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MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist
Pix MJ pix!! :P


OK! :D


There are more in my 20L thread (since that's the tank they are in :P) but I'll put some here too!







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Militant Jurist

UPS: In Transit - Rescheduled



GRRR..... That means that my filter sock and other cool new things won't be here until tomorrow! I had been expecting to find a nice new package on my front door step. ('hiding' under the welcome mat :P)


Today, I met CM's dad and picked up the glass to build a 7.5g and a 15g tank. Now I'm just trying to think of what to do with them! Suggestions appreciated! ;)


In other news, I have my first trial tomorrow! I found out on short notice, but it's a legal and factual scenario with which I'm well aware. The attorney I work with recently won an appeal on a very similar question, so I'm hoping to ride the wave of momentum! If all goes well, I'll be able to stick it to the government tomorrow. B)

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Militant Jurist

My new filter socks have arrived, and what a difference! There are virtually no bubbles in the sump (although the skimmer is still offline) and the mini-bubbles in the DT are gone!!!! :D :D :D


So, here's the rub. I did another ammonia and nitrite test today. The nitrite is 0 (down from its high of more than 5 fifteen days ago) but the ammonia is still showing .25. Could it be that the test kit is starting to go bad, and that .25=0?


I know, I know.... patience, patience, patience. However, I don't want to be sitting around here without a CUC on order if I don't need to be! :P I want to order from John by Priority Mail, so the sooner the better with respect to Ohio weather. No diatoms yet though. However, I didn't have all that much LR, and this tank is rather old, so I don't know if it still should suffer from 'new tank syndrome.'

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Hmm, I'm not strong on the chemistry behind these things, I'd say be patient; if you're anxious take a sample to your LFS this weekend. I really think you'll see a diatom bloom, even if it isn't huge.


Glad your filter socks came and are doing their job.


How'd your case go today? Dja win? :D

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Militant Jurist
Hmm, I'm not strong on the chemistry behind these things, I'd say be patient; if you're anxious take a sample to your LFS this weekend. I really think you'll see a diatom bloom, even if it isn't huge.


I think I might do just that. I've had this kit for about a year and a half, and I don't know how old it was before that, because it was an ebay purchase. It would be nice to know how accurate it still is. I just find it strange that the nitrites spiked and lowered, and the nitrates have gone up pretty well, but the dern ammonia won't go away, according to the test.


This will drive me bonkers until I figure out what's up with my test kits!


Glad your filter socks came and are doing their job.


Me too! I was worried it wouldn't do enough, but they are working like magic. I still have a few slight modifications to make to the sump, but I'm very happy with how it's shaping up. :happy:



How'd your case go today? Dja win? :D


My case went well today! It's hard to tell how the hearing officer will rule, but I had the law on my side, and the facts seemed to be on my side as well. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure for a few weeks. On the upside, the clients were happy with my performance, and the hearing officer complimented me on a job well done. Not bad for a 3rd year law student / certified legal intern going up against a career prosecutor, if I do say so myself. B)

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Woo Hoo!!! Not too shabby at all. ;) Great news on your case! I bet it felt amazing to be recognized for a job well done. :happydance:


I imagine being a lawyer to be much like teaching; being seasoned is important for perspective and depth of knowledge, but being fresh and energetic can carry you pretty far. :)

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Militant Jurist
Woo Hoo!!! Not too shabby at all. ;) Great news on your case! I bet it felt amazing to be recognized for a job well done. :happydance:


I imagine being a lawyer to be much like teaching; being seasoned is important for perspective and depth of knowledge, but being fresh and energetic can carry you pretty far. :)


Thanks! Yeah, it's always nice. :D


That's a pretty good comparison. The thing with the law is that experience teaches you how to address procedural issues or some of the more practical things, but sometimes it's the younger attorneys that have the better knowledge in addition to the energy. For example, the attorney I work with is fairly young, but very knowledgeable about constitutional issues, such that usually the opposing side has to play catch up. With my hearing today, I think I actually knew more about the case law on the subject than the prosecutor, although it's largely due to the fact that I've been working on appellate work on this issue for the last 3 or 4 months! Not only was it my first trial, but it was also my first solo proceeding. The hearing officer and client said that they would report back to the attorney I work for about my good performance, so hopefully that means more solo hearings and trials are in my future! :D

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Interesting to hear an insider perspective of the balance needed. I have an aquaintance who works for the appellate court here. She loves it, I think my eyeballs would bleed. :huh:


Fantastic that the client and the hearing officer are going to give positive feedback. Sounds like the beginning of a long and fruitful career. :D

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Militant Jurist
Interesting to hear an insider perspective of the balance needed. I have an aquaintance who works for the appellate court here. She loves it, I think my eyeballs would bleed. :huh:


Working for a court can drive a person nuts sometimes. Judges and their clerks tend to deal with a wide variety of issues and areas of law, so it's hard sometimes to develop a thorough understanding. A lot of people in law school make a big deal out of clerking with a judge, but I've decided to pass.


Fantastic that the client and the hearing officer are going to give positive feedback. Sounds like the beginning of a long and fruitful career. :D


I can't wait to hear what the attorney ends up thinking. I've been his law clerk for about a year, and this is the first hearing I've conducted for him. I've done others through my law school's clinic, though. The non-profit I work with is actually two separate entities: the overall group and the legal center. I think the legal center may be independent by the end of the year, and the attorney I work with is the center's director. Hopefully, he'll be able to hire me after I get my J.D. in January, so this feedback, in addition to all of the work I've done already, will hopefully be able to help my cause! He's the only attorney for the legal center at the moment, and he's been treating me as if I were the second attorney, so it's looking good for me. :D


The fact that I love and really know this area of law doesn't hurt either. ;)

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Militant Jurist
MJ: Taking names and kicking ass since 2009.




I've been on a roll lately. I just hope that it continues into my two appellate cases!


And into my tanks. ;)



Speaking of tanks, I just enough materials from CM this week to build both a 7.5g and a 15g aquarium. Thoughts on what I should do with it? Part of me is tempted to add the 7.5g into this system as a display fuge or a macro DT.

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Militant Jurist

I decided that I could perform a test of my test kit here at home! I used water from my established 20L system and put it side by side with water from my 29g.


Here are the results (the 20L water is on the right):




To me, they seem indistinguishable. So that means that either my 20L system with no fish and a lot of LR has an ammonia problem, or my test kit is off, and the 29g system has 0 ammonia.


Whatcha think?

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Militant Jurist
Bring it in to the LFS. I'm squinting, and can't tell much of a difference.




I'm glad I wasn't the only one staring and squinting at it! I need to run to the store anyways today, so I might as well swing by the LFS today and see what they say. Ok, I guess I'd better get off my arse then!


How old is the kit?


I've had it for about a year and a half, and I bought it from ebay, so who knows how old it was. :huh:

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Militant Jurist
Way expired, bro. You need to get a new one. Those API kits only last a year.



That would explain things then!


Do the reef master ones expire quickly too? I use that kit to test for Ca and Alk in my 20L. :unsure:

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Militant Jurist
Good thing is, if you're going to the store, you can pick one up. And, the API Ammonia kit is cheap.


Not sure on the reef master.


I don't think the LFS I go to carries API. They only carry the top shelf stuff. I don't usually test for ammonia or nitrite other than while cycling, so if I get a clean bill of health from them, I'll just not worry about it! ;)

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Militant Jurist

Well, the LFS tested my water with one of their top shelf kits, and I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and around 10 to 15ppm nitrates. I've also got no phosphates and a pH of 8.0.


Now I know that the ammonia kit really is off! Phew, that makes me feel better.

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Militant Jurist
why not use salifert instead of API?


It's because I bought the sw and reef master kits back when I started my budget 10g tank. :P


I think that I might get the sali Ca and Alk tests. Hopefully they are good for longer than a year?



oh yeah and.



Well, while I was at the LFS, I saw a pretty cheap zoa frag that looked awesome. Since my tank had a clean bill of health and zoas are like zombies, I caved in. Pictures to come in a few minutes!

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It's because I bought the sw and reef master kits back when I started my budget 10g tank. :P


I think that I might get the sali Ca and Alk tests. Hopefully they are good for longer than a year?





Well, while I was at the LFS, I saw a pretty cheap zoa frag that looked awesome. Since my tank had a clean bill of health and zoas are like zombies, I caved in. Pictures to come in a few minutes!


well first of all, im pretty sure Salifert has exp. dates on em.


secondly. YAY!!! :happydance:

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