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The Officially Unofficial Tank Contest


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I'll have you know I came home at 6:45 pm. Did a 2g WC. Hooked the return pump back up so the sump & the tank were re-united. Fixed the frag that fell. Took pics. Uploaded them & then posted them by 8:26 pm. There is, therefore, no excuse! Get your tank shots in!












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Hi, Bob! Is it just me or is he bigger?


he better be...he's had enough food lately :)


Dead god what do you feed that thing?! Children?


annoying undergrad students. Weetie was offering up annoying nano-reefers too...might have to take her up on that one.






really, though...he REALLY likes silversides.

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Quick check of the tank threads reveals...


4 more are out of the contest for no updates:









Great job to the rest of you...safe for another month :)






I'll ask Weetie to update the first post as her time permits

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You guys have some sick looking tanks!


And just to clarify, like weetie said on the previous post, if you have any questions please gimme a shout, my deputies Daniel and Amber will be helping me run this contest along for the next few months.



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Egad! Zounds! Aaauuugh! Bob is scary. Bob is so scary that I am scared. If I met Bob on the street at night, I'd be really scared. If I saw Bob coming out of a bucket of jello, that would be weird and I would be scared. If I saw jello that looked like Bob, it would be cool. Heck, if I saw jello, it would be cool. I like jello. I don't like Bob. In fact, jello is one of the most awesome substances on the face of the earth. Just think about it...What is cooler than jello? You know what would be cool? An aquarium filled with jello. That would be cool. Bob isn't cool. He is scary.

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Egad! Zounds! Aaauuugh! Bob is scary. Bob is so scary that I am scared. If I met Bob on the street at night, I'd be really scared. If I saw Bob coming out of a bucket of jello, that would be weird and I would be scared. If I saw jello that looked like Bob, it would be cool. Heck, if I saw jello, it would be cool. I like jello. I don't like Bob. In fact, jello is one of the most awesome substances on the face of the earth. Just think about it...What is cooler than jello? You know what would be cool? An aquarium filled with jello. That would be cool. Bob isn't cool. He is scary.


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Hello everyone. I’m not sure anyone remembers me, but I was originally one of the participants in the 10g category. I was on track and having fun, when I just disappeared, or that’s what you all must have thought.


On October 13th I was involved in a multiple car pile up on my way to my college campus. Some moron yakking on his cell phone neglected to brake in time, and in order to avoid hitting the car in front of him, he swerved sideways, which hit the car in that lane. The person behind him smacked into the moron, and it was a chain reaction involving several cars.


Long story short, my car ended up upside-down, totaled, and I ended up in the emergency room with severely crushed hands, broken arm, three broken ribs, both wrists broken, leg broken and numerous scrapes and bruises. I underwent surgery three times in 30 hours, and spent a week and a half in the hospital on fluids.


I’ve spent the last two months in therapy working to regain use of seven of my fingers, including both thumbs. They’ll probably never be at full function again, but I’ve slowly regained the ability to type, write and do other finer mobile activities. One of my wrists doesn’t bend anymore, which makes certain tasks challenging where they shouldn’t be.


In any case, I’m not sure what to do. I know I was dropped from the contest when I failed to post the required Full Tank Shots on the deadlines. The tank was torn down by my parents when it seemed clear I was going to lose the use of my hands. Thankfully I’ve recovered a lot of use, more than I ever expected when they showed me the x rays after the crash.


I would like to be a part of the contest again. I understand that my circumstances must be unusual, and I’ll happily compensate by knocking out money from my budget as requested. If you’ll allow me to return, I’d like to transfer to the 5.5g category, as this smaller tank is easier to care for with my limited mobility. I’m terribly sorry to be presenting such a problem to you all, and I will go along with any decision made. I’m sorry this post is so long too, it took a while to write and I tried to keep it short.

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pics or it didn't happen...


haha jk thats terrible mate all the best in your recovery


































but really, pics

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Egad! Zounds! Aaauuugh! Bob is scary. Bob is so scary that I am scared. If I met Bob on the street at night, I'd be really scared. If I saw Bob coming out of a bucket of jello, that would be weird and I would be scared. If I saw jello that looked like Bob, it would be cool. Heck, if I saw jello, it would be cool. I like jello. I don't like Bob. In fact, jello is one of the most awesome substances on the face of the earth. Just think about it...What is cooler than jello? You know what would be cool? An aquarium filled with jello. That would be cool. Bob isn't cool. He is scary.




drugs are bad.


are you a WAMAS member?



Post of the year, imo. ^


**nods agreement**



Hello everyone. I’m not sure anyone remembers me, but I was originally one of the participants in the 10g category. I was on track and having fun, when I just disappeared, or that’s what you all must have thought.


On October 13th I was involved in a multiple car pile up on my way to my college campus. Some moron yakking on his cell phone neglected to brake in time, and in order to avoid hitting the car in front of him, he swerved sideways, which hit the car in that lane. The person behind him smacked into the moron, and it was a chain reaction involving several cars.


Long story short, my car ended up upside-down, totaled, and I ended up in the emergency room with severely crushed hands, broken arm, three broken ribs, both wrists broken, leg broken and numerous scrapes and bruises. I underwent surgery three times in 30 hours, and spent a week and a half in the hospital on fluids.


I’ve spent the last two months in therapy working to regain use of seven of my fingers, including both thumbs. They’ll probably never be at full function again, but I’ve slowly regained the ability to type, write and do other finer mobile activities. One of my wrists doesn’t bend anymore, which makes certain tasks challenging where they shouldn’t be.


In any case, I’m not sure what to do. I know I was dropped from the contest when I failed to post the required Full Tank Shots on the deadlines. The tank was torn down by my parents when it seemed clear I was going to lose the use of my hands. Thankfully I’ve recovered a lot of use, more than I ever expected when they showed me the x rays after the crash.


I would like to be a part of the contest again. I understand that my circumstances must be unusual, and I’ll happily compensate by knocking out money from my budget as requested. If you’ll allow me to return, I’d like to transfer to the 5.5g category, as this smaller tank is easier to care for with my limited mobility. I’m terribly sorry to be presenting such a problem to you all, and I will go along with any decision made. I’m sorry this post is so long too, it took a while to write and I tried to keep it short.




i'm sorry to hear about your experience. obviously, this is a complicated situation for the people tasked with overseeing the contest. please give us some time to consider the situation and present a solution that will be fair and in the best interests of everyone involved in the competition.

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After all this typing it seems to me that your hands work just fine :D


Two months of therapy, and I'm extremely greatful for all of it. The two fingered 'hunt and peck' method of typing is working well for me.



pics or it didn't happen...


haha jk thats terrible mate all the best in your recovery


































but really, pics


Thank you.


I have this police pic of the crash site. This is after the paramedics came, but you can see my car to the right, and the moron's car to the left. There are a few other cars swerved off to the trees that you can't see.






i'm sorry to hear about your experience. obviously, this is a complicated situation for the people tasked with overseeing the contest. please give us some time to consider the situation and present a solution that will be fair and in the best interests of everyone involved in the competition.


Thank you. I totally understand. Please take your time.

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As a victim of vehicular negligence myself I feel your pain. I didn't get any severe injuries in my crash but I still send out my best wishes to you. I always look both ways before crossing a street and maintain 2 car lengths now. But still you never know, accidents happen.

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So sorry to hear / read about your accident. Glad you are at least recovering. You could have been killed.

I hope over time you get even more function back. Take care and please keep us posted on your progress.

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Holy crap! I am sorry to hear about your accident :( I hope your recovery is quick...I hate people that talk on cell phones while driving! Blue tooth people!!

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Where did this happen striker

Sure looks like a Jersey trooper there.... Rt. 78 ? or mebe 287 ??


Good to hear you are doing well though Striker, best of luck to you.

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My Dad used the two finger typing method all his life & he had to type out his Sun. AM & PM sermons, Sunday School lesson & Wed. night Sermon each week as well as his 15 min. radio messages for his 7 days a week radio programs. You can get fast with 2 fingers. You are in my prayers.

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I have this police pic of the crash site. This is after the paramedics came, but you can see my car to the right, and the moron's car to the left. There are a few other cars swerved off to the trees that you can't see.





So, I'm a little confused here...


Can you please explain the following items:


1. You say this is a police pic of the scene

2. You say this happened on Oct. 13 2008


However, the image you've shown has the following information listed in the exif file:


Orientation of image: 1

File change date and time: 2007:12:15 15:21:51

Image description: 20071215AM 3/x Multiple car MVA with overturn on the Garden State Parkway Northbound express lanes at about MM 120 at 2:35pm. SAYREVILLE, NJ 12/15/07 3:41:15 PM ANDREW MILLS/THE STAR-LEDGER


Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

Person who created the image: ANDREW MILLS


According to this information, the image was taken Dec 15 2007 by Andrew Mills of the Star Ledger.


A quick search turns up an Andrew Mills who takes photos for the Star Ledger in Newark NJ. It also gave me the following article:


Publication: Star-Ledger, The (Newark, NJ)

Publish Date: December 16, 2007

Word Count: 74

Document ID: 11DE5796A3FEB8C0


Stand-alone photo.



Photo Credit: ANDREW MILLS/THE STAR-LEDGER Two northbound express lanes of the Garden State Parkway were closed for more than an hour yesterday afternoon after a four-car collision near Exit 120 in Old Bridge, according to State police. No serious injuries were reported in the 2:30 p.m. accident, said Sgt. Jeanne Hengemuhle, a State Police spokeswoman, though one car flipped over. As a result, traffic was backed up for several miles.


That stand-alone photo is the same photo from your post.



So please explain how this photo you've posted is taken by a police officer of a wreck on Oct 13, 2008 of this year that caused serious injury, when I'm seeing reports that this was a wreck on Dec 15, 2007 that caused no serious injuries and was taken by a news photographer. Once you've finished that, I'd like you to explain exactly why we should continue to believe your story when you've fabricated the information about the picture that "proves" your story.


I'm sure we'll all be waiting eagerly for your response.

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