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Cultivated Reef

The Official All Solana Owner's Thread


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Sapphire stepping up in the world... I think you will get the "newer" model b/c they did not have any inventory of the old back in june. But if you e-mail them they will respond.


Trigger from what I understand Calcium and Mag are the key supplements which I am actually considering adding additionally myself but want to get specific testing to know. I am discovering that if you use API testing kits it only tests for prosphates to a certain degree so even if you test looks good there may still be traces hence it was suggested doing a lot of changes like every 3 days. The dip helps prevent parasites but also it has nutrients that help.


Gotcha. Thanks.

I'll send them an email this week and look into getting the skimmer soon. I have 3 fish and a bunch of coral frags Im growing out so its probably about time to upgrade the skimmer.


From what I understand phosphate can be a tricky one to test cause it gets used up very fast by algae if present. I think its also a tough one to measure cause you need a test kit with a high degree of sensitivity.


Ok looking into stocking my tank now since I am getting rid of the tang, he is going back into my 50br set up at home.


I have 2 Picasso Clownfish sofar


I can handle extra bioload I know that, I am starting to use microbacter7, and I use a bunch of chateo.


My ammonia is at 0.50, nitrites, phos, and nitrates are all 0ppm



Looking into


Lyretail Antias

Mccoskers Wrasse

5-7 chromis


Here's my 2 cents. Personally, I wouldnt add any fish until that Ammonia value gets down to 0.


I'd say a definite no to the Lyretail Anthias. They need a big tank to swim and are best kept in groups of 3 or more. From what I understand, they shouldnt go in anything smaller than say a 90.

No to that many Chromis. IMO 5-6 fish is max for a Solana considering they arent huge tanks and dont have a ton of swimming room after rock and corals are placed in it. They like to be in odd numbers so you could add 3 but then you'd be at a max bioload and they might quarrel with the clowns in that small of a space.

The McCoskers might be ok but they are another fish that like a lot of swimming room.


Could always look into a lined wrasse instead if you want a wrasse. Maybe a 12 Line or Pink Streaked for something a little more rare than a 6 line?

Or perhaps a fang blenny like a ORA Canary Blenny? Add a nice bit of yellow to the tank and get a fish that is up in the water column more than your average blenny.

Im sure every one else has some good suggestions for other nano-sized fish that can be a good addition to your tank.


But thats just my opinion... best of luck to whatever you decide to get. Post some pics when you do get something new!





Well ok then. I say that's workin pretty well haha


I have the API Salterwater Master Kit and API Reef Master Kit; which checks for Calcium, KH-Carbonate Hardness, Phosphate and Nitrate levels.


So I shouldn't use the Kent stuff I bought? I can return it. It was an impulse buy.

I do have 3 Seachem products; Reef Buffer (Raises pH to 8.3), Reef Builder (Raises Carbonate Alk), and Marine Buffer (Safely raises and maintains pH to 8.3)


So, I'll test my water today, doesn't sound like I even need the Kent Marine stuff...?


Pick up a magnesium test kit too. Salifert/Seachem/Redsea/ELOS


Well you can use the Kent calcium but the iodide and stront/moly will be replenished by your weekly water changes. I'd return it and pick up a two part solution (Kent/Brightwell/etc) and a Magnesium supplement.

I honestly dont see the need in dosing Iodide unless you have something that requires a lot of it. Inverts use it for molting but my cleaner shrimp has no problem molting frequently with the level in my tank from my salt.


Why do you have two PH buffers? Seems kind of pointless to have 2 IMO. You really dont need them if you keep your alkalinity stable. The alkalinity buffer should keep the PH stable.

Edited by NirvanaandTool
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Pick up a magnesium test kit too. Salifert/Seachem/Redsea/ELOS


Well you can use the Kent calcium but the iodide and stront/moly will be replenished by your weekly water changes. I'd return it and pick up a two part solution (Kent/Brightwell/etc) and a Magnesium supplement.

I honestly dont see the need in dosing Iodide unless you have something that requires a lot of it. Inverts use it for molting but my cleaner shrimp has no problem molting frequently with the level in my tank from my salt.


Why do you have two PH buffers? Seems kind of pointless to have 2 IMO. You really dont need them if you keep your alkalinity stable. The alkalinity buffer should keep the PH stable.


Ok, what if I'm not doing weekly water changes, would it be good if I kept Kent Stront/Moly around to help me out if I'm not getting weekly changes in? I will get a Magnesium supplement. I can exchange this kit for a bottle of the Stront/Moly and a Mag supplement. Or if they have a two part solution, I'll look for that.


I don't know why I have the two pH buffers, I just ordered some stuff online and I guess I thought they did two different things...I'm new to all this kind of stuff. I'll get it figured out sooner or later.

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eh I've seen others that have done wrasses and lyretail sucessfully (+1yr). I'm going to think it through but we will see.


The lyretail I have seen don't generally need a lot of room, they need a lot of current, and generally you don't want a lot of current in a small tank because it is not as easily dissipated.


I'm in no real rush though

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Ok, what if I'm not doing weekly water changes, would it be good if I kept Kent Stront/Moly around to help me out if I'm not getting weekly changes in? I will get a Magnesium supplement. I can exchange this kit for a bottle of the Stront/Moly and a Mag supplement. Or if they have a two part solution, I'll look for that.


I don't know why I have the two pH buffers, I just ordered some stuff online and I guess I thought they did two different things...I'm new to all this kind of stuff. I'll get it figured out sooner or later.


My feeling is dont dose anything unless you are testing it cause you dont know the amount that is getting used up. So I wouldnt dose Stront/Moly just because you dont know how fast this is getting used up.


How often are you doing water changes? Weekly or bi-weekly is preferred.


Two part solution is a 2 part calcium additive and alkalinity buffer. I like it cause it makes dosing easier. Just dose the same amount of Part A as Part B. Nice and even. Get the mag supplement though.


eh I've seen others that have done wrasses and lyretail sucessfully (+1yr). I'm going to think it through but we will see.


The lyretail I have seen don't generally need a lot of room, they need a lot of current, and generally you don't want a lot of current in a small tank because it is not as easily dissipated.


I'm in no real rush though


I understand the wrasse but I just cant see an anthias in a Solana. Just me - I understand the reasoning. They are gorgeous fish. My brother just picked up 3 for his 90g reef so I cant wait to see them schooling in it.


Give either or a shot and let us know how it goes. If you can have the McCoskers in there happy, I'd definitely be interested.


On another note, just replaced the stock return pump with a MJ900. Just ziptied the stock return tube to the 900's outlet tube. Working just fine.

Edited by NirvanaandTool
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My feeling is dont dose anything unless you are testing it cause you dont know the amount that is getting used up. So I wouldnt dose Stront/Moly just because you dont know how fast this is getting used up.


How often are you doing water changes? Weekly or bi-weekly is preferred.


Two part solution is a 2 part calcium additive and alkalinity buffer. I like it cause it makes dosing easier. Just dose the same amount of Part A as Part B. Nice and even. Get the mag supplement though.


I'm probably doing water changes every 2 - 3 weeks. Not as often as some would want, and its probably why some of the first frags I have look sick or dead. I'm about to test for Calc and KH and Phosphate now.

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Ok my water tests are as follows:


Ammonia - 0ppm

pH - 8.4

Nitrite - 0ppm

Nitrate - 0ppm

Phosphate - 0ppm

Calcium - 500ppm (API Test Kit, turned from purple to blue on drop 25)

KH - 143.2ppm (API Test Kit, turned to dull yellow on drop 6, bright yellow on drop 8)


Guess I need a Mag test and supplement now; but so far now do these params look for me to add 8 frags this week?

Edited by TriggerHappyDude
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I'm probably doing water changes every 2 - 3 weeks. Not as often as some would want, and its probably why some of the first frags I have look sick or dead. I'm about to test for Calc and KH and Phosphate now.


Try not to go too long between a WC. Every other week should be fine if you have a low bioload.


I know weekly isnt the most convenient but its super easy to do a 4-5g water change on the Solana so it isnt too much of a hassle once a week.


Ok my water tests are as follows:


Ammonia - 0ppm

pH - 8.4

Nitrite - 0ppm

Nitrate - 0ppm

Phosphate - 0ppm

Calcium - 500ppm (API Test Kit, turned from purple to blue on drop 25)

KH - 143.2ppm (API Test Kit, turned to dull yellow on drop 6, bright yellow on drop 8)


Guess I need a Mag test and supplement now; but so far now do these params look for me to add 8 frags this week?


Values all look good but Calc is a little high. Should be from 400-480 but 500 is ok. Just dont dose for a day or two and see how much it drops. Then just dose accordingly to keep the numbers around the recommended amount.

You should be good to add the frags - just pick up a mag supplement and test kit soon and check out that value and dose accordingly for that too.

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My picasso flew out last night, dunno when, maybe when I was putting the eggcrate on top and removing it... but I only have 3 now as I rescued 2, but the 2 are small :(

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My picasso flew out last night, dunno when, maybe when I was putting the eggcrate on top and removing it... but I only have 3 now as I rescued 2, but the 2 are small :(


Ouch that sucks man. But at least you got the other 2.


Nice top DAHNIC561. Let us know how ti works out.

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My picasso flew out last night, dunno when, maybe when I was putting the eggcrate on top and removing it... but I only have 3 now as I rescued 2, but the 2 are small :(


I feel your pain, I just went tru that...do yours normally sleep up top or near the bottom?

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My two picassos hardly ever leave the surface of the water. Just lost one about 2 weeks ago that ended up in the 2nd chamber into the Intank box for the vortech :-/ Already got a replacement. Where does everyone get theres from? I get mine from Doni.


Dahnic561 I want that top! lol. Thats really nice. Would be really cool if you could figure out a way to attach some of the bird netting/ mesh to cover the middle part. Does it fit snug against the back chamber part of the tank? Did you make it or have someone do it for you?

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My two picassos hardly ever leave the surface of the water. Just lost one about 2 weeks ago that ended up in the 2nd chamber into the Intank box for the vortech :-/ Already got a replacement. Where does everyone get theres from? I get mine from Doni.


Dahnic561 I want that top! lol. Thats really nice. Would be really cool if you could figure out a way to attach some of the bird netting/ mesh to cover the middle part. Does it fit snug against the back chamber part of the tank? Did you make it or have someone do it for you?



My ORA Ocellaris clowns are all over my tank - top, bottom, front, back - doesnt matter to them.


Sucks that you guys are losing your picassos to carpet surfing. Especially with how expensive those fish are.

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I used to always make a mess when I would scrap close to the top of the tank. Then I went to my local FS and and got the mini mag float. Its really small the smallest one that I have seen. It makes cleaning close to the top really easy without making a mess. You still have to go slow though.



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Here's some shots of the the top i had made...No more flying Picasso's and hope to have less evaporation...










I gotta to know how you made it this could be my snail solution!

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I gotta to know how you made it this could be my snail solution!


I just copied the original cover but made it 20x20 so it sits flush at top of tank...cut out a 12x10 inch section out of middle and had it polished so it look like glass...any local plastic/acrylic company can do it for you cost me $30...well worth it...


also make sure to use .25 inch acrylic so it does not bend from lack of support...

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Hello all, add me to the Solana group. My tank arrived yesterday from pet solutions and appears unbroken although the plastic around it made it look broken (water test planned tonight). Stand, heaters, etc arrive tonight as well. I was determined to take this slow (my first endeavor into salt water), but i saw a great deal on craigslist and so for $100 bought an existing saltwater setup (see below). So this will be trial by fire for me. I just bought a sunpod off a person on this forum, so will have to use the light on this tank I'm buying till the sunpod arrives (not sure how that will work). Appreciate everyone's advice and guidance on this thread. I have a feeling i'm going to be overwhelmed this weekend (picking up the used setup on Friday), but kinda excited, we'll see how it foes. Do you guys think all the fish listed in this listing will fit in a 34G Solana or should i sell 1 or two? These were the fish i was looking at anyway.




- James

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Hello all, add me to the Solana group. My tank arrived yesterday from pet solutions and appears unbroken although the plastic around it made it look broken (water test planned tonight). Stand, heaters, etc arrive tonight as well. I was determined to take this slow (my first endeavor into salt water), but i saw a great deal on craigslist and so for $100 bought an existing saltwater setup (see below). So this will be trial by fire for me. I just bought a sunpod off a person on this forum, so will have to use the light on this tank I'm buying till the sunpod arrives (not sure how that will work). Appreciate everyone's advice and guidance on this thread. I have a feeling i'm going to be overwhelmed this weekend (picking up the used setup on Friday), but kinda excited, we'll see how it foes. Do you guys think all the fish listed in this listing will fit in a 34G Solana or should i sell 1 or two? These were the fish i was looking at anyway.




- James


Great to have ya. And do yourself a favor, fight the urge to fill your tank before its time. I would recommend at least 1 month of cycling minimum, preferably 2 months(with clean-up crew after 1). Or whatever, just take it slow, it will payoff. imo.


and yes, i think those fish will be OK, but I would say that would be a MAX# if it were me.


good luck, Mike B)

Edited by mikedege
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thanks appreciate the advice, i was about to order the filter and rock (which was coming to 300), so for 100 this was just too good to pass. i will do my best to transition the tank, learn quick, and do my very best to keep the 4 fish alive. Will post a new tank thread which will no doubt include some crazed posts from me in the middle of the night.


Great to have ya. And do yourself a favor, fight the urge to fill your tank before its time. I would recommend at least 1 month of cycling minimum, preferably 2 months(with clean-up crew after 1). Or whatever, just take it slow, it will payoff. imo.


and yes, i think those fish will be OK, but I would say that would be a MAX# if it were me.


good luck, Mike B)

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I just copied the original cover but made it 20x20 so it sits flush at top of tank...cut out a 12x10 inch section out of middle and had it polished so it look like glass...any local plastic/acrylic company can do it for you cost me $30...well worth it...


also make sure to use .25 inch acrylic so it does not bend from lack of support...


I don't have the original glass version, mine broke! Wonder if you'd trace me out a template and send it to me, or if you could configure one in a CAD program or Google Sketch that I could print off and take to have made?

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