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Cultivated Reef

New Unoffical 10 Gallon contest coming up

Damsels R Cool

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$200 livestock only or $300 with everything are both fine for me, just need them in stone so I can continue shopping hardware online.


FYI - Maria won the last 10g contest with softies and LPS and no crazy equipment. I can't recall seeing any SPS nano contest winners in the past.

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Damsels R Cool
$200 livestock only or $300 with everything are both fine for me, just need them in stone so I can continue shopping hardware online.


FYI - Maria won the last 10g contest with softies and LPS and no crazy equipment. I can't recall seeing any SPS nano contest winners in the past.


$300 including equpiment and livestock is set in stone then if you dont like it let me know and i'll take your name off the list

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Clown Fish 39

300 dollars is perfect it makes it so everyone has a fair chance at winning, i think its not right to have some with 800 dollars in there tank, then another contestant has 150 :)

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Ok heres the rules (these will be edited don't worry ):


-Total tank volume should be basically 10g. As in no sumps, but a HOB filter is allowed, also converting the tank into an all-in-one is allowed.


-Refugiums are allowed, but should be no bigger than an AquaClear 110.


-HOB filters are allowed but the largest size is an AquaClear 110.


-Budget of 300$


-The cost of the equipment is taken from the budget, so spend wisely.


-All live stock can come from anywhere, sponsors, LFS, whatever. If you use something from a current tank, you deduct 75% of its fair market value. If you purchase livestock online, you deduct the actual price paid for the livestock from the budget, but don't count shipping costs.


-You can mod all you want as long as you keep your total volume at 10 gallons.


-Not deducted from the budget: Water, Salt, Testing Equipment, Chemicals (dosing).


-Budget is done on the honor system since we all know what its all worth.

In short, you've got 6 months to make a sweet tank on a limited budget.


-Begins November 15th



Regular zoa- 1$ per polyp

Regular palys - 1.50$ per polyp

"Fancy Zoa/Palys" - I don't know how common these will be but I am just going to say 5$ per polyp.



Frogspawn- 7$ per head

Hammer- 7$ per head

Duncans - 5$ per head

Open Brains - 15$?

Acans- 7$ per head

Favia- 7$ per 1 inch square

Chalice- 7$ per one inch square

Trumpet- 3$ per head

Candy cane- 5$ per head



Mushrooms - 2$ per polyp

Ricordea 5$ per polyp

Yumas- 10$ per polyp

GSP- 5$ per one inch square

Kenya trees- 2$ per frag

Xenia- 2$ per frag

Other leathers- General but 5$ per frag


SPS- If anyone goes into this

Monti Caps- 5$ per 4 inches

Encrusing Montis- 15$ per inch

Birdnest- 10$ per 2 inches

Pocillopora- 10$ per 2 inches

Montipora Digitata- 5$ per one inch


Other inverts-

Feather dusters (not hitchhikers)- 5$


Macro Algae-

Cheato- 0$

Other- 3$

Hitchhiker- No price of course...



Base- 2$ per pound

Live- 4$ per pound


Let me know and I will add more things.

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Damsels R Cool
True $300 is fair with equipment...it is the amount I used in my $300 bux or bust contest tank :P


I'm in BTW ;)


ok i'll add you to the list

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How about used equipment? and the tank itself?

are we using the generic list for prices or the online...It's to easy for people to say they got it from another tank so I think it needs to be one or the other so people don't fight about prices...jus sayin' I have been thru all this already, trying to save u guys the headache lol

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so does it have to be a standard 10 gallon or any dems as long as it is ten gallons??? like 15x15x10?

also if we build our own tank does the cost of the materials come off or the retail value??


also think the OP should put the list of prizes and price list on the first post. would be easier to get ppl in if they didnt have to sift through the pages :)


im in BTW

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The used equipment clause was removed earlier, I think all equipment is valued at the lowest available online cost.


I think you can build your own tank so long as the total volume reaches 10g and you enter all costs of materials. Standard 10g aga is ~$10 online and someone ordered a glasscages 30"long shallow for $28 so anywhere in there would be par for tank cost.

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$300 including equpiment and livestock is set in stone then if you dont like it let me know and i'll take your name off the list


Well I am like some others --- If I am going to spend the time and effort I want have my choice of lighting. If you want an sps nano you will end up spending the budget on lighting alone. (which for my next setup will be LED which blows the budget out of the water in just lighting).


So even though I will build my 10 gallon setup I will not be able to enter it into the contest :mellow:

Heck I modded (tonight thinking equipment not in budget -- glue still drying) a spare AC110 into a custom fuge so I guess I'm commited to my proposed plan.


Good luck with the contest everyone.

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I have a SPS in a 5.5g and the lighting only cost me 130$. I havent spent over 200$ on it.


Unfortunately the LED lighting I want is almost $400 shipped so --- eeeeekkkkkkk ---- no contest for me B)


But no hard feelings on my part --- this thread got my project kick started.

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Let's see..


Tank $12

heater $12

mag float $6

HOB- $80

Light $100 (Current PC lighting)

power head Koralia 1 $25


live rock- 10 lbs @ $4 =$40

live sand 10 lb bag = $20





I may be out...I don't see how I can even make just a macro only tank :mellow:


The $300 bux or bust tank, if the equipment was used it was free except for the light.

Live Rock, sand, tank was free

I have all of these things used from the last contest....even the live rock and light ( I have a T5 but wanna try PC for macro growth)


If the rules change I'm in ;)

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I feel ya Maria. I was crunching numbers on a spreadsheet all night (my dog gave birth to 6 puppies so nobody slept much http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/album.ph...;id=1376302622.


$300 is a tight budget if you include everything into the total cost. $350 would be a big boost or if we didn't count things like Mag float, heater, sand. Lighting choice could effect the outcome of the contest as could live rock I suppose. Everyone is going to need to have a heater and mag float but they won't be effecting the outcome.


I think to have the most contestants involved and excited with a wider array of unique ideas and entries, we need to continue to evaluate the budgeting. We still have over 3 weeks to nail things down.

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With the DIY category available now I might build a tank instead of using the glasscages one. But to clarify I thought sumps were ok as long as your total volume is not over 10 gallons? The specs though lists sumps as not allowed. For instance if I wanted to DIY a 10g zero edge I would not be able to under these rules since a zero edge would require a small sump. Unless I make some kind of closed looped zero edge. Seems like if you want to waste some of your 10 gallons on a sump you should be able to. I doubt anyone is going to get a vote because they have a sump.

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^ true I believe the voting will be on the main display and not the sumps, If there is a best DIY category most of them will want a sump.


Please revise the rules fingerscrossed:( I really want to participate lol


Or just use Weeties rules from the last 10g contest and do a generic list of corals...thats pretty much what ended up happening with the 12" cube contest...there was NO debating of the rules at all...the only time was close to the end when we figured that if anything is taken out of the tank or dies it is added back to the budget.

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Damsels R Cool
I feel ya Maria. I was crunching numbers on a spreadsheet all night (my dog gave birth to 6 puppies so nobody slept much http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/album.ph...;id=1376302622.


$300 is a tight budget if you include everything into the total cost. $350 would be a big boost or if we didn't count things like Mag float, heater, sand fine since everyone NEEDS this and it would make no difference these are not included. Lighting choice could effect the outcome of the contest as could live rock I suppose. Everyone is going to need to have a heater and mag float but they won't be effecting the outcome.


I think to have the most contestants involved and excited with a wider array of unique ideas and entries, we need to continue to evaluate the budgeting. We still have over 3 weeks to nail things down.

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Damsels R Cool

10 gallon tank-$10

base rock 10 lbs - $20

Penguin 350 filter -35

2 powerheads at $12-$24

light i'm not saying what i'm useing but $100


total $189

left $111 (i think thats fair for live stock)

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Here's where I'm at without getting into livestock.


10g AGA $12

ac110 $80

7lbs LR $28

70w MH $110

Modding supplies $10

Total equipment $240


That leaves $60 for coral, fish, inverts which is doable but pretty slim considering most nano fish are $10-$20 each.


Is this a scenario everyone is happy with? IMO, I'd still like to see it upped to $350.


10 gallon tank-$10

base rock 10 lbs - $20

Penguin 350 filter -35

2 powerheads at $12-$24

light i'm not saying what i'm useing but $100


total $189

left $111 (i think thats fair for live stock)


So in using 10 pounds base rock (I'm assuming base rock is dry rock) and no live rock, how do you plan on seeding bacteria and microfauna usually present in LR?

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I have a couple questions because I have a pretty cool idea that I would love to play around with (aside from buying Calvin's old 10g, 4 foot long tank).


1) Have people had success with keeping the standard 10 gallon tanks rimless? As in tearing off the black plastic rim.


2) How are you planning to do coral prices for Colonies or larger pieces? I don't want to give away any potential ideas I am having, but I'm not going to have anything you listed in your price list.



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