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Monosyth's Ocean2point0 - Starting over!


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I'm so mad! (at myself) My beautiful Acan fell on my Red Lobo Brain last night!!! Really killed it. I'm not sure if one polyp survived or not. Do I take this out? Will my water go bad? Do I try to clean it off?





Any update on your coral... just checking in & reading your post today... bummer that that happened...

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Well, this acan was doing pretty good, until I just noticed it this morning, and its now half what it was yesterday. It was fine for the past 5 days! I did get some new acans this past weekend, and some rics, but I'm super bummed over this one. It was so pretty.








My Cyano problem seems to be clearing up. Less feeding. and mostly with just pellets. and "vacuuming" the sand. I freshly vacuumed the sand last night at the peak of the most of it. Red cyano was growing on the rocks, but not so much anymore, and then brown cyano started to take over the sand replacing the red. I think it's on it's way out!!!


FTS for October 9, 2009:


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OK... Update.


So sleeper goby has gone and slept with the fishes. and the bristle worms and the other CUC. bit the dust. I knew he was starving, he did eat some mysis, but as fast as the other fish. I saw him circling in the back of the tank the other night, and the cleaner shrimp went after him, with the nass snails trailing along. That was that.


That acan is a lost cause. :(


Algae bloom seems to be better! no more red cyano on the rocks! and the brown stuff isn't horrible on sand, the snails and hermits are cleaning it up actually. but its because its brown and not red?


Also, after more than 3 months, I looked in the tank at night with flashlight and in the belly of the rocks, I think i saw a gorilla crab!!! it was def a crab. and it looked hairy and sneaky. ugh. Not noticing anything bad from it yet... There is no way i'll ever catch it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, looks like I'm going to have to take the GSP down before it gets outta control. I need to break that branch of the rock off and trim off the rest of the GSP. I guess it's going on the sand. This is going to be a rearranged aquascape. this could get nightmarish. Looks like I have a weekend project.



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well, I managed to break that GSP branch off, but it came off in two pieces.. not really the plan. Oh well. The worst thing is, that I tried to pick the rest of the purple encrusting mat off the main rock. Did not go as planned at all. So now I have two chunks of GSP on the sand and some still on the main rock and my rockscape much more opened up. Blah. Oh well. The evolution of the tank continues...

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  • 1 month later...

So my tank is almost 6 months old... So I bought a beautiful Crocea Clam from FraggleReef.com! Teal from above and Blue from the side. I also got a Tyree Neon Green Toadstool and a Green Montipora Digitata... Things are going well... Pix below:









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Some more pix. And the Tyree Neon Green Toadstool opened up. I put it up in the upper 50% of the tank. I think it's happier up there. How fast do they grow?








Oh, would an urchin eat that red turf algae? Should I get one? I know they are a pain.. but that algae is taking over!

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Well, I got a bit of the addiction again! Picked up a great frag of Favites today. Pretty good size for $26. Also 3 polyps of ricordeas and a baby one too for $26.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Happy Half Birthday to my Tank!! 6 months old today! For it's half birthday, I ordered it a JBJ picotope. :)


Happy half birthday tank!!!


Your tank is looking great. Remember back in the good old days when our tanks were just expensive salty rock piles? :)


I love the JBJ picotope idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...

After more than 6 months... I found this sucker... A crab. but what kind? I am posting to the ID forum too. It has one flat pincher and one sharp bigger pincher. I think its why my emerald crabs kept dying after 4 days?



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haha mr. evil crab. I have a similar one that I had not noticed for 1.5+ years. It is probably a type of rock crab see my thread for a fancy name I can't spell.




They can be risky but mine has never touched a coral. When I moved the tank I caught it and had a choice to flush or keep. I choose to keep. He comes out every now and then, pure evil looking but so cool.

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Yah, there is no way i'm going in there. He's not too big. I'm wondering if he was the culprit for taking out my emerald crabs? They last 3-4 days each in my tank.

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So I got a $100 gift certificate to my LFS! It's been burning a hole in my pocket... I want to get a Wellsophyllia ... Need color! I want pink or red. I'm going to check them out today possibly.

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So I moved my acans around the corner away from flow, and they are getting puffy and healthy looking again in just 24/48 hrs! Acans don't like flow!


I feel like I have too much flow in this tank some days!

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Thank you!


I also added a Yasha Goby yesterday. I'm hoping it'll pair up with my pistol shrimp. I will say it was a bit shocked when it got in the tank and the clown took a bite out of it.. and the sixline wrasse really got him good.


I was surprised to see him under the rocks alive today. Hopefully he can get to the protection of the pistol shrimp soon.

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So I moved my acans around the corner away from flow, and they are getting puffy and healthy looking again in just 24/48 hrs! Acans don't like flow!


I feel like I have too much flow in this tank some days!

i know how you feel man... im probably getting rid of most of my LPS due to this :( but beautiful tank man heres hoping mine looks this good some day

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i haven't seen the yasha in days.. what a stupid mistake. I'm more sad that I put him in there than the fact that I spent $40 on it. but that hurts a bit too. :(

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