. My old shrimp used to jump on my hand when I was cleaning the tank and it freaked me out lol. I've been thinking about getting an RO/DI system to save money but I only have 2 10G tanks and I only buy water from the LFS every 2 weeks so its not that much. It would take a while to pay for itself lol. Your setup that your planning for ATO sytem and saltwater mixing sounds just like what i am planning for my next house and larger tank. I wish you luck.

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You're going to need/want prefilters in front of the RO cartridge. At least 1 particulate filter and 1 carbon filter. They'll extend the life of your RO membrane greatly.


the ro system that i have right now has a particulate filter then it goes down to two smaller filters the last canister being the smallest is this what you mean?


Nice updates and pics. My old shrimp used to jump on my hand when I was cleaning the tank and it freaked me out lol. I've been thinking about getting an RO/DI system to save money but I only have 2 10G tanks and I only buy water from the LFS every 2 weeks so its not that much. It would take a while to pay for itself lol. Your setup that your planning for ATO sytem and saltwater mixing sounds just like what i am planning for my next house and larger tank. I wish you luck.


thanks. my shrimp loves to clean my hand. he even swims to the top of the tank just so that he can clean my finger lol. I was buying water from my LFS but it got annoying to drive out there and get water every week and if i make my own water i can be more acurate per batch of saltwater.

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I was buying water from my LFS but it got annoying to drive out there and get water every week and if i make my own water i can be more acurate per batch of saltwater.

yea I somtimes get comcerned that the salt they use may not be good enough or the mix isnt the same every time but I guess I just have to trust them till I get a system.

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yea I somtimes get comcerned that the salt they use may not be good enough or the mix isnt the same every time but I guess I just have to trust them till I get a system.


exactly lol

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Tell me about it. I want to buy completely new rock for my tank, and its really hard to find good base rock in canada. Cause i think my tank loooks like garbage =/

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i think your tank looks awesome


I think the problem that we all have is that we are sitting in front of our tanks 24/7 so after a while if there is nothing new to look at and it gets boring and dull to us. so we go out and buy more ( reef addiction) you know what i mean?

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Lol no kidding! I was trying to save money for a laptop, but then i see the turtlebeach headset thing for xbox and poof, all my xmas money gone XD. But its preety sweet and i can game untill the wee hours of the night.

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Lol. Thats always the case. See im lucky, my dad is almost as obsessed with it as me, he gets in there finds a coral he likes than says get it :P. There was a giant anemone, we were looking at it, costed like 250, he liked it so he told the guy to bag it, haha, had to explain to him that 1.5feet diameter aemones arent good for a 25g tank.

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Militant Jurist

Dang, I wish I had $200 to drop on corals and fish at once. Me, I'm high rollin if I walk out of the store with $40 worth of livestock. I think the most I've ever paid for any livestock was $35. Most of my coral was in the $10 to $15 range.

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