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Clownfish14's Nano Cube HQI


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B) Hey Guys B)


i just took some pics so i thought i would share them with you.





































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Beautiful!! tank.


I'm a beginner.....got the tank, stand and reading everything I can before I even attempt to put water in the tank. Guess I should test it for leaks.



What is r/o water?????

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Beautiful!! tank.


I'm a beginner.....got the tank, stand and reading everything I can before I even attempt to put water in the tank. Guess I should test it for leaks.



What is r/o water?????


Reverse Osmosis. It's a filtration method that removes impurities from the water. RO systems are typically used to reduce the levels of total dissolved solids and suspended matter, and reduction of high levels of nitrate, sulfate, sodium, chllorine, flouride...... Your RO water has a specific gravity of 1.000, when you mix your salt you should get to a specific gravity anywhere between 1.020 adn 1.024. I keep mine 1.023 which can be better for corals. The higher specific gravity/salinity has a coralation with calcium levels which corals need to grow.

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ya same with me brown and ugly thats why im going with some zoas and acan


ok thanks my plan was zoas or acan so i will go with zoas. and my last anenome was my last ever they are to hard to take care of.


They really aren't, you just need a matured tank and must be on top of your water changes, which is something you should be doing anyway. Think I got my first nem (condylactis) at the 4 month mark, it got healthy then I traded it for a RBTA a couple months later.


And I've yet to see an aquatic brown and ugly mushroom.

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They really aren't, you just need a matured tank and must be on top of your water changes, which is something you should be doing anyway. Think I got my first nem (condylactis) at the 4 month mark, it got healthy then I traded it for a RBTA a couple months later.


And I've yet to see an aquatic brown and ugly mushroom.


ok thanks i have been reading about them to and your right they are colorful my guess is that the ones in my lfs arnt healthy because they are brown and dull. i am doing about a 5-10% water change every week so i think im ready. i like the zoas and acans so i have to make decide on which i like more.

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Did you try the elimi-aiptas for the aptasia anemone? it worked well for me. They are hard to keep up on though. After I added two pepermint shrimp I havn't seen any since. Your tank is looking good too.


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Did you try the elimi-aiptas for the aptasia anemone? it worked well for me. They are hard to keep up on though. After I added two pepermint shrimp I havn't seen any since. Your tank is looking good too.


no i havent tried that i will look into it




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ok so my birthday and christmas are comming up soon and i wanted money from my parents. i want to spend it on frags but first i have a question. do i need to read about spacific types of zoas or just zoas in a total?





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ok so yesterday i thought i would do a little experiment and see what my temp. stays at so i took the temp every hour all day and kept track on a chart the temp stayed at exactly 83 all day and all night. i thought it was good that it stayed a a constant temp but do you think 83 is a little to high? what do you guys keep yours at and how do you lower the temp?





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Militant Jurist

Yeah, 83 seems a bit high. I think for a reef tank, the target is 78-80F. I would slowly bring down the temperature, simply by lowering the thermometer a degree or two per day. If you've had it that high for a while, it's best to bring it down slow, so nothing in the tank gets shocked by the temp swing.


It's good that you've got a constant temp though!

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Yeah, 83 seems a bit high. I think for a reef tank, the target is 78-80F. I would slowly bring down the temperature, simply by lowering the thermometer a degree or two per day. If you've had it that high for a while, it's best to bring it down slow, so nothing in the tank gets shocked by the temp swing.


It's good that you've got a constant temp though!


by the thermometer you mean the heater?

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If you would like to buy coral I would start with xenia, you may have to frag it every once and a while. It adds a great motion to the tank. Then add some easy zoos like eagle eyes or orange bam-bams. A couple weeks or so later you will probably want to get some high class palys. Then go lps a month after, sps after that, and so on. just remember, don't rush! :) PS HQIs don't have heaters. it should have came with a thermometer with a probe that goes in the water.

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If you would like to buy coral I would start with xenia, you may have to frag it every once and a while. It adds a great motion to the tank. Then add some easy zoos like eagle eyes or orange bam-bams. A couple weeks or so later you will probably want to get some high class palys. Then go lps a month after, sps after that, and so on. just remember, don't rush! :) PS HQIs don't have heaters. it should have came with a thermometer with a probe that goes in the water.

i bought it off ebay from a guy that lives near us and it didnt come with the wave maker or the thermometer so i dont have that.

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Militant Jurist

It all depends. If you heater is keeping it that high, then just lowering the temp and time will do the trick. If it's equipment or lighting causing the heat, then either raising the light or adding fans are likely the only plausible options other than a chiller.

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It all depends. If you heater is keeping it that high, then just lowering the temp and time will do the trick. If it's equipment or lighting causing the heat, then either raising the light or adding fans are likely the only plausible options other than a chiller.


ok thanks ya i turned down the heater so i will see if that does anything what type of fan would you recomend?

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ok well today was my b-day and i got the nano glow led light so that i can start my fuge in the back compartment. this thing is awsome its amazing how much light it can actualy put out tommrow i am planning on getting some cheato. would you guys recomend live sand or live rock at the bottom of the middle compartment or neather?


i watched my temps all day today and it seems like the light is giving out a tone of heat so i am planning on cutting a couple of holes in the reflector to let some of the heat escape. do you guys have any other ideas on how to do this? it seems like the heat is getting traped in between the plastic thing closest to the water and the reflector and i dont think the fans are doing anything about it.

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I wouldn't do that-


Try clipping a small fan on the back of your tank - aim it towards the "sump" area. This should help cool the tank via evaporative cooling.

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thanks kayl i like your idea better that way i dont have to destroy my hood.



for my fuge in the middle chamber this is what i came up with let me know if you see any ways to upgrade this or change it in any way.





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Just read through this thread. Good looking tank. Glad you learned a couple noob lessons early...although they didn't have to happen.


This forum is here to help you, and to help answer questions. But you need to do everyone (including yourself) a favor and use the search button. 99.657% of the questions you've asked and then re-asked are already answered. The library has tons of information on the proper care and requirements of most the corals we run into.


There isn't one person here who doesn't want you to have a successful tank, but it gets a tad annoying when the most common questions in the hobby are repeatedly asked. This is probably the main reason you have to re-post "still need help with this." Those questions can be found with a little persistence, and then you don't have to wait until someone finally responds, you'll find it yourself, right away, and have the answer you need.


Also, don't ask our opinion on how you should stock your tank. You can get an idea of member opinions based on searching (for things like requirements and care). Beyond this it is entirely up to you and you'll get a different answer from every person (again, assuming you're not asking questions about basic care).


Again, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm also a noob in this hobby, but I've found that I can answer most of my own questions without posting them on my tank thread.


Aside from this, again, great looking tank. Keep it healthy. Do your research. Have fun!

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Yeah I just read thru your whole post here. It seems to be going good! Alot of these topics have been discussed at length all over the internet. I always type my questions into google and then read. THEN if I cant see a answer or its not quite what Im looking for I post. Your tank is on its way I think. P. S. There are some BEAUTIFUL mushrooms out there. I got the bottom of my nano populated with some.

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thanks for the info and i do search but i can never find anything on what i am looking for but next time i will try harder thanks



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