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Neuwave's Edge of the Reef


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Dave omg do you live close by. Do you need me to hold something for you right now at this moment. You can bring it over if there is no power. I hope the power goes back on quick. I don't want anything to happen to your tank bro. Pm me and I hope I could help out something.

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Thanks buddy. I live a couple of exits west from you. I have multiple air pumps on the tank. So far so good besides my fish. I'll definitely pm you if anything gets worst. I'm at a friends house right now for the nigt but I'm heading back early morning to check up on everything. Fingers crossed. Things looks better with the air pumps so they should hold out. Of course this has to happen rigt when my tank was cleaned to perfection.


I even had some good news for you as well. I got a text today that yours and my redspots cardinalfish are on their way. They should be here end of next week. Just thought I'd let you know.

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That's great that you have air pumps. Don't hesitate to ask for help. I have plenty of space in my 40. Just incase! Also if you need a spare tank, I have a Mr. Aqua 17.4 gallon of you wanted it is all yours! I have no room for it and it is just sitting outside my storage. Lol keep us all updated on how everything goes in the morning.

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That's great that you have air pumps. Don't hesitate to ask for help. I have plenty of space in my 40. Just incase! Also if you need a spare tank, I have a Mr. Aqua 17.4 gallon of you wanted it is all yours! I have no room for it and it is just sitting outside my storage. Lol keep us all updated on how everything goes in the morning.



Went to the house this morning as I spent the night at a friends cause it hard to sleep with no AC. Anyway got back to the house and tank was at 78 so not worried about the temp and everything looked just fine. Uneven still had polyp extension on my acros and plate coral. Clowns have slowed their breathing which is a plus, so not worried about lack of oxygen. I'm just depressed about loosing my flame wrasse pair and my flameback angel. Luckily both my old and new(in the mangrove tank) clownfish pairs are doing well with the battey air pumps. No signs of distress. I'm glad I had all these pumps as backups. But I'm going to invest in a battery backup later this year. I'd suggest you get atleast a couple battery powered air pumps for hurricane season. I know you just moved to Florida but as you can see they have probably save my corals and clowns.

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Wow amazing news! So power is back on right? Sorry to hear about your flame and angel, I know you liked them a lot and the ones you had before that. Well hope your roommate understand and can help you out later on.


I definitely need to invest a air pump. Will my Vortex battery pack be enough because I have it hook up to 2 of my MP10s just incase of power goes out. It said on the manual that it could last up to 72 hours. I usually do a monthly check up by switching off the power to see if it turns on. Should I get another battery for heater and air pump? I don't know but like you said this is my first time moving into Florida.


I like how you got your scape slanted on the side and corals placement is excellent. Wow that green Acan colonies is huge, you weren't lying at all. Lol






Great job on scraping the coralline algae off. I know your hand and arm must of be swore. Lol

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Oh no! Another power outage. Hope everything does OK!


FTS is amazing even without the light!!!


Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it. Thank D'expresso, he convinced me I need a FTS. Lol



Is the power back up yet? Hope everything make it!


Ok power is back up as of 12:20. Roommate actualy left work since he lives 15-20 mins up the road to check after he got the confirmation from the power company just case. So far he said that the coral look a tad pissed but still alive except for the fish from yeterday.

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That's great buddy! So how is everything as of right now. Hope everything is going good. I like the new scape but i didn't know what the old scape look like because it was a mystery coraline algae build infront of the display. lol


Also i found a great deal on a green scoly for 50 bucks and a red meat for 40 bucks, i hope he can cut me a good deal when i pick it up on monday. it looks good i guess in the pictures But the drive over to near AStudio is to far drive for me but i hope it is worth it. Also waiting on your buddies at TSA to give me a call when they get those cardinals in.


p.s. Can you get a FTS close up with your lights on since your power went out. lol thanks!

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Ha ha I k know. I kinda let the coralline run wild. Aquaria studio is definitley a drive. But sometimes it worth it. Like my deepwater carolina acro. Totally happy with it. Definitky ask Vin about a deal, can't hurt. Take pics of the meat coral and scoly when you get them.


Heck ya! I'm stoked about the cardinals. It was funny I got a text at work that said "hey Dave, I'm ordering the cardinals you want." Dave came in and asked about them as well. My response was "Sweet" and then "Order a lot." They also orders 3 other varieties but stumped what kind.


The tank is looking better. Nothing else died, just the few fish. So I'll be taking a FTS in the morning. So it's been 1 year since my FTS. And even after the power delay, I think I can wait anther 24 hours. Ha ha

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Ha ha I k know. I kinda let the coralline run wild. Aquaria studio is definitley a drive. But sometimes it worth it. Like my deepwater carolina acro. Totally happy with it. Definitky ask Vin about a deal, can't hurt. Take pics of the meat coral and scoly when you get them.


Heck ya! I'm stoked about the cardinals. It was funny I got a text at work that said "hey Dave, I'm ordering the cardinals you want." Dave came in and asked about them as well. My response was "Sweet" and then "Order a lot." They also orders 3 other varieties but stumped what kind.


The tank is looking better. Nothing else died, just the few fish. So I'll be taking a FTS in the morning. So it's been 1 year since my FTS. And even after the power delay, I think I can wait anther 24 hours. Ha ha


Let me know if they come in so i can sneak out of work to pick them up. i forgot to tell Top Shelf to call when they comes in any day now. he said he can sell them for me for 15 buck per fish. i was like hell yeah and told them i want 5 blue streak, 3 red stripe cardinals. i forgot to tell them to order me a fathead anthia. i know i am gonna overstock but i guess i should be done.


I was there when they order other 3 varieties. lol The guy that is selling them cheap because he is moving and he don't wanna haul them with him. He live near Aquaria Studio so i think i have to get on the toll interstate. :(


OD: have the tiny tiny 1" angelfish and some bicolor angelfish for you dave! looks awesome!

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Let me know if they come in so i can sneak out of work to pick them up. i forgot to tell Top Shelf to call when they comes in any day now. he said he can sell them for me for 15 buck per fish. i was like hell yeah and told them i want 5 blue streak, 3 red stripe cardinals. i forgot to tell them to order me a fathead anthia. i know i am gonna overstock but i guess i should be done.


I was there when they order other 3 varieties. lol The guy that is selling them cheap because he is moving and he don't wanna haul them with him. He live near Aquaria Studio so i think i have to get on the toll interstate. :(


OD: have the tiny tiny 1" angelfish and some bicolor angelfish for you dave! looks awesome!


Yep he ordered those cardinals for you. I told him about the red spots but Alex thought the red lined he asked for was the redspots I told him about. So redspots may be a tad longer until next order. I know they will text me whe they get your cardinals in, and in turn I'll pm you. lol

So now all I have are clownfish due the recent roommate confusion with the power company and ex home owner. I was thinking going with the golden dwarf angel instead. I want to try to breed these little guys in the future. I've had almost every dwarf angel out there. So the golden would be awesome.


That strawberry coral Josh told you about is a strawberry shortcake. If you google the name you see this is a sweet acro. I already have dibs on a frag.

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Have you ever consider the Lamarcks Angel or the Bellus Angel...both are beautiful and rated as reef safe.


I am in love with either one and would like to have one in my tank.


Lamarcks Angel



Bellus Angel



Have you ever try these. I want one really bad. Lol it would be perfect for my shoal blue cardinals to keep them all together all the time.



Edit: I just check out some golden dwarf angelfish and wow they look beautiful also!

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I thought about the swallowtails and they are a great choice for reefs. Maybe a wantanabae angelfish or some masked swallowtail angel. But I've always wanted the challenge of the golden since its so hard to keep. Decisions are not easy. :lol:

Your totally right, a large fish keeps the smaller fish tightly packed for a better shoaling effect.

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watanabei angelfish- is sexy and the max growth is only 6" but the price is ridiculous to much. Lol yeah that be so awesome if you could keep either or one of them and maybe breed them too.

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watanabei angelfish- is sexy and the max growth is only 6" but the price is ridiculous to much. Lol yeah that be so awesome if you could keep either or one of them and maybe breed them too.


OD has a wantanabei right now. Don't know price though. I'm sure I could find at a deal. :)

Whatever fish I pick, will eventually go into the 180 rimless later on this year. So a harem of golden angels are definitely in the running. Also I plan to put a pair of swallow tails as well. But for now I can't get both goldens and swallowtails for my current size tank. Wish I could but I would a way overstocked tank. I took the FTS and a bunch of side shots and large area shots for ya. I have to go thru all of them and post the better ones. Hopefully I'll get them posted tonight.

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I'm in love with this tank. Look at the size of the acro colonies. Your clowns hosting that Rbta is beautiful and healthy. I am glad you got your power back on. Your coraline algae on rocks and everything is jaw dropping! Good work Dave! Thanks for the updated FTS. Totally deserve TOTM!


Your green Acan colonies is like gold. That is one huge piece!


What's that red looking coral sitting on top of the GSP? Never seen it before.

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I'm in love with this tank. Look at the size of the acro colonies. Your clowns hosting that Rbta is beautiful and healthy. I am glad you got your power back on. Your coraline algae on rocks and everything is jaw dropping! Good work Dave! Thanks for the updated FTS. Totally deserve TOTM!


Your green Acan colonies is like gold. That is one huge piece!


What's that red looking coral sitting on top of the GSP? Never seen it before.


Thanks buddy. Appreciate it. I can't wait for the smaller acros to grow out and color up. I'm gonna let the green giant acan just grow and grow. The coralline just keeps growing. I thought about getting a small tuxedo urchin in hopes it would eat some coralline algae. Even today I saw some new growth on the glass. Ya the corals seemed a tad browned out after the power outage but nothing serious. Clowns and all three nems love that upper corner, right under the LEDs. The red stuff on the top of the gps is dragons breathe macro algae.


Here is the acro that is recovering from aefw. Finally getting some nice polyp extension. Gonna take pics to see its healthy progression after aefw.



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i notice you have your scoly sitting on a rock off the sandbed. Does it makes a different if i try that? it's starting to color up but still show some skeleton and puffing up. it's been 3 weeks and still look like it is doing ok under the overhang in the shade with low flow. Should i get it sitting on a rock?


Yours look like more orange in the pictures. never seen a orange scoly before either and your plate is looking good under there.


What's that red looking coral sitting on top of the GSP? Never seen it before.

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Thanks for the FTS!!! What a tank! Lots of beautiful mature specimens in there!

+1 this tank is amazing, not everyone have seen this yet or post up to see this beautiful mature colonies corals in his tank.

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i notice you have your scoly sitting on a rock off the sandbed. Does it makes a different if i try that? it's starting to color up but still show some skeleton and puffing up. it's been 3 weeks and still look like it is doing ok under the overhang in the shade with low flow. Should i get it sitting on a rock?


Yours look like more orange in the pictures. never seen a orange scoly before either and your plate is looking good under there.


What's that red looking coral sitting on top of the GSP? Never seen it before.


I put this scoly on the rock because as I was checking out the skeleton inderneath. It looked like it was broken off a rock as the shaved coral skeleton underneath looks to be cut away rather than picked off the sand. So I'm trying this mountain method out to see how it reacts. For some reason the bottom of the skeleton is cone shaped which is a tad different thanks scolys I've seen in the past. So far it's pretty healthy, but I'll update you as it grows.


Ya this scoly is totally orange. But super bright.

That red stuff is dragons breathe macro algae. It keep the gps from spreading since the gps doesn't like to grow under the macro.

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Thanks for the FTS!!! What a tank! Lots of beautiful mature specimens in there!


Thanks! Some of those colonies I've had for a while. But with some much I have to get a controller and doing pumps. Alk, ca, and mag get eaten up like candy.



+1 this tank is amazing, not everyone have seen this yet or post up to see this beautiful mature colonies corals in his tank.


Ha ha thanks bud. No worries, I use my thread as a journal for my tank so anyone who wants to comment is cool with me. :)

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