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My 75 Gallon peninsula tank


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One effect that my lighting has is being in a peninsula tank with nothing limiting distance in the appearance....but....the lighting is Phoenix MH 150W over the low light area (called Softie Island) and 250W over the higher light area (known as Stonie Island). There are also 2 T5's one along each edge, Geiesemann Actinic Plus bulbs kicked by a Workhorse 5 in TEC 2 reflectors (the ones with 29 bends). The Phoenix bulbs are fired with an old EVC Electronic ballast for the 250 and a Coralvue for the 150.


Here are a few I snapped today.......

this one was actually taken last night....taken from "my seat" in the evening....22 feet away from the tank....



and some more....













and the GARF Bonsai is already getting a bit of color.....





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  • 2 weeks later...
and some more....













and the GARF Bonsai is already getting a bit of color.....



Frags for meeee???? PM Me when you gots the goods to sell!!! :)

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Militant Jurist

Those frags look hot! I just might go the peninsula route with my 75, but I'll have the overflow box issue too. Mine's already painted black, so that will help, and it's going near the end of the tank as well.

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Soooo...I was on a weekend trip to South Florida and I pre-arranged a stop in the town of Fort Pierce, to visit with a Reefer down there who had something I really wanted to get hold of. I ended up leaving with 5 frags and I'm tickled to death with the items I got and the prices that they were offered for.


I got a real sweet 5 head Nuclear Green Paly frag...



and a little frag of Emma's Jedi Mindtrick undata....



a "Bonus Frag" of an original OPE, that will take a bit of TLC to get it good and healthy....



a nice frag of ORA Bellina Acropora....this thing is far more purple than it photographs....



and the item I actually went to get....an AMAZING new Blastomussa wellsii...by far the most beautiful one I have yet....


when it opens up it's supposed to have the wild pink and bright yellow that you see, but the center gets purpler and the yellow gets flourescent green specks.....


The amazing thing is this was one of three amazing ones he had when we first talked about them, and a favia fell on his colonies...this was the only head that survived....I would have been hard pressed to part with this one, but I'm glad my bud was ready to....


Here is a fresh shot of the Oregon tort....the green is going away and it's getting richer in color....



and one of my frags of Hiller's AquaDelight....


when I first cut it it turned all screaming green and just turned the darker color and the new limbs and base have gone aqua!!!!


I'm going to really enjoy that new fragtank once it's fully operational...

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New Blasto Wellsi.... Check

ORA Bellina...... Check

AND PPE Blasto..... omgomgomg ......CHECK!!!!


Please add both of these my frag wishlists Mitch! Probably Frags 6.0 and 8.5 (maybe even 9.25) by the time they grow out enough to frag! :)


Hope all is well. We need to catch up sometime soon.


edit: I'm on Sanibel right now till wednesday, in case you want to do the unthinkable and do a hand-to-hand transaction!!!

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If you had a chance to come up I would be glad to hook you up....the tank isn't looking great right now....I need to do a good water change or two....it's been quite a while....

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If you had a chance to come up I would be glad to hook you up....the tank isn't looking great right now....I need to do a good water change or two....it's been quite a while....


It's all good. I have business to attend to anyways. But seriously, we need to work on Frags 5.5 is it??? Whatca got??? PM me.

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So, I was on another site and put a name in for a sponsor's contest to name a zoa, and my name won a public vote for the sponsor's employees top 10....well, I won the public vote by a landslide with the name Mass Hysteria zoas.....


Anyway, I got the prize today and was completely blown away by the frag pack I got.....I am truly IMPRESSED and oh so thankful for this WONDERFUL Frag Pack...I had no idea how nice it was going to be...I got the package today right about 11:00, perfect condition...I opened it up and uncapped the jars so they could breath....now I'm home and have everything in the tank, so it's time for a few pics....


I got home and floated the frags for about 20 minutes...I then opened them and poured the water into a bowl for acclimation....



Here is the one that made it all possible....the Mass Hysteria!!!!



I'll take it out and show off the packaging....



I added 3/4 of the original amount from the tank over an hour....



The Envy Orange wouldn't even wait to get into the tank!!!



The Darth Maul wouldn't wait either....



I don't think any of them except maybe the Envy Orange is a single polyp and I'm not sure it doesn't have any babies.....They all made the trip to the tank with no issues of any sort...I threw a little hunk of eggcrate to stabilize them for a little while....



Here's my new Envy Orange...



Purple People Eaters....



And speaking of Purple....how about some Purple Hornets....They are colored down, but I was assured they are the real deal....



I will quote the words on the jar from these "Super Rare Purple Passion zoas"....



Darth Mauls....



This is a "Mystery" People Eater...We will have to wait and see how it opens.....



These shy ones are Rainbow Warps....



and finally the Mass Hysteria...I believe there are 6 heads!!!!



My little reef has had quite a week!!!!

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I'm hoping they take off...gotta see how they do...zoanthids can be funny in my tank.....


I've found as well that zoa's are iffy in my current tank....yet everything else seems to thrive. Odd.

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A friend suggested that I add some fish, for the poo factor....the zoas and palys are doing worlds better...I just hope these guys do well for me....

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Okay, it took 6 days for the Rainbow Warp to open all the way, and it was CERTAINLY worth the wait....


It has Green, Orange, Red Purple and Baby Blue....does that make it a 5-Color Rainbow!!!! :D


Here is a more recent pic of the Purple Passion Zoanthid....


It's like 1/2 inch across already!


And my Nuclear Greens already have 3 babies....at just 9 days in the tank.....



Sorry about some of the pics, I'm still using a hand-held P&S.....

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VERY nice!!!


You sure seem to do well at the Coral Naming Biz, mebbe I should have you name some Coral Kitchen selections! ;)

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I work best when I can feel the vibes from the corals....If you want to send me a few I will give them a spin!!!! :D:D


They will prolly end up in the Frag System!!!

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Yup...I was and still am tickled to death over this....I never imagined that I would win something like this, and then I was absolutely amazed to see such a nice prize I got. I may have a few more to put some more up here soon.


I want more cool SPS though. That's what I truly love to grow. It's amazing to nearly see tham grow when they get going....nearly like watching them go....

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Dude nice score...


Hey did they ship you the frags in those twist top tupper ware containers? I use those all the time to move frags or when I trade frags with locals but never thought to ship in them.

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