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Coral Vue Hydros

Neuwave's Edge of the Reef


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Ummm let me see..


2 True percs clowns.

male flame wrasse

female flame wrasse

Flameback dwarf angel


Tiger pistol shrimp

2 Pom Pom crabs m/f

2 bumble bee shrimp

2 large Atlantic cucumbers

Dozen or more scarlet hermit crabs.

Dozen or more turbo snails.

Nassaruis snails ... A bunch

Harlequin shrimp

Million micro bristle stars

Half dozen fighting conches


And a crap load of corals.

Very nice selections bro! but I know u gonna add more later on when they get some red spot cardinals lol.


I also need to get a test kit to test my water because I am still jelly about your purple Coraline algae growing on LEDs. I just got the newsletter from OD about their soft grand opening and the 25%off at their old shop. I will try to go on Sunday but definitely on Monday since I am off. Happy memorial day!

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Hey there,

really love the fish/corals/inverts you got there.. What kind of dwarf angel is that??? I've seen those but not one with a white bottom dorsal fin if I recall...

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Very nice selections bro! but I know u gonna add more later on when they get some red spot cardinals lol.


I also need to get a test kit to test my water because I am still jelly about your purple Coraline algae growing on LEDs. I just got the newsletter from OD about their soft grand opening and the 25%off at their old shop. I will try to go on Sunday but definitely on Monday since I am off. Happy memorial day!



Ya it's a soft opening so he's got some decent inverts and fish. But not many corals just yet. They are on order. Ocean blue got a multi line dwarf angel I would love to have. Especially with their 15% off sale. But no where to put it right now.


Lol it's so funny, I get so many questions regarding my LEDs and coraline. I should just tell people it's magic.


Any ooh ya I'll be getting a dozen or maybe 13 or 14 ha ha. My buddy who is opening up next weekend is asking his whole seller for the red spot cardinals. Totally stoked. So hopefully within the next order or 2 they will have them, in stock. I might a pair of yasha for my pistol shrimp. Still deciding.


Hey there,

really love the fish/corals/inverts you got there.. What kind of dwarf angel is that??? I've seen those but not one with a white bottom dorsal fin if I recall...


It's a Flameback dwarf angelfish. It's mainly blue but that's a blue iridescent reflection shinning off it's fin. A local store gets really healthy ones. He was the size of a quarter when I first got him and now he rules the caves and tunnels on the tank.

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i can't wait for you to get the red spot cardinal also. i heard their survival rate is not that great though because they get spook out to easy and they like to jump out the water. is that correct? how long is Ocean blue sale last? i need to pick up some stuff.


Pm your buddy address to the new shop. i can stop by on my day off sometime next week or so to check them out. This is too exciting!

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i can't wait for you to get the red spot cardinal also. i heard their survival rate is not that great though because they get spook out to easy and they like to jump out the water. is that correct? how long is Ocean blue sale last? i need to pick up some stuff.


Pm your buddy address to the new shop. i can stop by on my day off sometime next week or so to check them out. This is too exciting!


I think the sale is all weekend for ocean blue. I deleted the email already though. From past experience they are pretty hardy once they eat considering shipping and transport the fish probably dosent get enough food through the whole trip. It seems they have a fast metabolism and need a few feedings a day. Once you do get them to feed, no problem.


For what I've seen most healthy ones that are eating die not from disease or water quality. It's because the owner feeds only a few days a week and the fish always look skinny and lathargic. Simply put they don't want the ite's, ate's and phos to get high and grow algae. And starving a fish just because you don't want to clean or maintain the bioload is pretty sad, IMO. These guys need to eat plain and simple. My last batch started to breed before a power outage wrecked my tank. I did nothing out of the ordinary but feed them.

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:lol: the Yuma looks like it's kissing! Haha


I didn't go any fish store today, but I did see some fish store over at cocoa beach fl. The waves was nice today to go surfing. I don't surf though just watching the big waves crash on some folks out there.


I probably stop by OD and OB tomorrow to see what they have left. Lol


About the redspot cardinals I probably try some out and see how well they do in my tank. I jus hate when they begin to disappear. So far the one fish is doing well with no ick problem. Crossing fingers! If do well for the next few weeks I probably slowly start adding a school of Long spine cardinals again like OB have in their display.


Oh yeah! You still need to get that FTS!!!

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:lol: the Yuma looks like it's kissing! Haha


I didn't go any fish store today, but I did see some fish store over at cocoa beach fl. The waves was nice today to go surfing. I don't surf though just watching the big waves crash on some folks out there.


I probably stop by OD and OB tomorrow to see what they have left. Lol


About the redspot cardinals I probably try some out and see how well they do in my tank. I jus hate when they begin to disappear. So far the one fish is doing well with no ick problem. Crossing fingers! If do well for the next few weeks I probably slowly start adding a school of Long spine cardinals again like OB have in their display.


Oh yeah! You still need to get that FTS!!!



Nice! I need to get to the beach some time soon.

I haven't surfed but I am going Wake boarding sometime next week. Haven't been in months so should be fun.


If you get a chance check out Sea in the city. They got a Yuma that is beyond belief. Look kinda like mine but a green and deep blue base. Also the size of a tennis ball. $150 though. So now I have to decide, do I need to eat or buy a Yuma. Oddly enough this question gets brought up a lot when I visit any LFS.



How was the store in cocoa? Anything good? Ya the long spine cardinals in OB are awesome. That would be sweet in your tank. And I'll definitly get some extra redspots just in case you decide to grab a few. Jumping wasn't too much of a problem for me. Once they settle in and eat they are fairly hardy. Besides online I haven't seen anyone who has had them long term. My tank is 24" deep so that may contribute to the lack of carpet surfing.


Ha ha. I know I know. I need a FTS. I think the last one was a few years back. I'm just dreading cleaning ALL that coraline algae off. Gonna be nightmare.

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This is a little over a week's worth of growth with attention to ca, mag and alk. The gaps keep getting smaller.









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Is that a chalice on the last pictures? What is it? Look like it gonna be a colorful one.


Yep it's similar to a mummy eye but I'm thinking of naming it sour apple chalice. Since the green stripes develop in the eyes just like the scoly. I got it from OD for like 30 bucks for five massive eyes. Its a survivor. I had a small tank nuke cause of a nem I tried to save for someone. This chalice completely browned out and almost died. I fed it and watched it carefully and it's finally back and growing.

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Progression pic of plate healing and getting its color. It will take a while but wow it's tentacles are expanding out pretty fast compared to when I got it.



Atinic only shot. B)



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Really awesome to actually met a cool reefer from nano reef in person! Thanks for showing me around and my tank to others. I would of stayed longer and hangout but you know how that goes with the wifey and baby. Lol


Those little goby I got yesterday is going in the little pico but for now it is chillin in the 40b. I need to go get some more though, I looking for a red trimma and red-green banded goby. Hopefully your new buddies can get some in.

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Really awesome to actually met a cool reefer from nano reef in person! Thanks for showing me around and my tank to others. I would of stayed longer and hangout but you know how that goes with the wifey and baby. Lol


Those little goby I got yesterday is going in the little pico but for now it is chillin in the 40b. I need to go get some more though, I looking for a red trimma and red-green banded goby. Hopefully your new buddies can get some in.



Definitely great to meet you in person. I had to show off your aqua scape to others. Cause as you saw in the new display tank at Top Shelf they are movig away from the old rock mounds and walls. So when I saw the scape he made and it reminded me of yours so I had to show him yours.

I understand about having to leave for the family. No worries.

I'll ask him to see if he can order those other gobies for ya. I'm getting on his case about the cardinals. Maybe even sneak in a couple of yasha's as well.

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Totally awesome man! Tell him to get some red stripe cardinals also, they are super small just like the redspot. It would be awesome to have 3 different types of schooling cardinals. Haha


Just saying! :lol:


Not to worry about the goby yet. Just get in the case about the cardinals for me too!

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Really awesome to actually met a cool reefer from nano reef in person! Thanks for showing me around and my tank to others. I would of stayed longer and hangout but you know how that goes with the wifey and baby. Lol


Those little goby I got yesterday is going in the little pico but for now it is chillin in the 40b. I need to go get some more though, I looking for a red trimma and red-green banded goby. Hopefully your new buddies can get some in.



Definitely great to meet you in person. I had to show off your aqua scape to others. Cause as you saw in the new display tank at Top Shelf they are movig away from the old rock mounds and walls. So when I saw the scape he made and it reminded me of yours so I had to show him yours.

I understand about having to leave for the family. No worries.

I'll ask him to see if he can order those other gobies for ya. I'm getting on his case about the cardinals. Lol

Maybe even sneak in a couple of yasha's as well.

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How is everything going with your tank man! Any updates on that rainbow plates? Hope all is good! Can't wait to see your FTS soon! It's been ages...

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How is everything going with your tank man! Any updates on that rainbow plates? Hope all is good! Can't wait to see your FTS soon! It's been ages...


Well after 3 hours of scrapping coraline algae my arm and shoulder has begun to fall apart lol. I then spent Saturday night from 8 till 1 rescaping the coral placement. Also noticed my phosphates had jumped up browning out some of my acros. They are healthy and nice polyp extension just the colors are not as vibrant. I'm gonna change my rowaphos and my ph scrubber media when I get home. Which should solve the problem. The plate is doin great. I moved it under a over hang to get slightly reduced light which seems even better for it's color. Everyday a new color is showing up. Love it.


Otherwise I'm going to take my FTS to tonight! It's been years since my last FTS, ha ha.

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Sweet! Can't wait to see the new FTS tonight! Are you gonna make me stay up late tonight?


On another note, today I went out to TSA and hang out with josh and alex I think that was his name? But anyway, I ask if he could order some cardinals and looks like you and me gonna get some cool cardinals in soon! I ask for the blue streak, red stripe, and gold cardinals to have them ship in. No red spot man. I try to ask for you.


And also OD had some new shipment that came in today omg the purple yellow plate is mind blowing and I saw a very nice neon orange plate with green on the outside. Got some sick scoly too! But I couldn't get a price because george didn't know what price for most of them. It is for this weekend grand open but he say he can sell it if willing to pay it first comes. Well hope all is good!

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As of 10 this morning my tank was in pristine condition and in picture perfect condition. Then at 10:30 am the power company turned off the power. Not because we didn't pay the bill or a storm came thru. But because the house was sold. The ex owner and my roommate decided to switch the power over to my roommate. Some how the got their wires crossed and my roommate thought Wednesday and the owner thought today. So no POWER! After yelling at the other drivers to "move out of the way" as I flew home I had back up aerators ready to go. Unfortunately I was too late for my flame wrasse pair and my flame back angel that I grew from the size of a pinky nail. The clowns and corals seem to be doing better when the aerators went in. There is one in the sump and two up top. Th power company said they can get it back on around 7 am tomorrow morning if we call early. My roommate feels horrible and has set his alarm for 6:45 before the power company is even open for our reactivation. He knows how much time I put into this tank and how much I care for the animals. He's already willing to help pay for the fish. Even though he doesnt know how much the flame wrasse pair costs.



So here is my first FTS in years. :tears:





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