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I feel like a noob


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HOLY COW, those things are insanely awesome!!!

I'm really gonna hafta get me some of those once Spring hits.

What does he have those listed under?

Cool score, Jer. :)

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So the ginger was staring intently at my tank for like ten minutes. I hear him yell "HOLY ####!" Naturally I thought he broke it and there was water gushing onto the floor, so I run in from the other room all frantic.


He looks up at me, brow furrowed, and says, "You know there's an alien in here?"


I say, "That's not an alien, that's an amphipod."


Silence for a full thirty seconds, then he says, "I think you're wrong, but as long as it's not a zombie I'm okay with it."







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So the ginger was staring intently at my tank for like ten minutes. I hear him yell "HOLY ####!" Naturally I thought he broke it and there was water gushing onto the floor, so I run in from the other room all frantic.


He looks up at me, brow furrowed, and says, "You know there's an alien in here?"


I say, "That's not an alien, that's an amphipod."


Silence for a full thirty seconds, then he says, "I think you're wrong, but as long as it's not a zombie I'm okay with it."









:lol: how cute. :D

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So the ginger was staring intently at my tank for like ten minutes. I hear him yell "HOLY ####!" Naturally I thought he broke it and there was water gushing onto the floor, so I run in from the other room all frantic.


He looks up at me, brow furrowed, and says, "You know there's an alien in here?"


I say, "That's not an alien, that's an amphipod."


Silence for a full thirty seconds, then he says, "I think you're wrong, but as long as it's not a zombie I'm okay with it."









wimmenz... :rolleyes:








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They attach easy. Note sure about detaching them. Plus, I'd rather not hack into them with a razor. :blink:



In related news, these things puff up a lot bigger than I thought - each gets up to about 2" across. They seem to be constantly deflating and inflating though. Is this normal for mushrooms? Way back I jumped straight into LPS and octocorals, these are the first mushrooms I've ever kept.



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Hmmm, not sure about the constant inflating and deflating. Mine pretty much stays the same size all day. Are they in a high flow or low flow area?

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They attach easy. Note sure about detaching them. Plus, I'd rather not hack into them with a razor. :blink:



In related news, these things puff up a lot bigger than I thought - each gets up to about 2" across. They seem to be constantly deflating and inflating though. Is this normal for mushrooms? Way back I jumped straight into LPS and octocorals, these are the first mushrooms I've ever kept.



Maybe they're all males.................. :lol:

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They are just beneath the outflow from the pump, but the flow is low. Maybe they're still adjusting. The largest seems to be moving slowly downward, that could be part of it.


Maybe they're all males.................. :lol:


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Hmmm, maybe too much light? :huh:

I know I read somewhere that they like to be placed on the side of rocks, in more of a vertical position than horizontal, but not sure how true that is or if it would cause them to inflate/deflate as you described.. Weird little buggers.

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oh and I had a red flower anemone, but i soldz it :tears:



Hmmm, maybe too much light? :huh:

I know I read somewhere that they like to be placed on the side of rocks, in more of a vertical position than horizontal, but not sure how true that is or if it would cause them to inflate/deflate as you described.. Weird little buggers.

Yeah, not sure why I stuck them on top of the rock - it's like three inches from the surface, lol. I didn't want them on the side because my eventual rock flower anemone might sting em.

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Bonus for nanowave owners: I left the lid over the back compartments open today and the temperature averaged two degrees less than yesterday. So if you're not using the fuge, there you go. :)

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Yeah, the flatworms seem to be doing great in my tank. I'm thinking of fragging them. I could send you guys some - great price! ;) They're not hurting anything, so I'm not going to mess with them right now. If they crash, great. If not, when they start causing trouble I'll consider eradication then.


I wish the largest shroom was more bubbly, but oh well. At night they curl into little grapes. :huh:



In related news, am I the only one who forgets to turn the pumps on after taking photos of my tank? :unsure:

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I have recently discovered those flatworms in my own tank as well. Not as many as you have, for sure. I actually think I might have had them all along, as they are only in a couple corners of the tank where there is lower flow and lots of light. Just a few.


In related news, am I the only one who forgets to turn the pumps on after taking photos of my tank? :unsure:


Nope! I generally only turn off the main circulation, though. The sump return stays on. So, its not a disaster.

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I wish the largest shroom was more bubbly, but oh well. At night they curl into little grapes. :huh:

:huh: Strange.. Mine stays open.


And I don't turn off pumps for pics.

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I once accidentally left all circulation off overnight after taking pics. Tank was fine.

That's the only time I've forgotten though.

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